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Posts posted by Namzor

  1. I asked him again and he said that, it wasn't really a "romance" storyline per say, just slightly more intimate than the normal interactions, but he doesn't remember what initiated it. Almost all the SWTOR databases show the mission branch as well, that has her inviting you to the Kaas City Cantina. Not to mention it being brought up by some players here on the forum, wish someone had some more concrete info though.
  2. I am just starting the 3rd Chapter of my IA storyline with the mission "The Hidden Throne". From what my friend said who was playing a similar IA type, she is supposed to invite you for a drink at the end of the mission if you were in a romance with her before, but I haven't gotten that option and I am just at the ship before you talk to Watcher Six to complete it. I have romanced her twice before during Chapter 1, right after Dromund Kaas and right before the end of Chapter 1. I haven't started anything with Kaliyo or Temple with the highest rep being Kaliyo with about 1700. I am almost full LS except for 50, and human as well. Is there any particular dialogue order to have her invite you out or am I missing something? TIA
  3. You can have a FTB one night stand with Marshall Cavarat at the end of "Twenty to Life" on Belsavis as a male Smuggler. She kisses you then "throws you in a jailcell" for awhile leaving a message to get off planet afterwards.



    Also I think Alilia has some kind of better scene on Hoth, but I couldn't get to the dialogue option at the end of "Trick or Treat".

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