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Everything posted by Leirya

  1. Americans (and yes I am American) and hell even people who speak English as the 1st language feel they are entitled to anything and everything including that EVERYONE speak their language. It is nonsense most are even ignorant enough to go to another country and demand that English be spoken to them. Get over yourself people, if you don't like what language you are hearing and don't understand it, learn it or ignore it. It is a very simple solution, and does not require that BioWare "fix" the fact that people are speaking English on an "English" server. Who cares if they chose and English server to hear their quests in, maybe that is easier to understand for them but that does not mean they speak it well enough to talk in general or any other channel without people trolling them about their horrible English and still harassing them. They are allowed to speak whatever that hell language they choose, there is no law that says you MUST speak English or get banned.
  2. Hubby just pointed out you probably upgrade it through social points, I hope he is right!
  3. I was looking forward to having a nice dance ability since all the /dance abilities are laughable.
  4. Why why why did you change the Parlor Dance from the Beta?!?! Instead of looking like a seductive beautiful dance, The Twi'lek hunch over and hop from foot to foot...Really? This is a Parlor Dance and my special social ability??? It is saddening...
  5. I have found that 98% of all people who play MMOs like to complain and b*tch and moan about everything single thing...This is 7 days before the launch, you were promised UP TO 5 days of access, this is a privilege to get to play early. Had they let everyone in all at once they would have had people on here complaining, as happened in the beta, that they were having to wait in a queue or that the game was not loading right and lagging because too many people were trying to log in all at once. There is no pleasing these types of people! Whine :"People keep stealing my kills...QQ" Answer: "Well that is what happens when you let 1 million+ people all start at the same time!" I wish people who are raging and whining would put the server up they plan on being on, so that the rest of us can avoid those servers and not have to deal with that kind of BS...Oh well, wishful thinking!
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