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Everything posted by Ilium

  1. Ilium

    Guard Breaker

    Some interesting suggestions about countering guard, however, as mentioned previously: Using 2- 3 abilities to counter 1 ability for 1 or two seconds of time, and then the tank simply leaping back in (to enemy or friendly) and then guarding again just doesn't work out as a viable counter. The favor is still extremely heavy in Guard's favor. So dev's, how about it?
  2. Ilium

    Guard Breaker

    Currently guard is a "tactic" that has literally no counter to it. There is no counter play. Last I checked, that isn't very good design when it comes to checks and balances. But I am not hear to whine. I suggest adding a guard breaker passive to specialization specific abilities. What would a guard breaker do? Removes Guard from target and target cannot receive Guard for 5 seconds. Then give it an appropriate cool down. This simply is giving people a way to counter a tactic that has no counter.
  3. title says it all. is there any guilds out there that are dedicated pvp guilds?
  4. Good to know! I guess he stays shelved until i can find a group to roll with.
  5. Great, thanks guys. I have a 60 Merc arsenal, but was a bit discouraged when i get swarmed repeatedly. I feel like merc is s solid duelist, but in pugs it just doesn't seem to matter. I ve since started leveling my PT AP, and seems like it was the right choice.
  6. Title says it all, what's the meta like right now? Are ranged still getting crushed repeatedly by lots of gap closers and a billion lock ups? Tanky meta? Melee assassin meta? healer meta? Ranged DPS meta? Thoughts?
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