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Posts posted by MilkPudding

  1. Coz people will be able to deduce the server population from the ratio and gaming companies don't want that.


    I don't know why but gaming companies love to keep it more a less a as secret/speculation when it comes to server population.


    And ya, while a few people may want to choose the weaker faction; most people will go to the stronger side.

  2. Or allow me to bind it to a key/keys instead of forcing me to click.


    something like 'select the nearest object' + 'use'


    lol there is a option auto loot .. even a option loot all mobs at the same time area loot .. lol


    maybe check your option before complaining ona forum


    Edit: and also the range you can loot is pretty far you can loot liek 10 meters away you have to like walk 2 steps maybe if you stayed max range as ranged


    LOL?! People really have problems reading nowadays.

  3. If you are talking about gaining experience, grinding on mobs is definitely NOT a good way, even with rested exp. Space combat is a much better way to gain experience.


    But you should try to fulfill the bonus requirements in quests. You will be rewarded with plenty of exp.

  4. Is it straw wars trench run? If so I have on my iPad and it's so much fun.


    You can flame me all you want but I'm serious.

    The space combat right now is just there for the sake of being there and to shut people up, \whether it's fun or integrated with the whole TOR experience or not is completely irrelevant.

  5. Im not accusong anyone, but DAMN BW is getting flooded whit support issues from ppl who just got mornic issues cloging up the sink.





    2 things...


    1. This is not the first nor the biggest MMORPG so whatever BW/EA's facing now, someone before them had it worse.



    2. Fewer bugs = fewer tickets = less stress on CS.

  6. After todays patch, i got loading screen even in middle of elevator black screen, loading screen in loading screen and loading screen (like half of WZs loading screen, switch to universal loading screen and then back to rest of WZs loading screen) even in middle of fight inside WZ.


    Same here. I have loading screens on top of a loading screen. :( :(


    When I alt-tab out while loading a planet and then come back, I get the standard TOR loading screen FIRST THEN IT LOADS to planet loading screen. :eek: :eek: :eek: like really, wth.

  7. Honestly if I had to choose between a game that is a lot of fun but poor customer service or a game that is no fun at all but has good customer service I would pick the fun one.


    It's only fun when the amount of frustrations it creates doesn't overwhelm whatever fun it has.


    There's a tipping point no matter how great the game is; and the OP is talking about it.

  8. TOR is a theme-park MMO; what you are suggesting now is changing it to a sandbox game and you know this is not happening. I've yet to see any theme park MMO making a transition to sandbox because the overhaul is just too costly.


    Planets are able to become more lively, however, by making the environment more interactive, starting with weather. These changes are much easier and more likely to happen.

  9. LMAO... I KNEW this will come up sooner or later! :D


    Funny how the discussion of 'flying mounts' always show up in all the MMOs that I've played, no matter how lore breaking it seems, like LOTRO.


    (Hey buddy, we could already fly in the space. :D:D:)

  10. Upset? Seriously?


    To most if not all BW employees, the game is just part of their job. The PR will make it sound like the game is their newly-born baby but it's really nothing more than a job. As long as they are making a profit and the job pays, it's good.


    People should be more upset at the world today and the impending wars than BW being upset at the so-called 'negativity', especially when all the 'negativity' is still making them money.

  11. I have to disagree here. Root and snare do not keep other classes from using their abilities, it only impedes their movement. There is no reason it should act as a dps debuff for us, and interupt our core abilities like pulse detonator, scattering field, cover defense etc.


    Quoted for truth.


    It's even true in real life. If you are taking cover behind something, are you gonna tell me that you will stand up BECAUSE you are immobilized? :confused: wth.

  12. Specifically Charged Burst.


    Do you know how often charged does not fire immediately? 50% of the time. Even though the skill says entering cover now grants a 100% chance of it activating instantly.


    Do you know how many skills I have to try and time waiting for the animation to finish? Half of them. Do you know what happens in the middle of a crowd.


    Do you know how often I see speedshot with the guns out nothing happening then suddenly half of it gone and then a few blaster bolts?


    hell a single latency packet and you are left pounding keys.


    Oh and the stupid click-lock. Use keys and the mouse to fire specials. All of a sudden you are clicking and nothing is firing... Double click portrait and its fixed.



    Exact same issues. :(:mad:


    The reason that I'm still playing this class or even this game is because I really like gunslinger. So I'm taking everything really slow(only a few quests per day and before all the issues start to get on my nerves) and avoid pvp at all costs.


    Please BW, for the love of the galaxy god, fix them ASAP.

  13. Thx for the response. Looking at all the different crew skills i'm not really sure which way I should go. I really wanna make my own armor I just like the idea of gearing up my toon that way. On the other hand, I dont mind having credits to spend for gear on my toon. Guess Ill just have to see whats best.


    Just to let you know, your quest rewards and stuffs that you will find are gonna be wayyy better than the things you can make for sure, unless you have a huge funding to buy all your crafting materials from GTN or high level friends.


    If you craft for fun, then there won't be any problem.

  14. Tedium is the bane of joy. Even pleasure becomes neutralized of purpose when steeped in the banality of becoming tedious.


    They did a relatively poor job of making it a pleasant experience to go anywhere.




    They should start by minimizing the # of loading screens going from one planet to the other. They are really NOT IMMERSIVE no matter how fanboys argue.

  15. The healing really comes in handy when you are trying to keep your companion alive when you are fighting elites.


    I haven't come across anyone who regretted picking scoundrel as opposed to gunslinger. I still do love my gunslinger though. NONE of the classes in this game should have problems with PvE.


    And ya, the guys above me are right. You should pick the class based on your play style not the so-called "stronger" one coz there's ALWAYS a different class getting nerfed or buffed with every patch in MMO. Your current 'best class' may turn out to be the 'weakeast'.

  16. Let's not forget something. While you could simply fly to your guildie to help them quest, consider how long some of those flights were.....Even on Belsavis, I rarely remember any flights as long as Undercity to Booty Bay for instance. Part of the Orbital System design is based on immersion so to speak.


    And the immersion is delivered through a bunch of loading screens? I'm sorry if I came off rude but mindless time sink only hurts the sense of immersion

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