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Posts posted by MilkPudding

  1. Not sure about ops, but scoundrel is definitely THE least played class in this game even BEFORE they were nerfed. There were 4 scoundrels in my guild then 2 left the game and 2 re-rolled as trooper after the nerf.


    I seriously don't know why it got nerfed when it has every reason to be buffed compared to any other classes in game.


    Someone cares to share?

  2. the crafting skills. It sells mats that are used in crafting that are not found in mission skills or gathering.



    Not true.


    Some missions give you crafting mats sold at vendor and it's actually MUCH CHEAPER to get from missions than buying from vendor at higher level.


    You really should NOT be buying mats from vendor except when...

    1) you didn't pick the mission skill related to it

    2) getting low level mats

    3) you absolutely need the mats RIGHT NOW and can't wait for your companion to come back from the mission

  3. It's actually been brought up constantly but they are just fixing them very very slowly, probably because they have too many bugs to fix and this is the least played class in game.


    The cover has been a lot more responsive IMO but the skill animation delay is still there, especially for skills like Aimed Shot, when the skills only get animated long after the casting time.


    There's nothing much we could do now except to either come back to the class/game few months later or suck it up. :(

  4. Stop crafting/buying gifts for your companion if you don't have money, like many have mentioned before, it's a money sink.


    You should never level crafting at the expanse of learning new class skills; just like you should stop buying new expensive watches if you don't even have money for food.


    Get your priorities right.

  5. Cover bar helps you to clean up your quickslots. As there are many skills that can only be used in cover, especially if you are a gunslinger, there's no reason to put them in normal slots when you are not in cover.


    If you get confused then just disable it in preference.

  6. I'm annoyed that the devs didn't see this problem coming from a mile away, but apparently they still haven't figured it out, so here it is very simply: If you make one crew skill offer a significantly bigger perk than others, people will flock to it.


    There are two very simple ways to deal with this, either:


    A. Have no perks associated with crafting at all.

    B. Give everyone an equivalent perk from crafting.



    A also discourages players from engaging in this huge time sink and game companies will want to avoid it. I mean we all know that all sub MMOs are trying to get people to sub as long as possible. So B makes everyone happy.


    I really begin to doubt if the people who are proposing changes actually play the game even though they claim they do. It's not rocket science to see they are going down a dangerous path with all the nerfing. (first slicing, then biochem) And like what you've said, it can be avoided by either playing the game or learn from other games! And it seems they are doing neither.


    Get your act together BW; do an overhaul and stop with all the stupid nerf that only skews the game economy.

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