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Everything posted by Druzod

  1. Typing /stuck in the chat window should unstick you.
  2. So I noticed that Kira is carrying a green (type not blade color) lightsaber ... but it's fully moddable. Is this a bug (happy for me as I've been upgrading it as we go along) or is this intentional?
  3. To my knowledge in order to bind a medpac to something it has to be in a quick bar. The only ability I've seen that's not like this is enter cover.
  4. I don't think Consulars can wear anything but light armour. If you do get medium, it will be from your advanced class trainer (and probably only if you choose Shadow). Knights (as Guardians) and Troopers are the only heavy armour classes for the Republic.
  5. You did all the missions in the three areas and you're only level 14? Are you appropriately geared (not wearing your starter stuff from Tython)? Are you using your companion? Have you tried looking for someone to help you
  6. Not a hardware question per se, but has anyone had any experience ordering a system from AVA Direct? Recommended? If not, why? Thanks!
  7. I don't think BW is too worried about angering the 50-100 people that post on here regularly.
  8. Anyone else from my old Kentucky home out there?
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