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  1. I haven't touched Rift since SWTOR came out, but when I played they already had what this thread is asking for. They had cross server queuing already in place, and they they introduced a restriction where more then 2 people in a group were considered a pre-made. Pre-mades were only queued against each other. It was terrible. The 'pre-made' que times became horrible, and the pool of players were way bigger then what's available here in SWTOR's largest servers. Every organized pvp guild was forced to form 2 man groups, then count down in vent to queue. It snowballed from there, as more people made 2 man pre-mades, the queue times for pre-mades became worse, and more people started duo-queueing. There just aren't as many pre-mades as everyone convinces themselves exist. Plus, only a certain portion of them actually want the challenge pre-made vs. pre-made would offer. Try to rope them off in their own area, with hour long queue ties, and they're going to just start count down queueing, which is annoying, but surprisingly still effective. People who Solo queue won't see a difference, since you'll still be fighting pre-mades as much as before, but pre-mades wil now have to jump through ridiculous hoops in an attempt to still play together. People WANT to play together. The only way you'll counter it is to form your own group, or accept the challenge that solo queueing provides.
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