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Everything posted by Tayrne

  1. I've been going through the recruitment process lately, and I can't talk it up enough. The style Pax uses involving a constant communication through your recruitment thread is a wonderful way to get to know everyone. I was gone on a business for a week and unable to play, but I kept up on my recruitment thread via my phone and really felt connected to the community. I feel like this is a group you can really get to know and game with long term.
  2. I initially thought it was very small and expensive to upgrade as well,but after playing for quite a while I realized it's more than adequate. Mission items and commendations don't take up inventory space, crafting components remain usable from your cargo hold(which is ample), and even if you decide not to send your companion to sell grays, there is a medical vendor around every corner waiting to take your junk.
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