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Everything posted by Knightsire

  1. Past subscribers get 150 coins per month paid. 150 coins could equal $15 for all we know. That conversion rate would be $1 to 10 coins if this were the case, but I don't know either.
  2. Thank you for posting. I agree with everything above. I think if future updates will come faster, then we have much to look forward to. In my opinion, Bioware is giving away the best part of the game for free. Hopefully, this will cultivate new players for the game.
  3. Yes, the story was the best part of the game. End game is okay, but not as great as the storylines IMHO.
  4. That is assuming that the OP is F2P. If you are a subscriber and buy hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of in-game credits then you could be like a Hutt yourself if the Cartel Market became Pay to Win. What if there were many subscrption customers who participated? I've seen F2P games where the player base is very small, but it manages to stay open because a large number of them spend anywhere from $200-800 per month. It is a bit sad, while also a bit scary. I'm not condoning this type of behavior, but it will be argued that this is the way they play the game...even though it could potentially be destructive. (I know he said F2P in the original post, but just carryin over experiences from other F2P games.)
  5. Those 60's and 70's muscle cars don't get the same mileage as the new economy class foreign makes nowadays. People want different things. I understand your opinion, but SWTOR is the MMORPG that made me return to online gaming just because of the fact that I didn't have to grind like I did in DAOC, which is the last MMORPG I played before I finally said forget this insane grind. I never got into WOW. I started on MMORPGs since Ultima Online. Times have changed and for the better I think. SWTOR offers me a great storyline, tolerable grind (in my opinion) at least until end game, and this is the first time I've really gotten into PVP in an MMORPG since the RvR in DAOC. I don't mind a challenge, but grinding/work is not fun. Challenge to me means clever gameplay design that forces you to become a better gamer. I think SWTOR did this for me. The warzones have taught me how to play better since I started.
  6. I'd rather be able to outfit my companions with any outfits and have them be capable in comabt as well. I like freedom to choose.
  7. Stuff costs twice the commendations now? Why do they want to make people hate PVP so much?
  8. PVP kinda blows now after the patch. It's not as fun anymore. They make you grind a lot more to 30 tasks instead of 5 and good luck if you try to solo the quest on Ilum with a group of enemies waiting to gang up on you. Warzones are much slower now. I'm in level 50 bracket and hardly get invites anymore whereas I'd get into a warzone much more frequently before.
  9. You should be able to select to avoid a specific venue. I leave because I hate Huttball. The other two venues suit me just fine. Team mates don't really factor into my decision.
  10. There should be an easy mode for people who don't desire frsutration...tried several times. Each normal mobs fight with my marauder is life or death already and so I've had good practice, but this is insane. Spec'd carnage originally, but respec to Annihilation in the hopes it would give me an edge. Tried to kill this boss with Quinn and Vette. I don't use the other companions much...any of them good? Jeasa is a squishy little wafer who is KO'd much faster than Vette IMHO. I'm saving up PVP gear just to fight this guy, but I wonder if it will be enough. Anyone know if the raid gear might work better...with stim usage as well?
  11. I agree whole-heartedly. Developer really screwed over some Marauders here...wish there was an easy mode or something. I can't find out what happens at the end of my class questline until the level cap is raised and I can level 1-3 levels above this boss...if it indeed helps given the difficulty of this boss. Anyone know if PVP gear or better gear than 100+ rating would help much?
  12. Same here...possibly have something to do with some server crashes? Only affecting Southern California based customers? Thing is...I play on an east coast server though (Sanctum of the Exalted).
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