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Everything posted by Joel_Eisenlipz

  1. Yes, Crayon Eaters has one opening: any role, any class. Please reach out to their Team Leaders, Kaloua and/or Si'in, either through our website or in-game for more details.
  2. <Pandamonium> is always looking for new members! There are currently a few openings on existing raid teams and will likely be new teams sprouting up in the coming months. Apply today and learn how much fun you can have by being a Panda!
  3. I don't have any idea if it would be easier to change the Crew Skills menu, or the pop-up that comes with the completion of a mission. But, simply providing a second button on that pop-up would work too. So there would now be the original "Accept" and then also one that says something like "Accept and Repeat". I frequently will send the same companions out on the same missions, over and over again. Especially if it's a day that I'm "working from home" ... like today.
  4. All eleven of our 8-man teams are still actively running together. If you are looking for a long-term home, please consider applying.
  5. Since the question was specifically asking what gear should be rewarded, I'll stick to answering that question, rather than going on a philosophical rant like so many others already have. I would like to echo the suggestions for this gear to be parts rather than whole pieces. It could even be staged in a way that entices veteran players to happily jump in and participate. My guess is that the easiest way to accomplish this would be by having each encounter drop increasing amounts of credits, crystals (comms), and reputation items. Then the gear rewards themselves could be available from a reputation vendor that sells a variety of boxes. These boxes could then be purchased using the existing in-game currencies, but be restricted by various reputation levels and currencies. I think is where the real appeal could come from, for all types of players. For me as an example, I raid every week and would happily blow massive amounts of blue/purple crystals, to get my choice of unlettered mods and low-endurance enhancements. But I do think set bonus armors (and whole tokens for that matter) would be too much for anything beyond 216 -- unless of course Encounter #10 is something that would make full-time raiders pause.
  6. I hadn't noticed before that ICD's were effected by Alacrity, but after digging through your write-up on Alacrity (another quality contribution, I should add) I'm wondering if the impact of Alacrity is what causes the slower procs from SA relics. I may have missed it somewhere in the Class Notes, or maybe within the Assumptions portions, but I'm curious how you have handled the variable Alacrity boost from Polarity Shift (Mental Alacrity) -- or possibly an Alacrity Adrenal or raid-buff. If you are altering the time-averaged values, does that include being applied universally to ICD's for set bonus and relic procs that would occur within those windows? Lastly, I'm curious how much consideration you've given to the average human's ability to precisely clip Force Lightning so frequently. While I have seen people get fairly close -- it seems obvious this isn't the intended design for the Discipline. Thanks in advance for any cycles you can spare for a response. Also, just in case it hasn't already been said enough times: you're my hero.
  7. We currently have 3 DPS openings among our various 8-man teams: Chaos Theory > Tuesday and Wednesday 9pm - 12 midnight Crimson Nova > Thursday and Sunday 8pm - 11pm Panda Express > Tuesday and Saturday 11:30pm - 1:30am Open guild runs, PVP shenanigans, Planetary Conquests and much, much more!
  8. This coming weekend (November 28th - 30th), <Pandamonium> will be gathering to celebrate our own unique festivities. This pre-Expansion weekend event is open to all members (including Apprentices), and is guaranteed to spread holiday cheer to even the most-curmudgeonly among us. Activities are scheduled through the weekend beginning on Friday night. Highlights are sure to include another infamous story-mode operations drinking game (or two), several rounds of Corpse Darts, Interplanetary Hide-and-Seek, and much much more! Old stories will be swapped, while new ones are written--good times will be had by all. Oh! And did I mention there will be plenty of prizes too? Apply today so that you can join in the fun!
  9. Excited about 3.0? Ready to dive into new content? So are we. Tired of waiting in queues? Wiping with PUGs? So are we. Looking for people to enjoy the game with? So are we. Considering starting a new raid team or ranked group? So are we.
  10. We are in the process of forming our 10th, and possibly 11th teams. Plus, there are a few openings with existing teams. Please read our charter. If you like what you see, apply.
  11. Yes, we are still looking to create a 10th raid team. Please visit our website to check out our Charter and apply.
  12. <Pandamonium> has nine 8-man teams at different stages of progression. With so many teams, there are frequently spots open for recruiting, and always opportunities to sub. We also have multiple open guild events (both pve & pvp) each and every week. There truly is something here for everyone. Our website is extremely active, our members are friendly and helpful, and our leadership is focused. If you are looking for a new home, please consider us. Our calendar is packed with events, and you're invited!
  13. <Pandamonium> is still going strong on The Shadowlands. We have never considered ourselves world first (or wanted to be), but we do have 70+ different players running 9 different teams on a weekly basis. Half of those teams are working on NiM DF/DP, and others are still working their way through older content. It is true, Wildstar drew the attention of many of our own, but we as a guild knew that was coming, planned for it, and formed another chapter. Many of those 'lost' players straddle both games now, others are 100% Wildstar. They are forming a second 20-man team now. We are a community, and we play (both games) for fun--no friends were left behind.
  14. I am going to guess he meant using Might Armoring for the belt, bracers, off-hand, and 1 more--still allowing for the 4-piece set bonus. That's a fairly common approach.
  15. I think that's a great question for your team to answer. If all four of your DPS players are pumping out damage like they should be, that extra bit from a tank shouldn't be necessary. That being said, if you can increase your damage (and threat) without penalizing your healers, then why wouldn't you? I have been Jugg/Guardian tanking since before 2.0, and only recently started off-tanking in Rage spec. We reached a point with NiM Draxus where our DPS couldn't output more without derping assignments/mechanics. But since our healers can easily handle the extra work, I am really enjoying smashing all of the things.
  16. I just quickly looked through those 11 attempts. All but one of the times you went in for the challenge you got a single tick of elemental damage, followed by all energy--except for one attempt. That was also the only time you never picked-up the "Shared Burden" effect from the Doomed Captive. This makes me wonder if the challenge changes (damage type) when a second tank enters the challenge. If you were usually the first in, but not by much, then this would make sense I suppose. Would you have any way to confirm your co-tank's presence for each of these attempts (specifically during your 8th entry)?
  17. I think Vanguard/Powertech is easier to pick-up and run with, simply because there is less to learn. The extra toys the Guardian/Jugg bring to the table require knowledge of attack-type and damage-type to be truly effective. That being said, you should plan on learning these differences anyway.
  18. Our team hasn't made it this far, but for months my co-tank and I have been taking turns soloing the hard mode challenge (to make it a vacation for whomever is challenged, and help transition out of the challenges). In hard mode, it seems like the challenge is ~75k total F/T I/E AoE damage (pre-mitigation) before it ends. Has anyone been able to back-out their mitigation in order to ballpark what the total damage is for the nightmare challenge? Also, I have never run this in 16-man, but my understanding is that the number of people entering each challenge skews the objective required to pass.
  19. <Pandamonium> and <Pandamic> are always recruiting! Applications are commented on by all members, approval is followed by an Apprentice period. Mature, 21+ guild with weekly open events; many 8-man progression teams; extremely active website; we also have a guild chapter for Wildstar.
  20. Extremely situational, as the health gain was almost never worth the threat drop for a tank. Now, I use it religiously. It's probably 100 times more useful now--more health gain and no threat drop.
  21. All of the tanks can be used to clear the hardest content available. And all of the advanced classes that have tank specs also have DPS specs, but the gear and rotations between specs are very different. In my opinion, Vanguard/Powertech tanks have better natural mitigation, but limited defensive cooldowns; Guardians/Juggernauts have the best suite of cooldowns, but naturally favor avoidance (Defense) rather than mitigation; and Shadows/Assassins land somewhere in the middle, but have a fairly high skill cap compared to the others. I would strongly recommend that you level a DPS toon first (and without XP boosts), simply to learn the game systems. Then, roll a new character and level them as a tank from day one. This will take longer than just leveling one toon as DPS and respec at the end, but it lends itself much better to the learning process. Many find that the leveling experience and story-telling in this game warrant several alts. I certainly do, and every new toon improves my overall understanding and appreciation of the game. As far as a comparison of tanking, I will leave that to others. But, from my experience, the rules for aggro and fluff taunting are a little different in SWTOR, than most other MMO's.
  22. There are certainly fights where it makes a big difference. My Juggy carries extra pieces of gear all the time, and I swap about 550 points between Defense/Absorb depending on the encounter--and sometimes the strategy. If your group is casually farming older content, you can definitely do story- and hard-mode ops either way.
  23. For help purely with targeting, you could try using the key-binding (Alt + C). The default is to target whatever is neared to the middle of your field of vision.
  24. After a quick glance through TOR-Fasion.com, it looks like your friend won't enjoy this happiness until they have the Valor required--unless, of course they are okay with the Cartel Pack belly-shirt version of this. I can make a couple of the Battlemaster sets, but can't recall which ones. I'll check tonight and post again.
  25. It does, it's just not as much. You are forgetting the 30% threat increase for Smash (and Sweeping Slash) from Single Saber Mastery. Also, I would always rather apply the debuffs with Smash first, then use Crushing Blow after.
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