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  1. what game are you talking about? cant be wow or rift....
  2. single server lfg wouldnt work since there are to few people and getting fewer by each day, all the people i know have stopped subscription already...
  3. all the people i know that have dinged 50 have canceled their acounts, some are still levling but the game seem to loose people every day.....
  4. give automated cross server lfg that checks gear and instant travel to dungeon, that replace people that leave for dinner so that party dont disolve like now... thanks in advance:o
  5. I tried it when i leveled and it never worked... I would love a LFG tool in the same fasion as pvp tool, would not mention other games but they have a fully working system for casual players that want to do dungeons.
  6. the population on my server is steady declining, people quit after 50, so oposite of other mmos the game ends at max level, in others it begins....
  7. Without a real lfg tool you will lose many players after they are done levling, cause the game feel dead after you are done with quests....
  8. just level it as a single player game, its a waste of time looking for people...sadly
  9. If there is no quick and easy way to do dungeons you will lose the casual players, those that have limited time to spend in the game and dont want to idle spamming for the most of the playtime. Also the argument about lfg bringing out the worst in people is wrong, thinking you are better than others bring the worst out already, happens in groups already, some "elite"player whining in group cause some "ebay" player did not know the dungeon. No wonder, was probably his first dungeon in the game. A jerk is a jerk anyway you look at it.
  10. single server lfg would not work for people playing in the morning or people on low population servers, and if you are so afraid of people from other servers just dont use it, just use it when group is filled so people dont have to travel all over the world...
  11. why not? it works, its flexible, you and a friend can group and then you join lfg so party get filled and you get ported. when people leave you get refill, not like in swtor where group disolve due to the hassle of getting new people. and after you get ported back to where and what you was doing before dungeon
  12. After waiting for ages for a group i logged wow and instantly had a group for hc..
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