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Posts posted by ZanderSol

  1. Free ones.


    We want free things.


    We don't care what it is, make it free. Or craftable. Preferable from synthweave or armormech.


    Also, a lightsaber display case, por ejemplo: I have 5 different CM lightsaber hilts and 5 CM crystals. I want a stand where I can arrange them in an orderly fashion with each of them turned on with the color crystal inserted so they are turned on, with full lighting effects. Preferably vertical. At least 5 in a row. Wood looking, metal looking, freaking whatever. Can have a horizontal version for staves.

  2. I was about to post a thread on the same thing. I'll happily resub for 1 month to get the unlocks ( money's tight, what can you do these days?) so that I'm subbed for May 11th, but I don't think I'll be able to continue it for more than 1 month. So do we get the Nar Shadaa room with 3 unlocks and just have access at preferred times? Or do we even get the 3 unlocks at all?


    Help us Eric Musco, your our only...community manager?

  3. . Losing 42 out of 50 is like flipping heads 42 out of 50 times. that could never happen. It is statistically impossible.


    As a Stats teacher this makes me sad for reasons I cannot even fathom. Yes, this can occur. No, it is not statistically impossible.


    In the immortal words of that one teacher from Billy Madison:


    "What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  4. Hey All,

    Looking for a crafter to make Advanced Resolve Hilt 27. IGN any of the following:

    Zandere, Zandier- Republic

    Zandire- Imperial


    I have materials already (according to Torhead). And you may want to advertise for some big bux, as myself and about a dozen other's i've spoken with over the past week are looking and willing to provide mats and some moniez.

  5. The Lobelot 250 token pet, I've seen in General chat someone say they got it in a Smuggler crate on Nar Shadaa rather than having to spend tokens on it.


    Can anyone(Dev/Comm member/Anyone who actually got it out of there) confirm this? And/or are there outher pets in those crates?

  6. Mm founder title, a free month, a pet, free server transfers... think we had enough dont u


    Anyone subscribed at the right date got the pet for 1.2 and upcoming 1.3 pet can get them. No veteran status required. Counting server transfers is ridiculous for obvious reasons. Also I believe you needn't have been here since day 1 to get the founder title, that was a "by certain date" as well. The free month they were railed so hard for they ended up caving and giving to everyone. It was originally a Legacy level thing IIRC.


    Akin to what Lore posted, and what Galaxies did with them, Vet rewards would be preferred. Choose X item after Y amount of months to show how long you've been playing.

  7. This is great and all, but how about giving rewards for those of us who puchased the game day 1(or months before) and are still here rather than trying to get us to sell the game for you?


    SWG went down the tubes (I miss you Galaxies) but they at least had a bevy of rewards to choose from every 3 months of account time accrued.


    Been here 6-7ish months. Where's the Veteran Rewards?

  8. I bought the combat dummy after getting a Rakata level one of these as a drop today.


    I'm able to hit both my shadow proc, and the elemental proc at the same time, so I would wager they are on separate CD's and do not conflict.


    Though now I don't need to waste my Daily tokens.



  9. Hi guys, quick question for those who may be in the know.


    I play Infil spec, which has a chance to proc damage. The new campaign relics have a chance to proc damage every hit, but mention they do not stack with other damage dealing effects.


    So, is it essentially useless to get the damage proc campaign relic? Or does the Shadow Technique/Campaign Relic work separately?




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