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  1. I am an assassin tank, recently level 55 - was a founder, geared up a bounty hunter and shadow when 50 was max, took a break. I am a mature player - have a three year old, hit the game after he hits the sack. I focus on learning to play my role, and am always more than happy to take advice - I am a team player, not out for myself alone. Leveled up this new character from scratch and want to join a good group, socialize and do operations. I do not know the new flashpoints and operations, but I am a quick learner and will definitely be worth the investment. I am interested in a group that runs operations on a constant, regular basis - I am available pretty much all week nights to run except when travelling for work or some other strange circumstance. Looking for a group that runs ops regularly at 7:30 or 8:00pm pacific TZ. Currently geared in max mods I could grab pulling from artifact pieces on omicron and with max I could reasonably afford in terms of ear, implant, etc. Happy to work with the right group to get set. Please contact via thread or send me a whisper in game - name is Morthaine.
  2. That sounds like you have been hacked and are being used as part of the botnet causing the problem.
  3. I have noticed this several times. As an example, in the Taral V flashpoint, there is a bonus boss inside a room. From outside, I stealthed and attempted to enter the room - I immediately had a target slapped on my back and was detected. We all died. Thought it was a fluke, tried again, same effect. Tank walks in un-stealthed, no aggro - the rest of us walked in unstealthed and no aggro, then we attacked him and things went better.
  4. Unfortunate to hear so squishy - anybody with a different experience? It seems to be the least used tree, I'm guessing.
  5. I have been reading a lot about infiltration shadows - seems to be the most common - and a little bit about kinetic. I have somewhat played with both - spent a lot of time going up infiltration at first which was kinda fun, great at low levels to whack down enemies as quickly as possible, and our first companion was a perfect match. Now with Thalen on heals, I was thinking I'd like to change it up a bit. I tried out kinetic some, but I felt - well, weak. I could stand in a fight longer, but it seemed like fights just took a veeeery loooong tiiiime. I'm level 25 right now, and thinking about really giving the balance tree a go. I read the book linked at the top, but I've found a lot mentioned in it to be wrong in the other trees. (Throwing rocks all the time it turns out is not a good way to do most damage, for example). I am curious if any PvE balance oriented shadows would be willing to share their thoughts - what rotation, what skills to use, what to put skill points in first vs later.
  6. I am guessing what is actually taking six hours is hardware upgrades and new servers and the like to deal with the influx of people.
  7. The fix to gathering nodes appearing unharvestable is a definitely +, I ran into many of these over the last day or so on Taris - was very aggravating. Will be nice to nab them now.
  8. Until I found this post I couldn't figure out where they posted the patch notes. They should stick a link on the thread announcement for the downtime.
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