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    Milan, Italy
  1. Humans have a reaction time of a few tenths of seconds, can't react instantly to external triggers (and if you think differently you're just plain wrong). Those who are NOT "spamming" the button of an ability who's cooldown is about to finish are either: 1) Not using their class at their fullest potential, loosing precious time by looking for a cooldown to end, THEN pressing the button (and you loose your reaction time doing nothing) 2) They're not human, and therefore they should stop posting about how lame US poor mortals are playing by spamming our buttons with our human fingers... As for myself: when CD is about to expire i spam the button 2 to 3 times until the ability is triggered. If you pass from one ability to the next one.... here it comes the wall of red text spam. Please, Bioware, allow us to turn this off. It's either useless and annoying.
  2. Good news.... BW has closed a similar thread on the same subject asking to continue the discussion on this thread to consolidate the feedback. The good news is that... at least BW is listening! Not much more to say on the subject, as the problem (and its proposed solution) is pretty straightforward... maybe we need to whine more to raise the priority of this issue Out of the several minor bugs of this great game this is, in my opinion, the most annoying... so I politely keep my hopes up!
  3. I'm afraid there isn't a way to disable the error text message. It's very annoying, as the red text spam clutters considerably the center of the screen. (sometimes I barely see what my opponent is doing) I do hope that devs will add an option to disable the error text in a future patch.
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