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Everything posted by Mcshiny

  1. Wow, all replies were extremely helpful and extremely quick. Thank you all. This explained a lot of other things I've seen and read. I see what you mean about TOR being less sandboxy, In SWG once you hit lvl 25 you were pretty much on your own. Again I appreciate the responses, I will probably be back with more questions soon.
  2. So I have been cruising the pvp forums for a bit and I have a few questions. I was a big SWG fan and have been playing SWTOR for a few weeks. Here goes. 1. Is going to warzones and pvping before level 50 even worth it? Or just a stomp party on my face? 2. What is a "premade"? 3. What is "BM" gear? It's not as gross as it sounds right? 4. What is DPS/DPS specs? I see this metioned with Assasins a lot. My main (and favorite) class/character so far is an assasin. So this could be important to me. 5. I'm on a pvp server exclusively, When/where can pvp occur? 6. I've seen mention of scaled levels/equipment, how does that work? If these are total newb questions I apologize. But I am a newb and i'm not sorry for that.
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