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Everything posted by Ghalleonausa

  1. this really annoys me, i was out of town for the very short notice they gave to player and had let me sub lapse for a month, so i come back, resub, go into the game and my wife is talking about the companions in her mail box.....
  2. Who is this " Holiday" i don't know anyhting about them?
  3. Does anyone know if they have talked about allowing your actualy character being able to craft items, I can understand not being able to send yourself on gathering or trade missons, but would be nice to be able to do some crafting while waiting for my companion to come back.
  4. and lets not even get started on the worst of the worst Gearscore.
  5. /agree with this person, too many people using dps meters to criticise and tell players "you suck", wow was terrible with that, people just looking to have fun playing a game should not have to choose between being berated by strangers or quiting. Just my opinion.
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