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Everything posted by fodmod

  1. im looking but not finding anybody from Eclipse server or a refugee camp/link to reconnect with old friends. Does anybody have or know of a link? besides this thread? i played swg from jtl until i was the Last player on eclipse lol was a Ghost Town for the longest. Dunno if they killed it or not... but I too Loathed the CU, NGE... i continued Only because there was Nothing Else Better! but All Good things must come to an end, same with the SWG. I suppose when your That successful and taking in That much MONEY the God complex sets in and you become seemingly Invunerable to All that oppose you. but in Reality, Most of the time, it is Somebody or Some Thing Else that makes you that succesful. not just one person or one entity that makes it possible. George Lucas had the original Idea STAR WARS but it took an ARMY of People to make it Reality. Biggest Blockbuster in the History of Film. By the same token it took Millions of people to make it So popular/successful, not just a few! SOE Failed because they listend to a few Snotty Nosed Whinners instead of the Real Masses that Loved the game as it WAS. FIX it dont CHANGE IT. I sincerly hope the TOR folks took notes on SOE's demise and have Planned accordingly. I see some Great Features and graphics to the game, but it Lacks the Feeling i had in SWG. to quote another post, it feels like A game i play in, not a game i Live in. It truly felt like another Life, Spectacular and Compelling. from the day i started to the day i left, Totally Enthralled. I hope BioWare can capture some of those traits and Create another Compelling game like SWG. as of now it Feels to Much like WoW, follow this trail and ye shall find... rather, Make my Own trail and find what I Want. I know its Way early to know what this game is about in total but i Really hope for player cities and houses to be a part of the game to store and show off our collections/trophies of our Hard work and efforts. I think thats what made it Feel like Home in SWG. not to mention the Friendly people the resided on each server. Sadley i have logged over 30 hours of gameplay and Only ONE invite to Party/Group with other Players, the Minute i logged into SWG i had Countless offers to join groups and help me lvl up. I felt Wanted and Needed. TOR i felt like an Outcast and Worthless. I sincerly hope that changes... sorry so long winded , its been a long time gone from SWG. IT Will Be Missed....... PRE-NGE FTW! Good Luck Bio-Ware hope like Hell you can pull it off... it has the potential, lets see yas do it! Elder; Jedi, Combat Medic, Spy, masterd all profs. pre-cu, 3 live accnts Eclipse server
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