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  1. I think the problem is the perception that it is a bug. You're suggesting that Bioware neuter a class ability. What is stealth intended for if not to avoid detection and combat? This also brings up another thing that I personally really enjoy about TOR. You don't have to kill everything to meet the objectives. This game allows for things like tossing people over cliffs and stealthing to an objective. Why on earth would anyone actually request that all elements of the game be put on rails?
  2. Are you here to complain about not being able to solo it yourself? Why do you care if others can solo it? I mean really, play the game and have fun and quit worrying what others are doing.
  3. This is pretty certain. It's been confirmed in this thread and elsewhere online. The same armor looks different based on faction.
  4. People seem very vocal about the fact that biochem is OP, but I have yet to see any valid evidence to support this assertion. Public and common claim from the masses is hardly conclusive and there are those that are quick to dismiss the opinions of the users and rightfully so (conflict of interest), but on the flip side they are also in a more informed position than non-users. In short, I'm sorry to all involved, but comparing biochem to the usefulness of other crafting disciplines as a litmus test to determine if it is "overpowered" is neither valid nor rational. Why? Because common perception is a flawed measuring method. Anecdotal evidence is not a replacement for facts and people stating their opinions as fact is not helpful in the least. Hopefully Bioware will assess the facts of this situation rather than the forum nerf herders.
  5. Not picking on you Racheakt, but I think this is a large part of the problem. I think this is a false perception. People are always looking for some reason to explain why they aren't winning. Maybe this adds an edge, then again maybe it doesn't, but the perception is there. This game (like many others before it) would benefit from people gaining experience in their class and developing better tactics than grabbing the latest crafting trend.
  6. I think people are confusing the fact that biochem has usefulness beyond the other professions as being OP. This is a false assumption, yes in this case if you think biochem is OP then you are wrong and this is why. People are comparing it to other professions Artifice, Arms, Armor, Cyber, etc. that right now outlive their usefulness around 50 when the recipes top out at 49 and better gear and mods can be acquired through quests, pvp, etc. I mean... how can those professions compete when you can buy the same modifications or items with commendations? There is no market, no place really other than just the fun image factor of being a crafter. However biochem has an advantage of having something unique and useful that can't be purchased elsewhere. Folks... this is a template to follow. Something all crafting professions should aspire to. Not something OP to be torn down. Lament the fact that other crafts fall short of the mark and be constructive to help them get better. Nothing improves or is helped by being negative and lobbying to destroy something that is working as well as biochem is right now. And before the envious and churlish masses chime in... no I don't have a Biochem character. I'm artifice, but I've been through the slicing changes and I think comparing Biochem to slicing is stupid. Completely different scenarios. *steps off soapbox*
  7. Best post I've read in these forums in a long time. Good job helping common sense flourish in this place.
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