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Posts posted by SadisticPixie

  1. The Dark Side is just giving into emotions, whichever you choose. Period.


    Sith, follow no code, and do things purely for their own benefit, or amusement, morally "evil" or not.


    There is no black and white.


    This is self-contradicting in a way, because it implies adherance to the Jedi Code is what makes a Jedi 'Light Side.' In other words, purity is defined by a certain set of standards, establishing a black and white that you deny exists.

  2. Only reason I wrote it is to get a response for laws from real life transcending into virtual world


    The TOS and EULA are voluntary contracts that establish Star Wars: The Old Republic and everything that occurs within it - including but not limited to the interactions between player characters - private property of BioWare/EA. By playing the game and using the property, you're agreeing to abide by the rules they set forth and to allow whatever action they deem necessary (from banning accounts to performing maitenance) to be performed at their discretion.

  3. Trololol

    PS. not everyone has perfect english... or.. are you a racist / intolerant / fascist maybe?


    My intolerance stops at anyone with a clear disregard for any attempt at clear communication.


    What server? where you f2p?

    my whole guild is swearing* and trolling all time in chat.. and yet only 1 of us had a warning .. hes a f2p

    my other guildmate who is really hard swearing at others since...uhm like 1 month.. has no warning received yet.


    It was prior to the merge, no f2p existed then.

    What you do to eachother in your own guild chat likely goes unreported and doesn't fall under "disruptive" or "harrrassment" as indicated by the TOS. Similarly, if the person your guildmate swears at doesn't care enough to report it, it likely doesn't fall under "disruptive" or "harrassment." As I said, when the powers that be deem it appropriate, it'll happen.


    you live in the past.... 4chan is outdated since 2007..lol


    I'll tell them you said 'hi.'

  4. Well actually i have nooen seen banned for swearign at all.. because there is profanity and as someone said .. they dotn care to much because you can try it out yourself... call them via phone...and ask.. what thes say is thanks and bla bla but in teh end they say "just make sure you*ve your profaniyt filter enabled" ..soo...



    PS. You are not the person who decides things here...dont act like one then.


    I'm officially requesting a grammar filter after reading that.


    I've been temp banned for swearing. I know others who have been, too. I don't need to call CS because my experience tells me what you say is incorrect.


    P.S. The TOS is a legally binding agreement. If you swear, you can be banned if the powers that be choose to. This is not up for debate. My claim regarding trolls comes from experience in their nest, 4chan.

  5. To be fair, most people who are complaining about ninjas and losing loot rolls are only thinking of themselves. Since the complaint thread stems from THEM losing a roll on something. The issue isn't fueled by altruism. It's fueled by people thinking of themselves and what they lost a roll on.


    Or it could be that most people complaining about loot ninjas are concerned with stopping the problem entirely for the good of the community as a whole. Otherwise it'd just be sob stories on items lost as opposed to naming names and suggesting wide-spread solutions.

  6. Well you seriously need to get a life...

    I dont get the point in this at all... a majority of peopel likes to swear and troll in chats.... why ruin their fun?

    its only a very small amount of no-lifers or frustrated peopel who need to report every "foul" word .... those people are hated by the majority.... there is a profanity filter.. if you dont like what u see.. turn it on... if you dont like to see anything else.. you can still turn chat off or ignore the people you dont like.. but then... you'll notice that your ignroe list will grow faster than you have thought....


    i myself never put people on ingore... i mean.. it entertains me, why would i ignore fools ??? it way to much fun seeing all peopel arguing in general chat....my wife and me somtines just sit back and watch general chat and laugh for hours...


    and if there is silence in all chat we throw somethign in to make them discuss ..like: "LOL.. why do peopel still play WoW" .. and then the show begins... we did this in many games ...and its most amusing.


    and if nothing else works i make a fool out of myself just to make them discuss it XD


    A remotely good troll never uses swearing as a go to.


    Everything else you've said has already been refuted earlier in the thread. What you're comfortable with isn't the guideline. What is the guideline is EA's policy on it. The TOS lets them ban you for swearing if they deem it appropriate. End of story.

  7. With the number of people dissatisfied with the amount of "PVE heroes" in General chat, you'd think there'd be enough of them to create their own warzone party and avoid AFK-induced aggravation altogether.


    Queueing for anything is a risk and winding up with folks who aren't putting the same effort into the game as you are is a very possible consequence. Your options are to accept it and move on, take steps to prevent said outcome, or ditch the group. Attempting to spur them into action with profanity isn't among them.

  8. No what you want is to limit others rewards vs time spent in game due to what you feel is the correct manner to obtain gear.


    On the other hand what I want does not limit you or anyone else from getting gear from whatever source you enjoy. Seems to be a big diffrence if you ask me.


    And I am not trying to persuade you. Im makeing a counter arguement to your posts which by the way you said I must be ignorant of the crafting sysytem which started this whole series of posts. Dont poke and you will not get poked back. GET IT YET?


    Last post on this subject with you. Have a nice night or day depending on your local.


    The validity of your points and the contents of them are not one and the same, though they are closely related.


    You still have failed to present a reason why a solo player needs raid gear for solo content when solo gear works just fine.


    I said you must be ignorant of the Reverse Engineering aspect or haven't RE'd past T1 schematics. Which makes sense if someone compares crafting to raiding and insists it's not doing the same thing over and over again for better gear.


    Declaring an argument over without coming to a consensus isn't winning. It's settling for a truce. Or admitting defeat. I really can't tell with how poorly this exchange went.

  9. I could always outfit myself better through armormech than through quest rewards when I leveled my first character. so, Armormech is useful for leveling.


    The "solo player" is misleading - you can be a complete solo player and still have all the skills to cover all crafting needs, it's called having multiple characters.


    solo player, not solo character.


    A solo player will typically skip any group content in favor of relying on themselves. Having multiple characters still limits what is available through crafting to solo content if you are a solo player.

  10. And BW may very well change the system thats in place. Not unlike the title of this thread states. So who knows what will come if we can avoid the pitfalls of other failed games that reward only 1 or 2 paths for gear. So no I will not just deal with it. I will keep makeing the argument for a better system of play. Should be clear enough now for ya.


    a better system of play


    a better system of play



    Just in case you're confused, this bolded bit is an opinion. They can't be wrong or right, and some may share it while others do not. Some of us are of the opinion that the current gear crafting progression style is fine and only needs tweaking to bring the skill up to the usefulness of other crew skills at endgame *cough*biochem. Argue all you want but your points are just as valid as anyone else's and at the same time just as invalid. Some people will be persuaded to your side, others will not be.


    Should be clear enough now for ya.

  11. Ahh so it matters if a person is a solo player now? How many more limitations are you going to place on others time spent vs reward in game based on what you feel is important. See thats your issue I dont care about how others get the gear they have be it raid or crafting or pvp but you most certainly do if anyone is showing they have some entitlement issue its you. By the way a co-dependant system like I suggest brings all players together raiders/craftrers/pvp and improves the in game economy and rewards the playstyle that fits the player and what they enjoy doing not what you think they should be doing. GET IT YET?


    These are the limitations placed in the game by DEFAULT.


    Do a solo quest, get green gear, some xp and some credits.


    You spend time getting a party together for a heroic quest, you get blue gear, better xp and credits.


    Complete Flashpoints and the quality of the reward is increased.


    If you haven't figured out by the time you want raid gear that you have to participate in group content to get the better stuff, you have failed to read between the lines for forty-ish levels. DEAL WITH IT.

  12. No I inderstand very well and am doing what most crafters that are trying for the patterns are doing hording mats for when they adjust the rates. Main point is I do not want to do raids all day to get gear. Is that point sinking in with you yet or are you just that dense? Will I raid? sure just like I will pvp a little but because I spend more time crafting, because thats the area of the game I enjoy the most I am limited in my gear progression because I dont do the same things as other players do all day long. Some how in your warped distorted WOW induced brain you think its ok to force your style of play on others.


    Has THIS sunk in for you yet?


    Crafting is achieved through SOLO means only. You are not required nor do you ever have to even think about partying with anyone to craft gear. The gear that can be crafted is comparable to top gear acquired through Daily missions. As a matter of fact, you can craft gear better than what a soloist can acquire on their own.


    A purely solo player cannot fully fill an orange gear with 126 rating mods and enhancements without partying for heroics or GTN (outside help). Armor crafters can make full FP hardmode sets without ever setting foot in one or an endgame FP. Weapon and mod crafters are the only ones getting the short end of that stick.


    Through SOLO means you obtain the best gear for SOLO content. Somehow you've got this warped sense of entitlement that says you should be able to bypass group content and be able to get the best gear in the game. With that mindset it makes more sense to hand out full top-level raid and PvP sets to everyone when they ding 50.

  13. Yep because in your world everyone loves doing the same thing over and over and over again just to gear up. Who could argue with that logic I mean really.


    This poster is either ignorant of the RE chance issues or has never actually crafted beyond T1 REing.


    Crafters already do the same thing over and over and over again just to gear up.

  14. I'm of the opinion that current crafting is fine - save for the RNG on reverse engineering - for solo content. What a player has access to currently will gear them up for hardmode FPs without ever setting foot in endgame flash points.


    Considering everything is presented as a mission I think the weeklies and dailies should provide another optional reward. Tokens to be exchanged for ingredients and schematics for gear that is on par with gear that can currently be exchanged for but with notably different styles. Raid crafting tokens for raid schematics and raid ingredients, PvP crafting tokens for PvP schematics and ingredients.


    To prevent these alternative styles from being exclusive to crafters and to give crafters incentive to make more than one for themselves, a separate GTN tab perhaps? Reserved for those with exemplary service to provide and exchange raid gear and materials? This would allow a reason for even the most decked out of players to continue raiding or PvPing as those fresh to the grind would provide a market for such items.

  15. Force Push in and of itself doesn't have a threat modifier that I know of but does give a lot of opportunity to establish one's self as the highest mark on the threat meter.


    Through key binds, if I lose threat I am able to target the enemy, target it's target, guardian leap to that player, pick up my last target, force push, saber throw and force leap to it.

  16. except Carolina Parakeet is actually a good build... in your builds you skimp out on blade barrier and stasis mastery, some of the best talents in the defense tree.


    ... sigh


    Skimped out on these in my build because Blade Barrier doesn't seem to scale well with the amount of damage I'm seeing in PvP and PvE. Also, I traded Stasis Mastery (killing the channel when I already made it pushback immune) for Hilt Strike and a pushback immune Stasis (an extra stun to go with the Stasis).

  17. Shield has a higher rating cap (50% as opposed to 30%) and helps with armor's damage reduction. Absorption caps at 30%.


    Half time damage reduction of 70+% versus damage negation 30% of the time.


    Defense also only works on attacks that aren't guaranteed to hit as it's part of the hit/miss roll. Shield chance is rolled after the attack is considered a hit.


    What's more important is your call in the end.


    Side note: Crits can't miss or be shielded against so only your flat damage reduction helps against that. If someone/thing enrages, stuns or warding call is your friend moreso than saber ward.

  18. Interesting build... key here I think is to spam sweep. Is it better off by dropping singularity and unwavering focus, replace that 3 points with maxing swelling winds (vigilance)?

    You'll get steady 30% increased damage and 3 seconds lowered sweep cool down.


    I debated for about half an hour which would be more beneficial between Singularity and Swelling Winds. Granted Force Stasis is on a 50sec cool down, I'm picturing a scenario where I Stasis, Leap or Zealous Leap and Sweep for base damage + 15% (Pacification) + 75% (Singularity) + 50ish% (sure crit from Felling Blow). Certainly I won't be able to benefit from it as often as from Swelling Winds, but as I understand it PvP as melee is about burst damage, not consistency.



    Defense/focus hybrids AND vigilance/focus hybrids simply do not work.


    Why? Lack of force exhaustion. Force exhaustion is what makes focus tree any good. Also there is barely any synergy at all between the focus trees and the other trees besides the first tier defense talents (victory ruch and momentum).


    The only hybrid spec that works really is two variants of defense/vigilance hybrid... one variant being defense heavy and the other being vigilance heavy.


    I was trying to destroy proximity problems, not very concerned with synergy.

  19. Was trying to PvP as Defense spec and most of my problems stemmed from staying in range to do damage. Tanking I had pretty well managed, but I don't have a dedicated healer running around with me so I wanted something that would be 1v1 friendly, still have viability in a group setting and wouldn't totally gimp me as a PvE tank.




    The idea is to be able to alternate between leaps to always keep the desired target in range, using an uninterrupted Master Strike when the target is immobilized and amplified Force Sweeps where available. The rest is pretty self-explanatory.


    Comments? I don't have much PvP experience so I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.

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