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Posts posted by Muirdan

  1. Wait a minute... We say the same thing but you express it without the sarcasm.


    But you say that they designed to be played like what? A game that one should play slowly? Really, show me where is this mentioned. Really show me where the company even implies that this is "that kind of game". A paying single player that "if you pay us enough we might add some end game content" type? Come on... It is too expensive to be that game.


    Here's from the OP: "I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


    The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


    I am not re rolling a new character."


    Then he talks about bugs taking away from general enjoyment of the game.


    Like I said in my previous post, the focus of his complaint is lack of SINGLE player activities...in an MMO. He wants to raid and recognizes they exist. It's not that he's done them all, he's just outpaced everyone he would do them with.


    If anyone has ever played an MMO at launch, they know that while rushing can serve its purpose and even be fun, it's lonely at the top in new MMOs for about the first month as the majority of players don't cruise through the game.


    I'm guessing he didn't actually rush but did the same thing I did: took advantage of early access. I hit 50 about 3-4 days after actual launch. I put in a lot of hours in early access, but I didn't feel like I rushed through the game; I just had a 7 day headstart. I've spent the time since finishing up my class quest, doing dailies, pvping, and yes, rolling an alt. For me at least, the story was the selling point of the game (and the main focus of all the advertising efforts).


    As for complaining about similar quests, there's always the other faction to try where overlap is almost non-existent. I don't think people should be forced to alt, but at the same time I think it's stupid to complain about lack of things to do when you, and not the game, limit one of its biggest features (story).


    edit: grammar n' such

  2. I just want to chime in on the endgame thing. He's complaining about the lack of SINGLE player content endgame in an MMO. He out-leveled the people he was going to do endgame stuff with and now cannot wait for them to catch up.


    So dailies aren't your thing. They're not mine either. That's why I've been solo-queuing for warzones waiting on my friends to level. When they're max, I'll hit up flashpionts, warzones, maybe even some operations once they're up to speed.


    What the OP is really complaining about is that he has nothing to do because, not that there's nothing to be done, but because he has no one to do it with. SWTOR has some great single player features in it, but at the end of the day it's an MMO, and MMOs don't revolve around one person, but groups and communities.


    Also, choosing not to roll an alt is really just cheating yourself. The stories, at least in my opinion, are definitely worth experiencing even if you never plan to touch the alt once you finish its story.

  3. Does anyone have, or does anyone _know_ of someone that has gotten _any_ Planet Achievement as of yet? .. From what I can tell, you can't get Jedi Weapon from Tython even though Jedi are supposed to get it for making their sabers.. And now the Sullustan missing from Coruscant (if that's the one that's really missing)..


    I doubt anyone can actually get any planet achievements yet. At least not starter worlds or Coruscant (for Republic).


    consulars get jedi weapon, not knights. The opposite is the same for satele shan.

  4. Any idea when the rest of us would receive this? Or where?


    (Also looking for the Wingmaw & Terentatek codices if anyone might know where to find those)


    I've read Tarentatek is found on Taris in the area that was the old jedi conclave but I've had no luck there. Wingmaw is found on Balmorra, I don't remember what type gives it to you though.

  5. Can we gain access to Balmorra? Thats wehre the other Wingmaws are found...


    Wingmaw is in fact found on Balmorra. As to where there, I must say I don't recall but I killed one of every type I encoutnered ( I tend to do this when trying to get codex entries).


    I am a Consular and I am only missing 2 entries and from reading it would seem I am missing Satele Shan and Tarentatek.


    For Tarentatek I did the ruins quest on Taris at level but found nothing but rakghouls.

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