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Everything posted by MotherAnimal

  1. MotherAnimal


    I'm perfectly calm. I'm part of the "2%". However, they're introducing plenty of new things and for a lot of people new gear. Not a lot of people have dark reaver and not a lot of people feel like they have the means to compete in ranked. So my point is, that they're pushing to get us more ranked pops and introduce people into the scene yet, they're not giving these people a chance to build confidence. You know how toxic the pvp community gets when "noobs" rain down their elo parade
  2. MotherAnimal


    So you're trying to expand the pvp community, making gear cheaper, and changing how rewards work, but you're not going to give the new players and rerollers any time to learn ranked or get accustomed to their new class or role? You're playing a very dangerous game bioware. You're always taking one step forward and two backward and despite the hype with the new expansion you're really risking burning your loyal subscription base beyond return
  3. Group has been really fun and positive the last couple of days. Great games everyone and hope to see you guys sometime later in the week. It's raid night for me and the other people I run with but hopefully we can do something Friday as we're having the night off from raiding for once.
  4. Well, colour me impressed Jung ma. We got some ranked going tonight and it's been a lot of fun. So far it looked like 5 teams queued. Hopefully this keeps up and we can keep the pvp going. I'm going to stick around here for a while and see what happens, but tonight gave me hope.
  5. I'm going to legacy gear the rest of my pve gear tonight and make sure my other scoundrel has everything she needs for raiding. I'm a bit sketchy about a sudden move because I'm honestly concerned with friends and community first. I don't want to transfer over and find out no one's playing over there or some other server's already caught their eye and they leave in a week.
  6. I already roll people in regs on JM so it's not a big change. I'm hoping to get the old JM peeps together for a pub side presence then.
  7. I'm not in Vicious or Shots Fired but we're (the pvp community) not coming over for Regs. We're coming for ranked. (Mostly) If everyone was looking for reg pops, they're right here in Jung ma. I think the problem is that we're lacking the frequency in ranked pops that the pvp community wants. Regardless, my main is Pub and I'm not interested in playing Operative. The animations are too bleh despite being cool looking. I feel like my abilities don't have pop and my open feels like jello.
  8. Please excuse my hostile tone earlier. This is just a huge headache for me.
  9. We're hung up on the guild ship. We're talking about it but you know, it's up to Gigg I think.
  10. I'm just feeling salty that I have to make a choice between raiding and ranked a lot earlier than I was expecting. I mean, I'm hoping that people from JM hop over to pub side on TEH and get ranked going. I don't want to get the D for leaving or sticking around.
  11. You're not very familiar with what's going on are you? Look at the Jung Ma leaderboards. Almost every advanced class had a rep from Jung ma in the Top 10 for solos. Several of us were having really great seasons. Sure, it wasn't shadowlands,but it wasn't completely dead. It certainly wasn't what it was Season 1 and 2. The problem and why people left is that it's just a whole lot of work to get it going, when it shouldn't have to be that way. We shouldn't have to work for hours and hours to get people on and queued. But no, Jung ma ranked wasn't dead. It was just a headache.
  12. I already feel like a big fish in a very very small pond. I don't want to be the best of the bottom of the barrel. I'd really like to be competitive and improve my game and play against people who are better than me. I mean, it was such a pain to get ranked popping as it was. Now 90% of the people I know who queued are gone. Also, not saying anything about or against Penumbral, but we've never really seen many teams in the granked queue. I've popped on imp side and asked if any teams were looking to queue or tried to get imps to queue solos and it was very difficult to get it going. It seems that, at least for the time being, the Ranked scene died on Jung ma today. Which is a shame. There were a lot of us that were repping the server pretty hard on the leaderboards.
  13. Well, I'm discouraged. The very few people that did solo ranked on jung ma as it was have left. I'm looking at a very grim future for the rest of the season if I stay on my main. I'm not too far off from atop 96 title this season so I see absolutely no reason to even stay now. I need more games and I barely getting them as it was. I'll be surprised if I get another pop all season.
  14. If anyone knows the Busy on Ebon Hawk please tell them I will buy the name. ; ; I'm really attached to it.
  15. busy - scoundrel - warzone - biggest hit 13,186
  16. http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/ or whatever subforum they have for that kind of thing would reach a lot of people as well.
  17. it's the one sort of sponsored by RoH. I believe it's colt from RoH that paid for it.
  18. This^ We should definitely wait and make sure no one does anything out of haste. It's something to consider and chew on for a bit. Perhaps we see an influx of people and we don't have to do anything. However if the time comes, I do think a community discussion should be had so that we try to keep some sort of a community together if it's possible.
  19. I /really/ understand this. I really do. I rolled here Day 1. This was the server my guild chose before the game came out. But honestly, when things like this happen in MMOs, no one ever picks to come to the small dead server. It always turns out that people leave. It's rare that anyone would want to take on a fixer upper, especially when they're paying $15 a month to play a game that they want to experience content on. And let's be honest, there's a real lack on content when you're on Jung ma. A huge reason I am subbed to this game is for ranked. I've had to sit around on fleet or my SH for hours just to get in a few games. Sure sometimes it gets popping and it's really great and I love Jung ma for it's dedicated community. But I think it's time. It's blatantly obvious that this is what the company wants us to do. It's much easier on their PR and logistically to just have a sale. It looks bad to do mergers and close down and they want us to stop complaining. Sure it's the easy way out but this is a signal to us that they don't care about changing us or Pot5 and we need to go elsewhere. I understand that people have their guilds with ships and stuff, I'm in one of those, however, if we stay, we're going to likely be playing even less people as the transfers happen. I love this community and I love this server and I'd honestly like to see us all go together. Please, as a community, consider this. I think we should all go together and we can keep our community and start over.
  20. busy - scoundrel - DPS Arenas - 2082.9 also Y'unes -Operative - DPS Arenas 2286 also this thread should be called "yung ma PvP Rektords Thread"
  21. He doesn't like ranked so he hasn't really gotten proficient at it. And at this point we're all kind of regstars. I do ranked when it pops but there's not a whole lot of it going on so queuing for regs with friends is the most fun I can get out of the game at this point. I just don't get the "mosh is best dps operative/scoundrel ever". Again he's good but I'm curious as to why people flock to him as the best while sort of slighting other well known players of the class
  22. I'm bad. You don't want lessons from me. Would it be catty of me to say that I think mosh isn't that great and is pretty overrated? I'm not saying he's bad, I just don't get the hype. I mean people **** on Snave but praise Mosh? I dunno. I don't get it
  23. Operative lessons 25 mil! lol I'm glad someone else knows how ridiculous that guy is.
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