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Posts posted by Ravenpsix

  1. Do not want people to do sh*t in huttball?


    Easy. Do not calculate anything. Just score. When the match is done, winners get like 10-15 medals, loosers like 5-7 as a thank you for playing. Rage quiters don't get anithing, every1 else get even of what their team scored. Why it should work?


    1) No motivation to do sh*t. No additional medals for killing, healing, dps, pass, defend... well anything!!!!!

    2) You are even more motivated to win, becouse you want more medals.

    3) Which brings us to people trying to do usfull things. If you want to win, get better at the game. If you just do sh*t, you team is more likely to lose, you get less medals.


    Like I said. Easy. :cool:

  2. Seen a very good idea here. Add cartel market items to ingame drop. Preferably, the ones that can not be bought anymore!!!! There is no other way to obtain them, but to buy from other players (meaning, low probability and very high prices)


    It would be good to have it as ultra rare drop. Even if it is bound to a single mob type. Just bring it back!

  3. It's not really a bug, but clearly something that is not ment to happen.


    I was questing on Taris (IMP side), if i recall correctly it was planetary quest line, around second outpost. The quest said me to go and do something around Promised Land Cave, how i call it (don't really remember clearly, was about a month ago). The point is, while i was at outpost i mistecanly clicked on different NPC (who appears to be the part of the quest i was on, but still not active one) and HIS QUEST DIALOG triggers, skipping part of my questline. It's not really troublesome, but something to look into.

  4. Don't know if anyone else have this problem, but after 2.7 was installed, sometimes when quest dialog starts (you click on NPC, at any possible quest progress stage), screen goes black, and grphics start to rebuild slowly (while dialog sound is still present in my headphones, than it pauses and waits for the game response). After screen is rebuild from nothig everything goes as normal.
  5. That would be amazing! I enjoy the commander aspect seen in other games and would be pretty cool to command groups/striketeams in Warzones. How would the commander be incentivized to be a "good commander"? How would players be incentivized to follow the commander's orders? Would you queue to be a commander or would it be random/top Valor once you got into the Warzone? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? :mon_confused:


    How about players vote on start? If commander is bad, you yourself are at fault, because majority choose him. You can even make 1 vote = character LVL or Valor, or even Legacy LVL

  6. To what people was saying about reskin: sometime rescin is al that matters, GSF is example to that. They just changed backgroung from static stars to actual shooting scene and BAM - so much more fun to play.


    Now to actual suggestions:


    1. MYSTERIOUS DEVICE. Emperial reclamation service had found an ancient device, wich apparently have the power to disentegrate all life forms of chosen parametrs in the entire star system. Given time, Imperium could lern how to duplicate this device (ATC ~ 25000 years :rolleyes:) so Republic desides to lunch desperate attack in order to push back the Imps from the system.


    Gameplay: Two team (IMP and REP) tryes to activate the ancient device to oblitarate enemy forces. To activate the devise, you need to use 2 consoles (it can be one at a time, but both of them must be on for the DEVICE to activate). The other team can reset the programmed console, and only after that reprogram it themselfs. The DEVICE itself takes time to actiavate so the other team have time to turn the tables.


    Outcome: Device is activated and destroyed (REP SIDE) or secured for research (IMP SIDE)


    2. NOT an actual adia, but some random thoughts.

    2.1. Devide huttball to 4 teams (4 players each, near the same playfield size) . The aim is to carry ball to YOUR side to score.

    2.2. I call it tag of war. To generators, each side have 1 accses zone. Power your generator to blow up enemy generator. The conductor between generators needs 50 units of power to fill. Generator itself can hold 1000 units of power, then it blows. The conductor is conducts electricity both ways, and is filled with difference betvine both generators in power units (Example IMP have 200, REP have 210 => conductor holds 10 units) . When conductor is filled more than 50 units the losing team's generator blows (example REP 200 IMP 251 => Rep generator is blown) The aim is to blow others team generator before blowing your own.

  7. Not realy see a problem here. If you can use the peace, and you know you will use it yourself, roll Need. Game rolles dice and decide who gonna have it. It decided OP will have it. So if others are not agreed with this, and trying to kick you becouse of it (obviously having a problem with GAME and not you personally), they are just bullies :confused:. What is game if not the final arbiter in this dispute?


    Just becouse three from the group decided that you are wrong, when you yourself don't belive what you do is wrong, and you have a solid proof you are actually NEED this peace (that's what the button 'need' is for after all, right?), then you are at least NOT WRONG. At the same time they are not entirely wrong eather. What they were wrong about is KICKING YOU! That is what was really unethical in that situation.


    It is called minority discrimination in real world and is considered a crime ;)

  8. Cost of the Guild Flagship? Hmm, let's see. How about we collect a huge credit summ (around 1000000000000 :cool:), then you go through a seria of quests about how you order it on Kuyat Shipyard and how evil imps/reps try to prevent you from doing so... and then you have to wait building time (from 1 week to 1 month, considering ship size) to finally use it.


    Just kidding.


    P.S. Hope there will be Guild ship wars.... :D

  9. Before I write anithing, I must correct lots and lots of people on this forum, BW cares aboit what we suggest. They can not reply to everybody and it may take time (more that a year in my experience) for you to see the fruits of your suggestion.


    Now about the actual thing. We now that we have GSF and normal WZ, it's time to make a step further. I suggest combine those two (Battlefield 2 anyone?). Now, I know it may be impossible to do in single zone, so how about make two synchronized zones. Players try to achieve different, but similar objectives, like (if we are talking about capital ship assault) blowing up reactor, or try to dissable shields. For example ground team (say WZ like Voidstar) disable shields via computer console, and now, that target ships shields are disabled, starfighter team can damage other systems (like command bridge) without shields resistance, breaking them faster.


    Just a thought to play with.

  10. For starters some general stuff:


    1. First and most inportant IMHO. Reprogram quick bars. It may seem obvious enough, but I didn't used that in first month i played. Notice, however, everyone uses their own keys layout, search for what is more comfortable for yourself. You can use gamepads, special devices, mouses... I personally use normal keyboard :D

    2. Keep you stuns close. Make note, that knowing your stuns, how they work, their stats and duration may very well meen your survival in a fight.

    3. Keep your insta heals even closer. Be it medpacks or abilities, make shure you can acsess them instantly.

    4. Listen to what others tell you in chat. Well, not guys like "Idiots!", "noob" or "f**k", but other, normal people. Especially in PVP. You may very much be disagreed with them, but at least read it.

    5. If you do not understand something feel free to write in chat. There is at least one guy who always answers.

    6. Read this forum. Other then ************ about how this game could be better, we sometimes write good faqs/manuals and share our experiences.


    About PVP:


    1. First and most important. LISTEN TO OTHERS! When defender calls incoming it meens he/she can not deal with situation by themself. When others suggest strategy, try playing along.

    2. When in WZ, remember, you are a team player. You can not storm turret by yourself (unless you try ninja it). You can never carry the huttball through the entire field, unless you play against total idiots. Pass, support, heal, stun. Don't play in hero, PLAY IN TEAM!

    3. Always aim for objectives. Do not randomly attack other team player without reason. If you defend fight at objectives, call incs. If you attack go with the group or you just end up dead. Even if you think you are mega macho PVPer never try to pull everithing yourself.

    4. IMPORTANT! Learn how to LOSE! Defeat is part of the game, it will happen often. Sometimes your team is bad, sometimes their team is good. Sometimes it's a close call, sometimes it's total domination. Be respectfull for other players, you never know, they may be older than you think ;)

    5. Remember what i said about stuns and insta heals? Now think about it in PVP context. Stun and heals buy you extra 0,5~2 sec. While it may seem small, remember, that in WZ 0.1 sec means captured objective. Now remember how i said don't play hero? Here is your chans to play one. Use your stuns, heals and interupts, while it may not save you, it can give your teammates time to return in the fight.

    6. Always think about objectives. If you see that on Novaria there is a lonely sage from your guarding south turret, don't wait for him to call for help, just go and help. When you respawn, look at what others are doing, think where your help will be more effective.


    Well, thats all i can think about for now. If anyone wants to add something, or correct me in some way, feel free. Hope this helps.

  11. Not nessesarily, if there are at least some good players on both teams, it can be pretty interesting, if you're not looking on thoose idiots, pointlesly running around.
  12. Why noone brings commando in this? ;) He shoots (pain), he heals (coltobomb .... plomp), he is borderline psixotic... (heavy armor, someone tried to kill me? No never seen it :cool: )


    Well, now serious. Things are pretty much ballansed. It's what u pay attantion to - if u heal yourself - others die, if u heal teammates - u die. Easy. Make your choise...


    P.S. And if u choose to heal yourself and not a dying tank inb your team, then u are not a healer, so drop it and find yourself a better role.

  13. I'm not saing that what u people wrote is wrong. I myself am really frustrated when we lose close battles becouse of some idiots, who.... u know, do s**t. Like forfeiting mid on alderan right from the start, and end up getting oly one cannon as a result. Like running around on huttball and jumping in gruop of enemies. Well, u know, s**t like that.


    Ok, I know i'm not perfect myself. I sometimes do stupid thing, or try some stupid tricks that never works, and every time i do that, i think "The f**k am i doing?!" But if i do that, i try my best to better things up, not GODD DAMN QUIT!!!!


    I'm playing PUB right now, couse i level my commando girl ^_^, but i switch sides often, so i say, stuff like this happens alot on both sides. But thats not my point here.



    My point is why do u guys complaing about PVP on PVE server?!

  14. 1) If you want to enter a market where your competition has a 7 year lead on you, you better move faster than they did.


    2) Plenty of games give more notice on coming updates as well as more explanation on changes, but BW is getting better in this regard.


    3) We ask for everything we want and get none of it, that's different than expecting all of it and getting some of it. And when they do implement something we want, it's done wrong (happy anniversary preseason 1 of ranked warzones).


    Then tell me, why are you still playing TOR?!

  15. Maybe it´s just nothing more than having the choice between two levels of teamwork;

    some kind of "chaos league" (solo) and "premier league" (groups):D


    It may be random, but it's not quate a bad idea. "Chaos Leage" - i like how it sounds and describes the thing well ^_^. "Premier leage" also not so bad of a name )

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