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Posts posted by Barathos

  1. I don't see what a dungeon finder has to do with the destruction of community. Can you elaborate on your strange comment?


    Here's an example: WoW comes out and I meet people while forming up groups for dungeons, I get the people who are good / fun to be around on my friends list and try to run with them whenever I can.


    WoW introduces the new and amazing LFD, and after a few years the people I meet left the game. I'm now using the LFD for groups and I don't even bother trying to get a group together on my server because it's filled with "LOL! Use LFD noob!" trash.


    My friends list has shrunk to one maybe two people, and those folks are in my GUILD! I can't even get friends because the LFD goes cross server, so those awesome people I liked? Can't play with them anymore.


    LFD killed community for me, you're lucky or blind if you didn't see it.

  2. Where have you been OP, random out of context superweapons are a staple of star wars. To list a few...



    Death Star, Sun Crusher, Eye of Palpatine, that Space Station that blew up stars from across the galaxy, the other Death Star, that thing that collapsed planets into black holes, that other thing that blew up stars, the starforge, yet another thing that thinks its so hardcore by upstaging the death star by blowing up stars.




    Read the books, there are quite a few Planet destroying weapons out there.

  3. It happens a lot in PVP, but PVE i'm perfectly fine... Odd...


    And OP's quote makes me wanna roll a female trooper, so bad... But I hate playing females... GAH! I WANT FEMSHEP WITHOUT THE CURVES!


    Edit: On a TOTALLY different note, I never see my avatar pix... Go me and uniqueness!

  4. There are definitely more quests in WoW also but the questing in TOR is obviously better.


    Citation needed. Opinion is not fact so give credible and irrefutable reasons as to why it is better in TOR.


    Actually... Westfall quests, remember those? Get goretusk livers and you find out that NONE of them actually have a liver, only like 4 out of the 50 goretusk population does... I havn't had that in TOR yet.

  5. What? I do not recall receiving a discount because I am buying an unfinished game. I paid full price, probably more than I would have paid for WOW (not sure), so I expect a full game. If anything I expect a BIGGER and BETTER game.


    Anyway, can we have some facts please :) Square footage of maps would be great start. Number of quests and dungeons.


    I think but may be wrong, all of SWTOR's maps ( the areas you can really reach not the props), all that would fit in 1/5 of WOW's maps, say Azeroth.


    I assert SWTOR's reachable land mass is 1/5 of WOW. There.


    I feel like this guy is trolling... Why? He probably didn't play WoW in the beginning, or he forgot what it was like when it just came out and for how long it took for the actual game to be finished.

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