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Posts posted by Barathos

  1. Ahh, the ADHD generation... I've found plenty to do once I've reached 50. Don't know where you guys are going wrong, but with daily pvp quests, daily PVE quests on Belsavis and Illum, Flashpoints with my guild, and trying to get my happy *** to battlemaster, I still have to stay up WAY too late for my liking. oh an for crafting, I just mae myself some reusable grenades, giving myself an extra stun/slow every 5 minutes, so it can't be completely useless...


    So what does that make you? The blind generation? Or the arrogant generation? Take your pick. >_>


    The OP posted his/her/its opinions and you come here mocking her/him/it. You're doing very well in portraying SWTOR's community.

  2. If the community team is going to answer questions about upcoming features, bug fix status, new content, and game systems without asking the developers in charge of these projects, they would be the biggest tools in the industry.


    If they are asking the devs, then they're taking up the devs' time, and it has to be done in moderation.


    They shouldn't even need to ask the devs, the devs should have this info posted on their own personnal website so that other employees know what's going on in what divisions. This helps the community manager.


    But this is just silly common sense.

  3. They could spend their time fixing bugs and making content, or answering questions. More time spent answering questions, less time spent developing stuff.


    Having one community specialist sort through 171 pages of questions, remove duplicates, and find the appropriate people to get maybe 10 answers is appropriate. Having them hunt down dozens of people and interview them an hour each to answer a hundred questions is a waste.


    The real question is, will they answer 10 real questions or 10 BS questions?


    There's a reason why they have different teams for different things.


    Example: There's a community division that deals with questions and moderates the forums, they DO NOT fix bugs. They deal with people.

  4. I really hate to say this, but Dreossk sums the end game up perfectly. The worst part is if you roll another character, unless you switch factions your replay experience will be 95% identical to what you just played.


    I am quickly becoming disillusioned with SWTOR, however I will give BioWare time to adjust the end game.


    *Hug* It's ok...


    I quit my sub awhile ago (jan 23... yes I got sucked for one more month. :( ) and I kept saying there was nothing to do at end-gam. People kept saiyng "ROLL AN ALT! There's a lot more to this game then you know if you just roll an alt!" yeah... no... I hate going through the same planets the 2ed around. I thought the convos would help that, but no they just make it more painful.

  5. Though there is a strong part of me that agrees with you; be careful my friend, the forum-trolls are unforgiving with posts like this.


    I do hope you're right though :)


    The fanboys always defend the fanboys and the trolls always defend the trolls...


    Whats up with this endless circle of forum tribe-dom!?!?

  6. You know there are exceptions to rules, but in general you know I am right. Most people who moan buy the game and never intend on subscribing and they think all games are worse than the last.


    Well, yeah, but you did use a blanket statement and I have a tendency to not be part of the blanket :p


    I think the problem most people have, as stated above, is that this game really didn't bring much to the table. Voice overs are great, but they get REALLY OLD the 4th time around. Class story voice overs are fine! Cause it's actually unique dialogue (mostly) for each quest.


    Rift at least gave us world events. :p

  7. People compare it to WoW because WoW has been the MMO monstrosity for half a decade.


    Rift is... some game that launched recently... or something.


    I get that, but still... Rift is the most recent and they fixed their bugs pretty darn fast.


    And that game doesn't have ability delay. O.M.G.

  8. You know...I tried Rift, did not like it. Moved on to something esle. You did not see me complaining about it on thier forums. Same goes for LOTRO. Sometimes we need to accept the fact a game is not for us and move on. Personally I donot think your imagination is right for this game. You expected too much. Is it perfect?, no. There are things which need to be added and corrected, but over all I love playing it.


    Don't they tell you to post on the forums if you stop your subscription? I know WoW did and people still posted these ignorant posts.

  9. Not really. For a new launch , this game has relative few bugs. WoW has been out for over 7 years and still has anoying bugs. The OP should just quit and not waste his time here posting. If I hate any game as much as he does, I quit and move on to something else.


    I LOVE how everybody compares this game to WoW.


    Let's compare it to RIFT shall we? Where bugs get addressed quickly?


    Yes, that's a very good idea. :)


    Oh, and rift came out with everything that TOR did + an INNOVATIVE world event system.


    No, I don't play Rift, just pointing that out.

  10. Considering they can change what constitutes light/medium/heavy/etc at will, I take what those say (in any game, not just this one) with a whole bucket of salt. Until MMOs start showing actual server population numbers those status pages are useless for anything but relative population.


    Of course I know, no MMO will ever give actual numbers again.


    A whole bucket of salt would actually be worth something. :p

  11. A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


    IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


    Funny how you like to generalize...


    I came to TOR thinking the story would be KOTOR / DA1, where I could change the course of my class quest if I went a certain route. I also cam to TOR thinking that the class stories would be addicting and very engaging, like that book that you can't put down. But, no, that's not the case.


    If you ever play a smuggler there's a MAJOR plot twist, but the execution of it was horrible. The entire REASONING behind the plot twist was just BAD (also played a Jedi knight, who is SO FREAKIN STEREOTYPICAL!) .


    So, now I'm not playing TOR anymore since these stories were just not as engaging as their previous products. :(

  12. They obviously made a bioware MMO, I cannot say I am surprised with their history of recent games, dragon age, mass effect, and going back to KOTOR..


    This game totally makes sense, I think too many people here are just jaded mmo'ers expecting something else...


    I honestly think Tera and Gw2 will be a disappointment for you as well.. The golden virginity days of WoW are over.. Just let it go..


    I actually came here expecting a bioware story that allows you to change the outcome of quests (Class quest at the very least), but no... I get DA2. =/

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