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Posts posted by TogashiMatsuo

  1. agreed, but this is only a problem for republic so they will probably ignore it until most of us quit!


    Mmmmmmk... rockin' that tinfoil hat a bit too tight, eh?


    I agree that the 6v8 thing is crap. It's almost as big a problem as 8v9+... just went against a 9+ republic group on Alderaan. Lame.

  2. Population: Offer free server/faction changes to players on the heavy side of server population unbalance. Perhaps offer an incentive like a unique mount or something. Make sure that mirrored class spell functionality operate the EXACT same...just with different names/graphics.


    Gear: Add purchasable starter lvl 50 pvp gear with slightly less endurance/expertise so that lvl 50s don't go into pvp with such an extreme disadvantage...or...add creatable/purchasable modifications with added endurance/expertise that can not be used in centurion/champion/battlemaster gear.


    No credit for WZs: Fix that.


    I agree with these three for sure. I play Imp and I'd actually have to think about a swap if offered, tbh. Interesting idea.


    The gear bit is puzzling on BW's part, but I think a low-priority issue given its lackluster potential to actually have an impact on the Expertise gap.


    Obviously the WZ win debacle just goes on and on. You'd think that one would become a bigger priority for communication/results after the wickedly unprofessional way they handled their gaff with the last patch after letting misleading/false patch notes to sit up for something like two weeks. That one just plants a sliver of regret for giving them money. Unprofessional is the only word I have for that.


    Still, I have hope for the game. Time will tell. Kudos again on the faction swap. I'm not sure how it'd have to work, but frankly, I think less Huttball might be incentive enough. :D

  3. The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


    Exactly what you guys asked for.




    I do not think that word means what you think it means. :p


    Yes, reduced RNG element = good. I still can't call the overall implications of your approach "exactly" what anyone was asking for that I saw.


    Still, it's not the worst thing you could have done. And hit or miss, at least it's a response to community pressure. Now if only the QA team could throw us a bone.

  4. Also in regards to the bug itself, don't they track the wins/losses in their internal logs. Wouldn't be simpler to wait till next regular maintenance and credit everyone with their wins at that time rather than bringing the servers down to fix a bug. People will still get their wins but just right away, or is there a reason it is "important" wins are credited immediately.


    I don't PVP and have no interest in it so was just curious about that point. If it is just bragging rights then there is no reason why it can't wait a few days.


    Uh, those wins are part of daily/weekly quests with basic progression rewards. No credit, no completion... no next days daily quest.


    It's kind of a big deal.

  5. Hi everyone,


    I wanted to let you all know that we have been investigating this issue with the patch note not matching up to in-game behavior since we started seeing these type of threads yesterday.


    After some investigation, it appears that there was some miscommunication between teams and this patch note was not intended to be included in this last patch.


    This is a high priority issue for us, and it won't be resolved overnight, but we are actively working towards a solution. We apologize for the error with the patch note and we will also work to prevent situations like that from happening again.


    The patch note has since been removed and we will keep you updated on the status of a resolution to this issue.


    Thank you very much for your patience and for your understanding.


    Hey, you see that? THAT... over there. Yeah, THAT! Oh, nvm... it's gone, but that was your credibility. I hope you had a chance to say goodbye, because it's never coming back.

  6. Well, I'm certainly not reading 280 pages on how fail Ilum since the patch went live... that much is obvious without the eye-bleeding side-effects.


    Seriously though, presumably the goal was to get the two factions to stop cooperating and actually compete/fight with each other, across the two factions.


    Instead, we get one faction largely not present, and the other largely competing with itself for random spawns.


    This doesn't feel like endgame PvP... this feels like an overcrowded Valkurm Dunes, competing for each and every EXP mob spawn to pull.


    Epic Fail. The chests were just... I can't even say honestly without violating forum rules... but seriously. -.-;

  7. Eh, I notice less AFK people and more people just farming medals. Just ran a Huttball where literally half my team wanted nothing to do with the game, itself.


    It's a great system where the best rewards go to the people that aren't even participating in the goals.

  8. I think some of these points are somewhat dramatically overstated, but I have to agree with the core point RE: expertise. I wouldn't mind seeing it go... at all... tomorrow.


    Also, I really love the idea of class buff gearsets. I mean, the current PvP gear is a headfake towards this, but not a very good one. I think there's a lot of fun to be had there.


    Sadly, I agree with one of the above in that I don't think PvP will be getting that big an overhaul... but time will tell.

  9. I always find it funny that 50's are the only ones that dont see a problem with all levels in warzones


    Dunno what you're smokin'. I"m a 50 Jugg, love Huttball, am closing on a full set of Champion gear (not Battlemaster... yet)... and I can't wait for 50's bracket. I'm sick of lvl 14 Assassins on my team running the ball the wrong freakin' way.


    Point: 50's brackets benefits 50's too, but your "us vs. them" approach to 50 vs. not is lame.


    Besides, everyone will be 50 eventually. :)

  10. Signed for bump action.


    That's crap... wins not counting for Daily/Weekly quests. Fix it. -.-


    EDIT: And I cleared both the 3 and the 9 Warzone quests yesterday, so these were brand new fresh quests today... so you can stuff that argument.

  11. I'm stoked for the 50 brackets... but I'm really intrigued by the team vs. team. I'd for one like to see less pre-made teams (typically with several 50's) vs. random groups (typically with mostly 17-30 ppl) getting roflstomped. Hell, it's way too often the deciding factor in Huttball in my experience, which just feels pointless.


    So here's hoping there's a way for them to allow that PvP slanted shells on PvE servers can get their jollies without shutting out everyone else! At least a way to do it without penalizing the PvP folks... they aren't really doing anything wrong, but it's still lame as hell.

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