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Posts posted by Berlik

  1. Don't like the queue's? Reroll. Soz, just feels good to be able to say that still being on the other side of the glass.


    There should be no reason there is a 900 - 1000 person que on a sunday at 9pm est. The server is way over populated. When trying to raid with my guild and 1 or 2 people DC and have to sit back in que it holds up the whole raid so we cant progress.

  2. Please help THE FATMAN SERVER. The que times are every nite. Also if I or others DC we have to go back into que. Make a 5 min grace period for the dcers to have time to reconnect before being placed into the que.
  3. I have a Arsenal Merc and a Rage Juggernaut at 50 about the same gear level. Come post 1.2 what would u recommend a raid would need more or benefit more from. An arsenal merc or a rage juggernaut. I love both characters and cant choose one. Please help a buddy out with his decision.




    berlik ( the fatman server )

  4. I ran as Immortal w/ Vette until the mid-20s, and then swapped to Vengeance with Quinn. The killing speed for either build seems about the same, though perhaps slightly slower (with slightly less downtime between pulls) as Vengeance.


    Immortal w/ the third companion might be a bit better, since she's melee and Vette seemed to wig out on me from time to time when NPCs would be moving around (I don't know if it was causing her LoS problems or what). I'm tempted to try that since I like where that tree puts me at 34. Granted, I'm also considering going Vengeance w/ the third companion and just trying to race things to see how it goes.


    okay ty

  5. Little background on me. I'm Semi-Casual about 25 hours a week. I play an Immortal Sith Juggernaut and I know my class very well. I'm level 65 valor Battlemaster so I have done my share of PvP. I also have completed both KP and EV on Normal mode.


    I was in a pvp match the other day and I ran into a 1v1 situation with a equally geared Sith Darkness Assassin. I have no problem killing any class that doesnt heal 1v1. This guy although he was skilled, would not die. Now, I dont know Assassins at all, this is my only character. During the fight I noticed that he had 2 CCs, a knockback, a pull, lots and lots of self healing, a s-load of hit points, a force shield that seemed to never come off, some silly uninterruptable ability, in combat stealth and force speed.


    Compare that with my Juggernaut that is pvp immortal specced. I have 4 stuns (only 2 can be used in a 1v1) a charge, no self healing (a last stand ability where the health is lost after the duration) , low hit points (of the tank classes), a force shield that absorbs a "moderate amount of damage" once every 14 seconds, no uninterruptable abilities, no combat stealth and no force speed.


    Also in PVE the Juggernaut is the weakest of tank classes. I don't know if assassins need a nerf because I dont play the class. But comparing these two - and lets not even bring up Powertechs getting a charge and a pull - it seems that Juggernauts need a moderate buff. I could be wrong I dont pretend to be a dev or anything, but it certainly seems like we are lacking in most areas. If you are going to give the Assassin more utility then make Juggernauts excel at SOMEthing.


    /Jealousy rant.




    ive been told that there is an assassin spec out there right now that does alot of OP healing and alot of dmg and great defense , he could of been running that hybrid spec , i have no idea what it is but ive been told there is one out there.

  6. Hey what do u guys recommend lvling a juggernaut as , right im lvl 28 lvling as vengeance , i was told rage is good but also was told its not good untill lvl 40 , please link me good lvling specs in a calculator,



    ty all for the help.

  7. I support this , great ideas. 3v3 is more balanced. usually 1 healer 2 dps. i just feel like there is going to be alot of "burn" teams , 2 sentinel / marauders and 1 heals. just my opinion.



    hopefully bioware listens to you.



    love ur videos man.

  8. Anyone have issues shadow tanking hardmode flashpoints at lvl 50? Ive been having issues tanking aoe packs , i die alot because of how fast kinetic ward dies off. this class is great for solo tanking but i see alot of people taking guardians and vanguards over the shadows in raids. Anyone know why this is???
  9. I will start by saying that shield/absorb rely on each other to be effective, which is pretty obvious. It may not be obvious to everyone, but they are most effective when they are equal to each other.


    It is also obvious that defense percentage is much more effective since it mitigates all of the damage, instead of a portion. For example 20% defense is equal to 40% shield and 40% absorb combined.


    I am working on a formula that will allow you to decide what stat is more valuable to add with your current stats, unfortunately I do not know the rate of diminishing returns (if anyone has this it would be a tremendous help).


    That being said, I will explain my current stats (level 38), and why 1 point of absorb will add more mitigation than a point of DEF or shield.


    My base stats are as follows. Note: I use the kinetic ward buff in the base, as it should always be up.


    DEF 228 = 9.12% + 16%(base) = 25.12%

    Shield 43 = 3.44% + 35%(base) = 38.44%

    Absorb 22 = 3.08% + 24%(base) = 27.08%


    First, I will discuss total mitigation.


    DEF provides 25.12% mitigation since it stops all incoming damage when you deflect/parry.


    The mitigation provided by Shield/Absorb is 38.44*27.08 which equals 10.41%.


    So, my total mitigation is 35.53%


    Now, let's talk about value per point added.


    With my current values, DEF adds .04% of defense percent per point, Shield adds .08% of shield percent per point and Absorb adds .14% of absorb percent per point. This is where I need hard numbers on diminishing returns to have an accurate formula as I add stats.


    With these stats and the current rate of return, adding absorb will give me the biggest bang for my buck.


    For example,

    20 absorb will increase my total mitigation to 36.61%

    20 DEF will increase my total mitigation to 36.33%

    20 shield will increase my total mitigation to 35.96%


    So, does anyone have the formula to figure out diminishing returns for DEF, Absorb, and Shield, so I can be more accurate with my calculations?







    I heard that alot of people are having issues with shadow tanking , cus the shield / absord sucks and the kinectic thing blows *** for aoe pulls

  10. It's perfectly fine for Single Target, AoE is where it's quite lacking IMO. Kinetic Ward breaks too quick in aoe.


    yea , idk i get hit hard in had mode flashpoints and im in almost full epics , they need to fix it or will be re rolling to a guardian which i should of gone from the beginning. seems like alot of people like vanguard and guardian more.

  11. Considering the shield absorbtion/defense chance mechanics are broken/poorly designed at the moment No assassins/shadows are not viable. Not until they fix the mitigation mechanics (the devs do not acknowlage the problem exists despite the fact its been constantly reported sense closed beta) They ether need to correct this issue or boost the armor bonus from dark charge to bring the mitigation back in line with heavy armor tanks.


    Okay i thought something was a little wierd , im almost full epics from pvp and such and ive been getting hit hard in hard mode flashpoints to where im almost un healable

  12. Hey , ive been having mixed feels since beta. I lvled a jedi shadow to 50 and have been taking some heroic flashpoints , i feel like ive been getting hit very hard. Are shadow tanks going to be viable as main tanks come heroic mode operations or should i go ahead and lvl a guardian.
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