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Everything posted by Segundus

  1. No, it's not too much. Plenty of other classes have high dps output. I see sorcerers, bounty hunters, and warriors topping the charts plenty of times. And they have far more ability to slow targets than snipers do. I am usually number 1 through 3 on the warzone charts at the end but not always highest dps. And I am a damn good sniper. Our DPS is not crazy out of control or way higher than these other classes. The only time I can even top the dps charts is when people ignore me. And even then I've still been passed by other classes who have the ability to slow. A sniper must be in cover to do any decent damage, and its easy to rush up on them and cause them to run away. Even with a slow they could still be rushed hard enough to force them to abandon cover. Snipers NEED a slowing ability, and it would not make them OP. Like any of the classes, they are only OP when a player knows how to play them really well. And in the case of the sniper class, if the enemies around them ignore them. How is it fair that we have to be ignored in order to top the dps charts while other classes can get deep into the frey and still pull major numbers?
  2. Snipers are seriously lacking an ability to keep enemies away from them. Cover Pulse is on too long of a cooldown, and Leg Shot doesn't help if some noob on your team hits the enemy you are trying to snare. It's simple, give snipers an ability to slow enemy movement like just about every other class has. If you want to nerf other abilities or take them away, then thats fine. But we need the ability to slow a target so we can run away and regroup or get some distance and drop into cover. There is no valid argument why a sniper should not have this. I've already seen a ton of people discuss it in game and on the forums. So DO IT already Bioware. Snipers are supposed to have survivability and this is the one thing that gets us killed every time. If other classes have it, so should we. This is not class balance! FIX IT PLEASE! ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM? Make Leg Shot a slowing ability instead of a snare. Give it a 6 second slow with a 12 second cooldown. Then allow snipers the option to spec into it into one of the talent trees so it can add 3 seconds additional slow and 3 seconds off the cooldown. A total of 2 points specced into it should give an additional 6 seconds slow and 6 seconds off the cooldown. It should slow for 30 to 50% and if placed on more than one person it drops off the original enemy. I know another class has this exact same ability and its better off as a sniper ability then for them.
  3. This is just ridiculous how many other classes/specs can slow a target but we can't. I need to be able to keep players at range, and the class abilities just don't allow it as well as it should. GIVE MARKSMANSHIP SNIPERS AN ABILITY TO CUT MOVEMENT SPEED BY 30-50%. NO EXCUSES. ADD THIS NOW PLEASE.
  4. As Snipers, we rely heavily on our ability to enter cover. If I cannot enter cover I cannot use the majority of my sniper abilities. Often when I attempt to enter cover, the action gets denied with the error "Unknown Effect Result". Sometimes it will happen many times in a row which can completely ruin whatever I am doing, especially PVP. I had it happen yesterday where it would not work at all, and the error would come up everytime until I eventually relogged. I don't want to have to relog everytime this error decides it's going to show up. I have already entered a support ticket and it was forwarded on, but I wanted to bring it up here to get the public aware of it. I hear it happens to other classes too. Please fix this as it is gamebreaking, especially for PVPers. Thank you.
  5. As a Sniper, I rely heavily on my ability to enter cover. If I cannot enter cover I cannot use the majority of my sniper abilities. Often when I attempt to enter cover, the action gets denied with the error "Unknown Effect Result". Sometimes it will happen many times in a row which can completely ruin whatever I am doing, especially PVP. I had it happen yesterday where it would not work at all, and the error would come up everytime until I eventually relogged. I don't want to have to relog everytime this error decides it's going to show up. I have already entered a support ticket and it was forwarded on, but I wanted to bring it up here to get the public aware of it. I hear it happens to other classes too. Please fix this as it is gamebreaking, especially for PVPers. Thank you.
  6. I've been PVPing for a little over an hour tonight and already gotten placed into two warzones that were already well underway. I tried my best but only managed to get 2 medals on both attempts which resulted in no experience, credits, or valor even though it took close to 20 minutes of my time. Yes, I know it's not a super huge loss of time but add that up over a whole night or week. Pretty much it comes down to that players filling quitters spot are destined to not only lose but get nothing for their time either. Any plan to fix this? You can't say working as intended, because it's clearly not.
  7. Busted. The FPS meter only shows up to 111 FPS. Although I am sure you can get 120+ with dual SLI, the game still doesn't register it on the FPS meter on the UI. So there is really no way to know if you are 120+ or not. In other words, you're just trying to flex your epeen through misinformation.
  8. I've been running three monitors since AMD came out with Eyefinity a few years ago, and I can tell you it breathes new life into every video game you play. You can see everything happening around you. It rocks for PVP because you can respond super fast when you see it all coming at you from a mile away. I just spent about $1600 to build a new PC and all the parts were bought from NewEgg. I have virtually the same setup as him except with dual MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB video cards in Crossfire mode. Most times I max out at 111 FPS, but I can literally drop down to 30-40 FPS in certain areas. This was the same situation with my older computer. I can run them side by side and get the exact same drop in FPS in certain areas, which really leads me to believe its either the servers causing the lag or the game engine causing it. Whats the point in having a super computer to play this game if you get the same FPS in certain areas as you did on your 4-5 year old PC? Something just isn't right. Strangely enough, I get very little performance increase when I play WoW on this new computer, which is just one more reason to stay away from that game. I wish you luck with your custom PC business, but if word gets out you are charging $5000 for a very obvious system that costs under 2k to build, then business isn't going to last for you. Don't rip people off, it's just not right.
  9. So your argument for no Cross Server LFG is an elitist one? YOU don't want it because you feel the people you'd end up grouping with won't meet your standards? Well forget your standards. The game isn't here to please just you. It's here to please the majority. If you only want certain player types in your group then, by all means, you can keep spamming General and Trade forever looking for people who match your amazing skill level. Personally, I'd rather group up right away with some lazy dpsers then waste away in chat looking for more people. No matter how lazy the dps, you will still finish more flashpoints faster with a Cross Server LFG system than you would only looking for groups on your own server.
  10. EXACTLY! See, this guy knows what he's talking about. His points are all valid and make total sense. You people screaming NO to cross realm lfg have made absolutely no valid points yet. And I've been reading this whole thread. Bioware will do itself a huge favor to ignore the naysayers. BRING ON CROSS REALM LFG!!!!
  11. WRONG AND COMPLETELY SELFISH. You are crying because your little community was destroyed and you couldn't run your LAN parties. Well, admit it or not but it created a much larger community. It just happened to be a community that YOU didn't like. Well, the needs/wants of the many outweigh those of the few. Whether you like it or not, the larger community that was created was better for the majority. Stop being so selfish and only concerned with yourself. What about people who would have liked to join your LAN parties but didn't live near you, didn't know you, or had no way to get to you? How is it fair that they be excluded from the fun? Well with Cross Realm LFG everyone is able to play. That includes the people who live out in the middle of nowhere, the people with very little time on their hands to attend a LAN event, the people who work 2nd and 3rd shift jobs, underage kids who can't get permission to go to your event, and adults with families who can't up and leave their families for an evening to go attend. The types of people and sheer number of them who would benefit from a Cross Server LFG system completely and totally outweighs those in your situation who don't want their little elitist communities ruined. Not to mention the game and the game company benefit from longer life for the game because you would have one giant community instead of several smaller communities. If a person leveled up to 50 and spent tons of hours on a character only to find out their server is dead, well chances are they would be more likely to quit the game rather than level up again on another server. And don't say server transfer, because not everyone has the money to waste transferring servers repeatedly until they find a good one. Oh, and one last thing, the server loads of over populated servers. Without Cross Realm LFG, there would be servers that become over populated because word would spread and more and more people who begin to flock to a particular server when they learn how popular it is. While the people on that server would have an easier time finding groups, other servers would be left out in the cold with less and less activity. Then the over populated server would have ridiculous queue times and massive lag which would ultimately hurt those people playing on that server. Cross Realm LFG is the best way to bring all SWTOR players together without overloading or underloading individual servers. TL;DR - Cry about it all you want, you know it's true and you know your reasoning is selfish and elitist. Cross Realm LFG is what is better for all the player base and not just what is best for your little clique.
  12. What does MMORPG mean? Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. What does Cross Realm LFG do? It brings all those players together so that people can group up easier and faster. Servers with low population don't have to stress about not being able to enjoy the game because they can use this tool to find groups with people from other servers. The same goes for people who play in off hours or who are either not social enough to find groups or too lazy to seek them out. Cross Realm LFG essentially puts the Massively Multiplayer experience into the game. It makes your SWTOR experience an actual MMO experience. Do the people against this tool actually enjoy running around planets with 5-10 people on the entire thing? At least the Cross Realm LFG tool will offset this so that people can play with other players when they want to in flashpoints. For those of you against the implementation of this tool, I say to you just don't use it. Let those of us who want it, use it and enjoy the game we paid for the way we like to play. And you go on sitting in the space stations either with 100+ people who aren't intelligent enough to organize groups or those too lazy to do it. Meanwhile, the rest of us will breath a sigh of relief as it brings new life to an otherwise lifeless (ie solo) game. TL;DR - Cross Realm LFG doesn't ruin the community, it brings multiple communities together into a massive community. Exactly the way successful MMOs are meant to be. Anyone that says otherwise is either a control freak or an overbearing elitist who wants to have a say in how other people enjoy their game.
  13. What does MMORPG mean? Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. What does Cross Realm LFG do? It brings all those players together so that people can group up easier and faster. Servers with low population don't have to stress about not being able to enjoy the game because they can use this tool to find groups with people from other servers. The same goes for people who play in off hours or who are either not social enough to find groups or too lazy to seek them out. Cross Realm LFG essentially puts the Massively Multiplayer experience into the game. It makes your SWTOR experience an actual MMO experience. Do the people against this tool actually enjoy running around planets with 5-10 people on the entire thing? At least the Cross Realm LFG tool will offset this so that people can play with other players when they want to in flashpoints. For those of you against the implementation of this tool, I say to you just don't use it. Let those of us who want it, use it and enjoy the game we paid for the way we like to play. And you go on sitting in the space stations either with 100+ people who aren't intelligent enough to organize groups or those too lazy to do it. Meanwhile, the rest of us will breath a sigh of relief as it brings new life to an otherwise lifeless game. TL;DR - Cross Realm LFG doesn't ruin the community, it brings multiple communities together into a massive community. Exactly the way successful MMOs are meant to be. Anyone that says otherwise is either a control freak or an overbearing elitist who wants to have a say in how other people enjoy their game.
  14. OMG, I am so tired of you tools screaming about how cross realm will ruin the community. THERE IS NO COMMUNITY RIGHT NOW! Get it through your heads. People sit around looking for groups for hours and get nothing done. That is not a community. And if bringing people together easier causes people to act like jerks, guess what... you can just as easily get a group the old fashioned way too so you can avoid any jerks. If you want to play that way, then play that way! But stop trying to prevent them from adding a feature that will save this game! YOU'RE THE SELFISH ONES! Besides, there is just as many good decent people looking for groups as there are jerky selfish ones. I would rather get a group quickly and play the game then sit around with my thumb in my nose doing nothing at all. You people who scream that the Cross Realm LFG tool ruined WoW are completely clueless. It is what saved WoW! And it will save SWTOR too. I have never had as much fun in WoW as I did until the Cross Realm LFG tool came out. In fact, if I ever leave SWTOR then I will return to WoW *solely* because of that feature. At least I know there I can play and get things accomplished without having to spend hours looking for groups. In WoW, it was a blast being able to run dungeon after dungeon and enjoy the content. I got gear for all my characters who were sitting there collecting dust, and I actually felt like I was getting things accomplished. God how I hated sitting in Orgrimmar spamming General and Trade chat looking for groups. If getting rid of that crap is what you call "ruining the community" then I say BRING IT ON because getting to play the game is more fun than sitting around on our butts doing nothing! Not to mention, Cross Realm LFG prevents the obnoxious elitists from running the game and deciding who can and who cannot run flashpoints with their groups. I would rather deal with a random chance of getting good or bad people from other realms then kissing the backside of the players on my own server so that I get the opportunity to run flashpoints with them. TL;DR - BIOWARE, BRING ON THE CROSS REALM LFG TOOL! IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT WILL SAVE SWTOR IN THE LONG RUN!
  15. The OP is just whining because some stealther ganked him. Get over it dude. It works as intended and there's nothing wrong with it lore wise.
  16. Am I the only one to buy this card? o.O I think it's a diamond in the rough because it's unlock-able through the BIOS to make it the same as the HD 6970 version which sells for around $400 dollars. I bought it for $279 from CompUSA. My guess is it will do great, but I will update this thread so future forum searchers can find this and have the answer to the question.
  17. I just picked up an MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III Power Edition/OC 2 GB GDDR5 video card from CompUSA yesterday, and I was wondering if any other players have this card and can comment on it's performance in SWTOR? I have not installed it yet and might not get the chance until this weekend. Also, if you have it, are you familiar with the claim that you can unlock additional shaders through a custom BIOS update from MSI? Do you think this card would be better, worse, or equal to a Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5870 2GB Vapor-X video card? Mods: Please don't close this thread and refer me to other desktop PC threads. This is one specific question that I've not seen mentioned in previous threads, and most likely would go ignored if I posted at the bottom of a 100+ page thread. I only play SWTOR so I want to make sure this card is capable of running the game well with all settings on high. Thanks.
  18. My game won't load now after today's patch. Should I have dismounted and removed the ramdrive prior to updating? I didn't even think about it. Now the game starts and crashes at the loading screen. There is an error in a grey window but it disappears too fast, so I can't read it. I think it said something about not supported. Anyone know whats going on?
  19. Ok, I've been researching parts for a new gaming rig for a few hours now and it's given me a migraine. lol. If I could reuse my RAM that would save me some money because it's 8GB and still good. Anyone have a link to something on NewEgg that could replace this while still allowing me to use my current RAM with it? This is what I currently have as my mobo/proc/RAM: - MSI 790FX-GD70 AM3 AMD 790FX ATX AMD Motherboard - AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz Socket AM3 140W Quad-Core Processor HDZ965FBGIBOX - Patriot Gamer Series 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model PGS34G1333ELKA Purchased from NewEgg back in 2009. What would be a decent upgrade while staying under $500 dollars and still using my old RAM? I'd prefer to get a new case as well since this one is a mini with no airflow, and I'd also like to get a new power supply with at least 600-watts. My current BFG 650-watt one is acting buggy and losing power then restarting my computer. Just a matter of time before it's completely dead. Yes, I've read the other desktop upgrade threads and they don't answer my concerns. Thanks in advance!
  20. Ok, I've been researching for a few hours now and it's given me a migraine. lol. This is what I currently have as my mobo/proc: - MSI 790FX-GD70 AM3 AMD 790FX ATX AMD Motherboard - AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz Socket AM3 140W Quad-Core Processor HDZ965FBGIBOX - Patriot Gamer Series 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model PGS34G1333ELKA Purchased from NewEgg back in 2009. So my question is, what would be a decent upgrade will staying under $500 dollars? I'd prefer to get a new case since this one is a mini with no airflow, and I'd also like to get a new power supply. My current BFG 650-watt one is acting buggy and losing power then restarting my computer. Just a matter of time before it's completely dead. If I could reuse my RAM that would save me some money because it's 8GB and still good. Anyone have a link to something on NewEgg that could replace this while still allowing me to use my current RAM with it?
  21. Excellent info! Thank you! What is the next model up from an i5 2500k? Is there an i7 2500k too?
  22. I'm not complaining. I am discussing with the intention of understanding their logic. Please don't assume that everyone is here to troll or complain. I appreciate everyone's feedback, even the ones I didn't agree with. But after I stated my disagreement, that poster was kind enough to reply with his reasoning. His reasoning was bottlenecking at the processor level, which is why I am now trying to answer the question of which processor/mobo combo to look for in order to have a decent gaming machine. He says Intel i5 2500k so I'm looking into that right now. See, logical discussions. No name calling, no trolling, no raging. It's all for the means of understanding. Thanks again guys. I got some great information in this post.
  23. I am on their website now. So you would choose an Intel i5 2500k system over an AMD 6-Core processor? See thats the problem. I am not sure what is the current hardware out on the market, and normally I would research it all myself but I really just want to build this thing and get back into the game. I am almost level 50 so getting anxious. lol
  24. Well, its never going to be super high end when I have a budget of $600 dollars. So really what I am looking for is the most bang for the buck with that money. I've always bought the pieces myself and put them together but I just don't have the time and energy to go through all that research and building.
  25. It's not one or the other. You can get a barebones kit for gaming PCs. I used to see them all the time in online advertisements. Gaming is mostly dependent on the video card, and the one I have works great with everything at max in SWTOR. The problem is the rest of my hardware is failing. Power supply, hard drives, etc, and I don't feel like replacing it piece by piece. Not to mention my case is just too small, I want a larger one. So I would prefer to just buy a barebones kit with the majority of what I need then fill in the rest.
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