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Everything posted by ViekieBheeze

  1. No i had no idea that Greece was on a different calendar to the rest of the world, and as this game is American, I'm also guessing that the devs dont care either. Just saying that with a bit of thought, the XP event should have gone back a week to a date that would be more suitable. And yes devs ARE retarded. Too many times i have seen stuff in MMO's that have had me scratching my head trying to figure out what logic drove them to that particular idea.
  2. Here's a suggestion.... instead of randomly starting an XP event 1 week before a holiday period, how about waiting that extra week and starting it then? For example, this weekend 28/3/14 is a 2x XP weekend... why not wait and start it next Fri 3/4/15 and have it OVER EASTER INSTEAD?? No? Too intelligent an idea for a dev? Oh thats right, i forgot you lot are retarded....
  3. Word. Considering it was a security measure put in place in case your email account got compromised.... ikr? Doesnt make sense to me either.
  4. Not the point.... Why have a speeder rated for lvl10 if you cant use it until your able to use speeder piloting 3?
  5. DO NOT GET IT. The damn thing is about half the size of the Razer Taipan (old Lachesis). Its TINY. See if you can track it down for a look before you buy it. Crystal or not, its one of the few Razer mice I will NEVER buy. (the other being the Razer Tron mouse). No point in getting a mouse thats uncomfortable to use (cos then you'll never use it).
  6. 2 days ago during the last server reset I decided to reinstall TOR, and then went to bed. Woke up and checked on the progress of the patch and its stuck (stopped?), on Installing English Assets 111. Thought it odd, uninstalled, reinstalled and patched and went to work. Came home yesterday and was still patching. Watched the progress of the last remnants of the patch and again it stopped on Installing English Assets 111 (0%). Left it and played other games. Went to bed and again this morning its still Installing English Assets 111 (0%). So thats over 10hrs, and it hasnt moved. Anyone know how to kick it or jolt it along? No its not my internet (cos I was playing BF3 online while ToR was patching).
  7. Good luck with that. Past experience tells me that reporting isnt worth the effort. Been on other PvP servers where after getting killed and spawning at a rez point my only options were to logoff or continue getting griefed and harrassed. Reporting does nothing cos according to the GMs getting griefed is all part of PvP. Needless to say Im no longer playing that game and will never again play on a PvP server. My advice to you is to restart on a PvE server and PvP in minigames and (when you reach lvl50) take part in the daily PvP events on Ilum. But on a PvE server after 5mins of inactivity the harrassment stops. Sorry to say you dont have a case in any way shape or form. Thats the risk you take when you roll on a PvP server.
  8. Close. The Vanguard Elite Upgrade chest is the reward for completing the Bonus series.
  9. Im currently looking for the questgivers for the Vanguard Elite Upgrade Gaunlets, Boots, and Greaves please. I have pretty much looked all over Balmorra and havent found them, (unless they're in some corner of a bunker that I havent been into). Chest is found as a reward item for completion of the Bonus series, and Helmet is found off Alyala? someone? in a tent in the Gorinth Outpost Taxi area.
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