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Everything posted by SimonJ

  1. Hi All I have at lvl 75 5 Sith Inq Companions 1 Creature 2 Droids 4 other Followers how do I use more than 8 Companions for crew skills? Thank you
  2. Hi Just wondering except for packs what are worth buying before they get taken off the Cartel Shop as I have 30k -40k coins to spend?
  3. Just wondering what are the benefits of 6 monthly Subscription as I might subscribe for 6 months again but currently not in the financial situation to do so as being Australian and SWTOR is in USD? Thank you
  4. I have a virtual set up of Win 7 thats a few years old just need to update it.
  5. I have never used the physical SK that came with CE
  6. I am thinking of running a 2nd account so I can play and level other crew skills at the same time. .Which unlocks would I need as I dont really want to run 2 subscriptions (only get the once off 60 day sub so I get the xpac)but buy the unlocks with the subscribers bonus and authenicator CC. Also wondering as I have the physical collectors edition would I be able to use the physical security key on the unsubbed account as I use the security key app for my main account? Thank you
  7. From the very begining as loved KoTR Storyline but interest in before that as it had bits of lore previous to that
  8. Really loved the stories of the star wars movies and gamss and thinking about reading the stories/lore but dont know where to start. Thanks
  9. How does that work exactly a once off 700CC and every alt i make alt woulds would have treek free?
  10. I have paid for the Treek store unlock 2 or 3 times is there a way I can unlock it for my account so I can get it on other toons I make in the future Legacy level 20 ATM as I dont want to pay like 2100CC everytime.. Thanks
  11. Hi Just after what item mod stats for : Tank build Healer build DPS build Thank you so much
  12. Well in a few days I will be be free to play as cant afford to keep subscription active. With this upcoming server merge Dalborra -> The Harbinger I have the pay to play max allowed on each server and I am wondering what will happen when I have twice the amount of characters after the merge as a pay to play is allowed to have yet I will be f2p? Will it allow which characters I want to play to the max of free to play or does it choose for me. If I resubscribe will I have access to all character or half as I will have twice the amount it allows you to create on a server on a pay to play account?
  13. When SWTOR came out in the US ( I'm from Australia) I ended up getting the Collector's Edition from Amazon hopefully if and when they decide to release an expansion pack it will also be a physical Collectors edition and not just a digital version so it matches my Collector's edition.
  14. Just wondering as I would like to get another Collectors edition to put with my unopened ce
  15. will auzzies be able to get Collectors editions when released in march?
  16. Got to feel sorry for them as they will never reprint CE
  17. Well according to Amazon I won't get my CE edition til DEC 23- DEC29 I have spoken to CS and as well as their CS Leader don't know what to do I also order priority International Delivery to Australia via Amazon.com
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