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  1. I wanted to get something started with Vette but we went straight from the 2 truths and a lie game to the pick me or her conversation so it was hard for me to choose Vette without seeing a different side. Anyone else have the same thing happen to them? I really thought I would have time to see a softer side of Vette before making the choice but went right to the pick me or the psycho conversation.
  2. I wanted to get something started with Vette but we went straight from the 2 truths and a lie game to the pick me or her conversation so it was hard for me to choose Vette without seeing a different side. Anyone else have the same thing happen to them? I really thought I would have time to see a softer side of Vette before making the choice but went right to the pick me or the psycho conversation.
  3. Hi all, Does anyone know at what point you block romance options with either Vette or Jaesa? If you have DS Jaesa and respond in a flirty manner to Vette is there some point where you are technically romancing Vette and can't get certain choices with Jaesa or the other way round? Thanks much!
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