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Posts posted by CriticalMasses

  1. I played Lotro and WoW as well. Housing? Really? You are calling that end game? Seriously?


    Some people make decorating their housing a hobby in games like this.


    Once again another limitation of the game, as we get handed a ship we may not want, and can't decorate it.

  2. Crafting exists to gear you up as you go along. And, no, the stuff you buy with commendations is not better than the stuff you craft. Try looking for a Skill mod at a commendation vendor sometime, you'll see that the mods that give the stats you really want are 1-2 levels lower than the generic Commando/Patron/Resolve/Whatever mods.


    More importantly, crafting a barrel/hilt takes a few minutes while gathering enough Commendations to buy that same barrel/hilt takes a few hours. You save a much, much more valuable resource than credits with crafting, you save time. Real seconds and minutes and hours you can spend in real life to do real things compared to the crummy 100k for a dollar credits you have in-game.


    Does it taper off at 50? Yes. Except for Biochem and Cybertech, the "best" gear takes longer to get. But what do you use in the interim? How much do you really, really want to grind dailies on Belsavis and Ilum to get a mod that's one rank higher?


    People say that making a crafting system based on the WoW model "isn't the only way," but that's missing a valuable point. The point isn't to make the best gear and then sell it, the point is to EARN the best gear from PLAYING the game, whether you define that as hardmodes or PvP or whatever. The market is a feature, it's not the game itself. You play the game, not the market.


    That's where this game fails. for some people, playing the market, IS the game.

  3. OP, in about 12 years after the subs for this game go below 10 million, and yes, this game will have 10 million subs within 2 years. I guarantee it.


    10 million, they didn't even break 2 million at launch, and right around this time (90 days or so) a lot of players unsub, so the population is going down, not up.


    you think 10 million people play this game? hehehe.

  4. Forget about commendations, just regular questing gives you great gear which in turn negates the need for groups, crafting, flash points or commendations.


    If there were a game for mindless drones, this would be it.


    Like your quote. I always considered Jaws more of an adventure movie than a horror movie, especially once they got out on the boat. hehe.


    The last time I played a true MMO was probably Ultima Online. People weren't MMO people, they were just people, and it was fun getting a group of people together to hunt PK's. Not only did we make our own content, but we had GM's and huge player and GM driven quests and events.


    Now it's all "Go to the NPC and get a quest. complete the quest. rinse and repeat". because MMO's figured out it was cheaper just to have NPCs do it than real GM's.


    Everquest used to have a few of those too, but less than UO did. SW:G had none.


    And it wasn't about gear, (unless you count having to go to moonglow to buy a crapload of reagents "gear").


    Ahh well. SWTOR is just another MMO, it's nothing special. Bioware should have stuck to what they do best, Single Player games. I really feel that SWTOR is just some bastard child of both worlds. A genetic freak that is both but can truly be neither.

  5. /Signed


    To bad Bioware has no intention of listening to the player base. Fact is they have there roadmap for this game and aren't gonna deviate from it. They wanted another watered down MMO WoW stlye but with a story and that's what they got..


    They have proven to be followers in the game industry, not leaders. I don't expect it to change.


    At this point I'd rather see a Monkey Island MMO made by the guys who made those games back in the day than this. Bioware IMO is failing. I don't care if the game eeks out a profit like SW:G did for years. Once it is labeled a failure by the fans of Star Wars, that's it, it's over for this MMO.


    And that time is coming quickly. We don't have as much patience as we used to when SW:G first rolled out.

  6. I been working on my Artifice and I am begining to wonder why?


    1. Cant make any lightsabers at all unless its the high level ones you need stuff from the raids.


    2. Other stuff you can craft can be obtained through dailies (IE: Enhancers)



    I am quickly coming to the conclusion crafting sucks in this game and is completely pointless.


    I have no idea why. I think the crafting system could be good. Bioware just needs to make every profession worthwhile and get it out of their heads that they need to tie crafting to raiding and rare drops.


    Honestly I don't know if there is much hope for this game. Bioware made it so much like WoW that a lot of WoW players have already left and gone BACK to WoW. They figure, why start over and deal with WoW 1.0 when they can have full blown WoW and all their characters already twinked.


    What's worse is that Bioware is just blindly plowing ahead with all the crap that they planned for the last two years instead of stopping and saying "Hey, we need to take a look at some of this stuff before we move ahead".


    And what's even worse is they are so into their "METRICS" that they are ignoring what we WANT almost completely.


    And, they are REALLY slow as slugs when it comes to getting this stuff fixed. I mean really slow. I've played MMO's long enough to see the huge patches and know that it CAN work. Bioware's patches are dinky by comparison (they make them look big with all the formatting they do to the patch notes but they aren't).


    Bioware needs to wake UP and smell the dissatisfaction among their customers NOW or SWTOR will be labeled a failure by the fans and it will simply be another MMO eeking out an existence for the next 5-8 years like SW:G did.


    But we can't make them listen. They have to stop being stupid and pull their heads out of the sand first.

  7. Why do fanbois protect this game so much.


    I agree with the OP 100%. The environments are beautifully designed but there is soul missing in them. I always get nostalgia When in elwyn forest, west fall or storm wind. Here... It's lifeless, boring and just plain bad. No ambient sounds or light music.. Just footsteps / speeder sound.


    At first I didn't mind it... But when you go to any other mmo you begin to realise just how much it immerses you into the game.


    Because Bioware doesn't know HOW to build an MMO. It is a single player game with MMO elements.


    And I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I played EQ back when freeport WAS alive (before all the expansions) and there were always people everywhere. East Commons, West Commons, etc. Ultima Online, Moonglow Bank (the map was so small compared to today's games, but man you were always running into people).


    when SW:G first opened up the planets were packed. You'd have 80-100 people in one small area, yes it was laggy, buggy, but it was also ALIVE.


    This game does NOT feel alive, even in Fleet it doesn't feel alive. It does indeed feel static.

  8. I'm not trying to rip into you OP, but who else can really answer this question but you? Maybe you don't like the Assassin gameplay enough. Maybe you should try another class, or even another faction. I've been playing an IA since EGA and she's only 47, but I've been playing every day. I don't just focus on leveling, I also fart around in guild chat, help lowbies, focus on farming mats for my crafts (also trying to farm for alts), do the space combat, the aforementioned alts, etc. It's like I'm sipping on fine wine and don't want to waste any. It's working out for me. I'm not burnt out on it because I'm splitting a lot of my time to different activities (of which there are many) within the game. Perhaps you should try something like that? I dunno.


    You are really ok with the space combat?


    It's not even as good as Wing Commander or Tie Fighter. The space combat is like something from a 1980's game that I used to play on my Commodore 64 (and no, ELITE was actually better than SWTOR's space combat).

  9. Orbital stations and endless load screens to get from the fleet to a planet? If you want to show off your game in this case less would have been more... Just land my ship on the planet! Don't waste my time with these docking stations to grab a ship to the planet and even more load screens and wasted time...


    I pulled this quote from a closed thread. This is a part of what makes them seem so big. What it is, is a pain in the arse.



    Go from ship, to airlock, orbital station, run through orbital station, another ship, planet side. Hop a speeder or 5. Do dailies. Quick Travel. Ship, Orbital station, run back through orbital station, airlock, ship, go to republic fleet, airlock, fleet..... Oh Crap, I forgot to get my daily comm for that quest to seal the monster inside the door. I always forget that one! Dammit....


    Fleet, Ship, Load, Airlock, Orbital, Run, Another Ship, Planet side, another speeder or 5. use MY speeder, fly to teleporter. teleport. use MY speeder again, fly across the tomb, turn in quest. Quick Tr..... Dammit, it hasn't CD'd yet. @#@#@. Fly back across the map, Teleporter, fly back to taxi. Take a taxi 5 stops. Oh let's not forget the taxi will come to a dead stop about halfway and double the time it takes. Ship, Orbital Station, Run Run Run Run Run.. Airlock, Ship. Change sectors, Fleet...... Guildie needs help on that same planet with the 4 man heroic.... Too Effin' bad.


    Bleah, QUIT. Are you sure you want to quit? Hells yes, I just ran a marathon.



    man, it's annoying just typing it, much less running through it all.

  10. I am bored. I have a 50 SW and 50 IA. I knew this was going to happen because I am just sick of the Raid/PvP and gear grind for end game. I need something more sandbox and craft-fun! I am tired of these linear theme park MMOs.


    I am only sticking around to see what 1.2 legacy has to offer, if it's nothing but hype and fluff then I am out. Probably will be out of the MMO market for a long time, unless they come up with an game similar to UO and that's not out in space. Yeah, I am looking at you EvE!


    Hah, the crafting is the ONLY reason I logged in tonight. And we all know how bad the crafting is.

  11. It's not just you. I have been stuck in the 40s for the past month and can't get motivated to make it to 50 (I'm 48 now). This is on a SW Juggernaut. I tried switching to a BH Merc, and made it to 31 before never leaving the space port again. I tried two more times and didn't have the motivation to face Dromund Kaas again, stopping again and again after the starter planet. I hope to try things again perhaps this summer when some more content has been added and more diversity in playstyle is present.


    Actually it's not even about content. It seems to me the game takes a nose dive in the later levels and never regains any momentum. For me it was after level 38.


    Don't know, maybe MMO's just aren't for me anymore. I quit after SW:G, didn't play ANY MMO's for years. I came back for TOR, and bought a 3 month sub, but I'm thinking about unsubbing and letting the sub just run out.



    I thought the romance stuff might add a little twist, but it was really laughable, i felt like, why did they even put this in?


    even the female character models are just kind of Meh. everything is just kind of Meh. The whole (We want you to feel Heroic). Umm yeah, I felt heroic until about level 10, then it was all downhill from there.


    Time and again I said the VO's would add a lot of development time to this game. And for the past month the only things my companions have to say are the same 2-3 lines they are always spouting, I didn't realize how old that would get until I've heard it over and over and over again.


    But what really strikes me is this. I've actually felt that I have played some single player games that lasted longer than TOR from 1-50, and they were a lot more fun. There were no compromises to be made that come with MMO's, no hassles, no LFG for an hour or two, etc.


    It's not even like SW:G where it was simply sooo bug ridden. Everyone saw the potential of SW:G, and knew that it could be an awesome MMO. I don't even feel that way about SWTOR. I feel like at best, it might be good some day, but it will never be great.


    This game takes no risks, and it shows. Literally, NO RISKS. Not even with clothing options for the females. (SW:G took plenty here, and everyone loved it). Not with combat, not with end-game. It's all copied from something else, and not all of what they copied was ever that great to begin with.


    The VO's were great while they lasted, but that's over now for what, a year? hah. In a year this game will be a memory for me. I just don't think I can wait that long to hear what Doc, Kira, or any of the others have to say.


    Also I think the whole idea of raiding is burning people out. They just spent years raiding in WoW, for all that uber gear. They left WoW for something different and came to SWTOR only to get to the end-game and realize, hey, more RAIDING! More gear to get so we can raid yet more, for more gear, to raid more, for yet more gear. etc.


    I think that is backfiring on Bioware, just a little. The Voice Over's were the one "risk" they took with this game, and it's not nearly enough.

  12. Really, if you aren't 50, then I don't think you should be responding. Each planet you move too makes things a little more difficult. You will soon find that you're not gaining power at the rate that the mobs are.


    It CAN be done at 50 with Kira, but you have NO room for mistakes. If you pick up a single extra add, it can mean you are taking a trip to the med center. But yeah, it can be done.


    IMO, they need to allow us to pick our companion's roles. Spec kira as a healer and maybe she and Rusk would be all I used.


    As it stands now, Doc is the way to go, sadly.

  13. I'd like to second this. Really surprised this made it through Beta - I guess no one was ever making Support Tickets, too busy 'Playing'. Immensly Frustrating!


    Don't even go that route. Beta Testers submitted thousands of tickets on these issues, It is not the beta-testers. It is Bioware's prioritizing and their refusal to really LOOK at the tickets (all through beta they were focused on METRICS. Not the tickets or the forums).

  14. OP makes a good point. Personally, I think the bioware devs didn't expect people to leave other MMOs to come here, and now they're suffering for it, as the game is getting more and more bad hype because their content is too easy, they hardly bug fix end game content, rather than just adding ui features AND END GAME CONTENT ONLY they're making alt rolling and social gear better? Forget that, I don't care about all the kids who have 17 characters, I want to be able to enjoy end game on my 1 character.


    even in Beta this was considered "part" of the end-game content. Creating Alts. Bioware is going to forge full steam ahead on this, why I have no idea because after trying to play an Alt, I had to stop at 13 because I felt like I had just DONE all these quests.


    You have to be pretty hard core to put yourself through the pain of redoing all those quests again and again for all your character slots. Personally, I'm not up to that kind of pain and boredom. That's not a game to me, it's a job.

  15. I don't think it's a problem with BW not making them more readily apparent. I think it's more the playerbase itself doesn't make them more popular due to money management.


    When I level up my toons, whenever I'm at the GTN to upgrade gear I always look for items with augment slots first. Unfortunately, they can be extremely hard to find most of the time. Mainly because (IMHO), a large portion of the playerbase goes straight for Biochem, and those that do actually choose a different profession usually only craft just what their own toons can use. When the players progress in levels, they repeat the process, and will rarely craft lower level gear unless they happen to have some spare mats taking up inventory space.


    I don't fault the playerbase for it though. In SWTOR, there are way too many money sinks and the average player is always pinching every credit they have whenever possible. It's not until you get to lvl 45-50 that money isn't much of a worry anymore. But at that point, lower level gear still isn't getting crafted.


    I have to agree with others. The general public as a whole has no idea about augment slots and augments and how to utilize them. The ONLY people I see buy my augment slotted Shields are other crafters who understand what can be done with them.

  16. I made 4 million with artifice by selling color crystals on the market. But now every artifice saw the gem market and basicly flooded it with cheap prices.


    So once then GTN has gone to crap, what then for Artifice? May as well go biochem?


    The color crystals are down to about 20k for a purple on my server. Hardly worth the effort now, and once everyone reaches end-game, there will be nothing to sell at all because like every other profession except biochem, artifice has no consumable to sell that is needed.

  17. All I know with gear is that some will complain its too easy to get. Make it harder and people will complain its too hard to get. I remember the honor system in WoW where you had ranks. You get to rank 8, miss a day or two of heavy PVP and your rank is lower. To get to max rank which I believe was 12 or 13 back then, it was nearly impossible. Like 18 hours or more a day impossible. Some will always be unhappy.


    Dude, a 4 man group cleared EV and posted a VIDEO. 4 man for an 8 man op!


    It's not easy? C'mon.


    It's so easy it's LAME.



    All ranged.


    This game has serious issues.

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