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Posts posted by Eckrond

  1. The problem isn't the rewards


    Super L quote there, any credibility you might have had just rock-bottomed. GSF has not been updated in the 8 years it has been released, it has two modes and two maps - if it actually has any more than that it certainly does not feel like it, and no part of playing it translates to the rest of the game, i.e. you learn nothing of mechanics, rotations, CCing, or anything else that might aid in playing the rest of the game. The problem is the incredibly over-inflated rewards, full-stop.

  2. The inflation is desired by EA/BW. Higher in-game currency prices leads to more and larger Cartel Market purchases by players who resell CM items for credits. Ever wonder why BW doesn't show you the GTN buyer? Think about it.


    Why would someone spend real money to convert to credits when there is nothing to buy with those credits that they can't just buy with their real money in the first place?


    I think *you* should have thought about it more. Creating a vendor that sells items only attainable with credits would be an actual way to motivate CC sales to convert to credits.

  3. Why? Why everyone is asking for a credit sink?


    There are zero positives to inflation in a virtual economy, 100% negative - that is the short answer to why it needs to be addressed.


    - Squishing the ceiling on credit value lowers the cost of everything: materials, augment kits, augment kit components, etc.

    - Pushing more items below the 1 million mark offers more cosmetic options for F2P and Preferred players

    - A vendor-based credit sink not only gives credit-wealthy players an outlet for their massive wealth, it offers an opportunity for players that currently do not invest in grinding credits or even buying CC items to sell for credits to spend at the new vendor: this will increase Cartel Coin purchases.


    So making gameplay-oriented materials more accessible, allowing more options for free players to customize, bringing old players back to spend their massive wealth, and selling more CCs all at the same time; the question absolutely is why you wouldn't want a new and effective credit sink.

  4. With the economy already in shambles, inflation has reached such a high point that big ticket items are routinely traded above the 1 billion credit cap of the GTN, which means trades that would normally take 60-80 million minimum out of the economy are now just adding to an already growing issue that created this specific problem to begin with.


    Obviously the immediate fix is the raise the GTN cap, but the bigger issue of the inflated economy comes from having no other credit sinks to reasonably spend on. A vendor with curated items has long been suggested, personal stronghold decorations working like guild donations has also been suggested where additional copies can be purchased for credits, IMPLEMENT SOMETHING PLEASE, SOME IDEA.


    Thank you.

  5. No, if you are any kind of class which is not a healer, you can NOT do ANYTHING without your companion.


    Bit of an exaggeration. I've accidentally not had companions in story content and lower level heroics and barely noticed they weren't there.


    Why would I want that? Having my character's wife around improves my morale.


    Our forums are sometimes nasty, but if i may say, coming on game well known for stories


    To answer to the OP :


    Treek does not judge. Treek does not care which choice I make. Treek is life.


    i love Treek!!! actually have her as tank for almost all my fights.


    You all have necro'd a thread and piled on an OP from 10 years ago.


    Well done.

  6. 2X XP doesn't matter one bit to me. Why? I plan on leveling new ALTS with 7.0, to check out the old stories with new classes.. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be locked in before then but whatever. :D


    To kill things faster and have access to more skills as early as possible in the story; by your logic you also wouldn't care if you started each new toon at LVL 80; there's something to be said of appreciating the design of the level progression, but that would be diminished if you had a button at the bottom of your screen that said "Push for Level Up" so you could progress at your leisure, wouldn't it? I don't think it's difficult to understand why, given the choice, people would rather level up faster than slower, so your confusion is bizarre.

  7. To me, notion of having 8 genuinely different ways to react to some things sounds very refreshing when compared to the usual 3. .


    But that's the point, you wouldn't get that, and we saw that with the Alliance missions; because SWTOR does not have the potential for branching paths or world immersion like Fallout or Skyrim, you get 8 dialogue choices that ultimately lead to the same interaction. I will point out that what you're suggesting, once again, was already done with KotFE and KotET, but I don't know anyone who looks back on Alliance Missions as a fond interaction and you even neglect to mention them at all, even though it's what you want and for the reasons you wanted.

  8. Can't imagine this hasn't been suggested before, and my experience came with a failed game known as "Marvel Heroes" where, upon reaching max level, you could reset your level in order to receive some bonuses and perhaps, most narcissistically, get a new color for your Nameplate, so you could show off to everyone how many times you have beaten the game.


    Narcissism aside, I can't imagine I'm the only one who would like to play through the stories again with my current players with the new outfits I've put together, or to branch off of new paths, re-do a romance, use a new weapon style and just while the hours away again; rewards could include exclusive cosmetics like a big gold class statue to display in your stronghold, or even new Nameplate colors like in Marvel Heroes so you can stand out amongst the Greens and Blues on fleet.


    Just wanted to talk about this, I start new toons all the time but it would be nice to 'prestige' my main over and over too.

  9. No, it made Alliance missions of KotFE feel kind of cheap and detracted from the narrative that had already been established in the span of the game up until that point; ultimately, while KoToR 1 and 2 are fondly remembered their dialogue options were weighty and I would suspect are the most indifferent thing people react to on replays. Giving us 8 different things to say to Yuun before recruiting him didn't enhance the experience in any way, and at worse it made the interaction tedious, and is that the goal? To make players feel exhausted to interact with quest givers? I've played a few WoW characters to end game and I couldn't tell you what reason I did 99% of the quests in that game because I wasn't going to read two paragraphs of flavor text, but watching your highly customized character speak and interact is one of the amazing charms that makes SWTOR still incredibly unique in the MMORPG space.


    I would argue that, for Skyrim and Fallout 4, the main narrative is not at all the intended focus for the game: it's there to play and enjoy if you feel you need a justification for what you're doing in this world, but as someone who ran off to the east after Riverwood and didn't unlock dragons in Skyrim until I was level 40, the game clearly had a bigger focus on immersion into the world - this is possible with SWTOR, but clearly not the focus as SWTOR focuses more on the general narrative of these 8 (and eventually 1) stories that inject your character onto the stage to experience them. Would an Elder Scrolls style Old Republic game be awesome? Absolutely, but it's not what SWTOR or even KoToR was and, I would argue, that KOTOR would have been a better game had it had the type of cutscenes we see in SWTOR - one of the reason Mass Effect became what it was, for example.


    So yeah, no; VA for the player character is part of the immense charm and experience of being engaged with SWTOR the whole way through, at least for me.

  10. Let's start with the price: I understand that every pack, supercrate, and hypercrate is priced on sale from the get-go; this has been the case for the last several years I have been playing. The GEMINI pack is now, inexplicably, priced higher for some reason. I'm sure that the team figured out long ago that pricing the hypercrates at under 5500 CC was a great way to sell them due to the pricing tiers of CC; in case there is a running tally somewhere for subs calling this out, please make a mark for me. This was a bad idea.


    The return of bronze items: I loved chance cubes, they increased the value of buying hypercrates immensely due to the possibility of getting some rare items from the past, but even the considerable amount of bronze mounts, pets, titles, and emotes received from them were beneficial to rounding out one's collections. Not sure how feedback was collected regarding the chance cubes, but I would like to point out that subs who were happy with the content are less likely to visit your forums EVER, so I hope it was not the sole or primary medium for collecting this communication. I dislike the return of bronze items immensely.


    The Defiant Vented Dualsaber: I just hate that thing, partly because I rolled 3 of them from 5 hypercrates last month, so I'm a little bitter, but also because it is very silly looking. I assure you, only releasing a single saber version would have been acceptable to the community.


    The actual pack content: I simply do not like it, but I don't think it's bad; the armor sets are inspired, the color crystal is inventive, and the mounts, while not particularly attractive to me, are pretty cool looking. I won't be buying any of these packs or hypercrates due to the nerf in jawa materials, reduction of chance cubes, and general disinterest with content; for reference I buy around 3 to 5 hypercrates each release typically.


    This is a suggestion forum, so here is my suggestions: option for hypercrate w/ chance cubes and hypercrate w/o; no idea on the logistics for implementation and it may clutter the CM. Establish 5400 CC as the default price for your hypercrates; I know someone somewhere in your marketing department will espouse the benefits of pricing items of sale for "reeling in customers", but seriously, it's time to move on from that mentality; your primary hypercrate customers simply cannot be new and gullible players in my mind, and even if a significant portion, why make them feel tricked?


    Thanks for reading, I don't come to the forums often (and last time I did was for a design implementation I horribly misunderstood) but sometimes it's probably necessary. Love the game and have been loving the CM packs for the last several months.

  11. 1. Agile Reconnaissance


    My number one in terms of how often I use it - it dyes really well, and the chest piece flows very nicely with movements. Great for Sith, Jedi, even Agents.


    2. Troublemaker


    While this does not always end up on MY toon, I believe every toon I've made has put this set on one or more companions - I even outfitted my whole Agent's crew in this with primary black dye as a standard uniform.


    3. Saul Karath


    This one for versatility - it's an easy, minimalist military dress outfit that I've used much more often since the outfit designer came into play.


    4. Satele Shan


    Another great armor that dyes well - I've used the chest on a few toons and have used the gloves, boots, and belt on several more.


    5. Cassus Fett


    Quintessential "Old Republic Mandalorian"; great set altogether, even better the pieces will transfer very well to complete a unique look - the worn design on the armor really pairs well with the "lived-in" design philosophy of Star Wars.

  12. Just wanted to bring this up as a topic to BW and the community;


    I personally do not like the idea of early access unless there is some form of Beta testing component to it; otherwise it feels like the content is simply being arbitrarily gated. Personally, this is patronizing to me as a subscriber, and is no doubt irritating to Preferred and Free to Play players at the very least. As you might imagine, I don't just play with other subscribers; many of my friends in the game are not subbed, so why would I feel rewarded just to get to experience content sooner than they would? Completely disregarding the possible resentment it would cause among these players, if the content is there to be experienced there's just no good reason to gate it.


    Obviously I don't speak for everyone, but to be perfectly honest I just cannot imagine the type of player that is satisfied with the 'reward' of getting to do something two days earlier than some people. Thanks for reading.

  13. Hi, I'm a founder, and I got the title I paid for. Should I get more? No


    I also bought the Collectors Edition and got the Malgus statue I paid for. Should I get more now? **** no, I already got what I paid for. I bought a car 2 years ago, can I get a free tank of fuel for it cause I kept it? Sure. Really? No!


    A more appropriate comparison would be car insurance, due to the continuous payment and level of service provided in return. That said, there are many car insurance companies that are giving their clients rewards for the longer they use the company to insure their car. So if your point was the expectation was ridiculous because it doesn't occur in other industries, you seem to be wrong as clearly it does.

  14. You say you are being insulted...but, offer no explanation. How were you insulted?


    Hey I'm not that into HK so the added rewards are very much meh for me. That said, I don't know how somebody could feel "insulted" by them. It sounds like they tried to find something that a bunch of people in the community and online actually would like. What happened in the story to HK got to people, and lots of people in guild and just in general kept saying they hoped Bioware would do something to give them a chance to bring him back. They do and now people are insulted by it. :tran_tongue:


    I will never understand the "slap in the face" crowd.


    Not OP obviously, but I'll answer for myself because I, strangely I'll admit, also felt insulted when hearing the big announcement. The reason is mostly the build up - the same ire others have with it, but it also comes off as patronizing: to subscribe to the game and feel like you're doing what you can to show your support every month only to be presented 'rewards' like this under the auspices that it's not only a big announcement; you as a subscriber should also be thrilled! It shows very little foresight.


    "Why does it show very little foresight?" - Well, I'll answer that too: Firstly, most subscribers are likely hardcore players; most hardcore players have likely unlocked HK-51; HK-55 is hardly something to get excited over for players who have been using HK-51 for years. Personally, I think HK-55 would be an excellent unlock accessible to everyone but in the same vein as the HK-51 quest (difficulty and dedication to unlock). As a subscriber that will never unsub though, it's times like these where I'm simply reminded that it would be nice to be appreciated. I'm sure the perception is there that I am provided an appropriate level of access and service to me monthly $15 (btw, my cartel coin purchases absolutely DWARF my subscription fee) and I don't actually DESERVE anything more, and maybe that's true. Nevertheless, when I'm told and hyped up for a "SUBSCRIBER REWARD!" I'm sorry, but I can't help but get a little excited that it might be something actually exciting and considerate to the dedication I've put towards the game for years, and subsequently be disappointed when it isn't.


    To sum it up: the feeling of 'insult' is mostly a reactionary one; I doubt there's many of us hardcore subs that will actually ever unsub short of direct and personal abuse from devs themselves, but we don't need to be patronized into excitement over rewards that wouldn't excite F2P players.

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