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10 Good
  1. 1. Re-spec and take Wither. 2. Start fight with Wither - 1 Stack HD 3. Next Shock - 2 Stacks HD 3. Thrash - (you surely lucky and proc Energize) 4. Shock - 3 Stacks HD 5. Hit "Recklessness", then Force Lightning. Enjoy 2k Heal and 6000k DMG if you are geared well and not focus tank. Total time to get 3 stacks - 6 seconds. Profit.
  2. My understanding of PVP in every MMORPG is next: you have to have 50% wins and 50% losses in PVP warzones, like it was in swtor before last patch. If you doing 70% wins of your games - thats 20% margin of your skills in it, and surely vise versa...if you loss more than half of your games - you must understand that you are not Chuck yet here. What Im trying to say, this scheme worked before the last patch( at lest for me), but after loosing 8 last games in row today and 6 (ok, out of 9 yesterday, while being ranked 1-3th in medals every game - I decided to post a simple question - "What is going on?" I see that now in every game I play vs geared guys from same guild, but I play solo... Did last patch said good bye for soloing warzones?
  3. Hello, I just got Andronikos Revel as a companion, but in "crew skills" panel he shown as "guest" and cannot do any crew missions. Instead of mission icons - one big word "GUEST". Im sure I completed quest with him. Any advise?
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