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Posts posted by MarkMaximus

  1. I would like to get a lot more companion gifts but I run out of common data crystals very easily. If I could change crystals from radiant or glowing data crystals to common data crystals it would help out immensely.
  2. The reason I started this forum post is because all of my characters are being constantly stunned beyond full resolve and which resolve does nothing, nor does it reset to full while being bombarded by stuns, roots, or snares. If my healer can't get a single heal off due to being CCD for the entire time HP goes from 100% to 0% then there is something wrong there. That's not including being focused. That's also in arenas and in some fights where only a couple of toons are doing the CCS.
  3. Resolve needs to be fixed. Too many classes able to do too many ccs and nothing done to resolve where as some classes only do 1 or 2 ccs and resolve is full immediately. Every cc, including roots, snares, and push backs should be counted towards full resolve. Should be any 2 of those to full resolve as full resolve doesn't work as it should being reset when another cc is used to just make this the same for every class.
  4. There is an abundance of force wake going around rooting people to the floor and barely doing anything to resolve as this skill tree point racks more havoc on me than any other tree skill. As you can not move for 2 seconds for each force push that is done you can be sitting there for more than 10 seconds at a time and playing mdps your pretty much screwed. I suggest that the root be released as soon as damage is done otherwise it's pointless to do anything.
  5. So I posted about my cybertech mods but it looks more abundant that a vast amount of my schematics from my armorings and earpieces have been deleted and now I have to repurchase those schematics. I have not covered all my crafting schematics but i'm pretty sure that even my implants as well have been deleted. I would like all my schematics including my purple ones to be given to me if I had got those schematics already.
  6. When things were going to change to Mastery I did not think that my mods that I already reversed engineered would just suddenly be deleted. THAT WAS A LOT OF LONG HOURS TO GET ALL THE MODS FOR EVERY LEVEL TO PURPLE SCHEMATICS. I WOULD LIKE THAT YOU REPLACE ALL OF MY MODS TO PURPLE BECAUSE THOSE HOURS OF REVERSE ENGINEERING JUST DIDN'T DISAPPEAR. I had every level of mods of every kind to purple.
  7. There is an abundance of force wake going around rooting people to the floor and barely doing anything to resolve as this skill tree point racks more havoc on me than any other tree skill. As you can not move for 2 seconds for each force push that is done you can be sitting there for more than 10 seconds at a time and playing mdps your pretty much screwed. I suggest that the root be released as soon as damage is done otherwise it's pointless to do anything.
  8. I really don't like getting worthless ultimate comms for an OPS that I have done a lot of times already. The old OPS do not drop gear for the level so they shouldn't be part of the weekly. I would like that new OPS would alternate each day so that way people have more chances to get the new OPS done as well as get the new gear for their level.
  9. I have noticed that the new elite and ultimate comm gear is no where any good to get like it used to be. Before the stats would be less than op gear but not dramatically less as it is now. I have not used any of my elite or ultimate comms for anything on 4 of my toons and are pretty much capped for everything. I would like to see in the future for comm gear at least some kind of closeness of stats to the op gear that is dropped.
  10. As this has not come out but will come out with the expansion, I just want to address that I am negatively affected by having to do heroics on a lower planet by grouping up because of level syncing with that planet when my character has far out leveled the planet by a lot. I like to solo heroics and not have to worry about grouping up. If my character has to group up then I will be spending more time grouping up than actually doing the heroic. I do not like this one bit.
  11. I find it increasingly overwhelming that the only things that I need to get more reputation for are for the cartel market factions. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to pull your hair out to get any kind of reputation without spending a fortune. I am requesting that there will be more cartel market faction specific slot machines to get more reputation for each faction.
  12. I have bought a couple of speeders with certificates and was able to unlock them to my legacy with cartel coins. But the one speeder, aratech eclipse, I am not able to unlock with cartel coins because I have to unlock each aratech eclipse with 4 cartel certificates. This is beyond ridiculous as getting cartel certificates is extremely hard to get. It wouldn't be so bad if the certificates came by way of slot machine as it did before, but it doesn't. This needs to be changed back to unlocking by cartel coins for legacy. I also hope that getting armor by using cartel certificates unlocks by cartel coins for legacy and not for each toon with cartel certficates.
  13. So I am all for agreeing with lag but here lies the problem, lag affects everyone differently. So if I see something because my lag was great then someone with a great setup and almost no lag would see something that was not hacking according to what EVERYONE says about hacking not being hacking but only lag. So how is it that other people that are playing see the exact same thing at the same exact time? There in lies the problem with the notion it is lag and not hacking. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.
  14. Until Bioware does something about the hackers I will continue to post that there are still hackers in game playing pvp. And just because ppl lose doesn't mean that they lost because they were not good players. PPL yell unfounded when they themselves cheat. PPL are not good players because they cheat, ppl are bad players when they cheat as they can not play well without cheating. And most of the time it's usually the chimp side that does all the cheating. Damn chimps and their banana loving cheats.
  15. Would like it that the gear that I purchase from the Inheritance vendors that are so called legacy bound be bound through Legacy. Not only is it expensive to buy it is bound to the specific class and is not truly legacy bound because if it were truly legacy bound I could use for all of my characters. Would like that you could adjust this class specific legacy bound gear to be used for all classes as legacy bound.
  16. Roll from top to endzone: not a bug, same thing as force speed + jump


    Getting lag and killed: you got stunned and rooted and globalled


    Backstab in front? Not even commenting on this


    How about you learn class mechanics


    Your retarded i said end of endzone 1/4 of the whole wz, in fact he hit the wall and landed after flying so far.

    Did I mention Arena, as in 4 people and I'm a tank ... with very good defense and absorption stats ...

  17. I have been a subscriber since prelaunch of this game and I find it insulting that new subscribers would get 2400 cartel coins as well as a 40% discount for rejoining. As being a long time subscriber I would also like my 2400 cartel coins that are being rewarded to previous subscribers.
  18. Seems like more and more people are cheating or hacking the game and this needs to end as I am seriously considering not paying as to the # of hacks in warzones being done. Scoundrel rolling from top of huttball platform to score in endzone in one roll, or op using back stab in front of the player, getting super lag in an arena warzone where i'm the only with getting lag and being focused and killed almost immediately while rest of computer is running normally and not getting about 30 ms lag from rest of game, and other things that seem to just pop up now and then.
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