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Everything posted by silent-sniper

  1. Heyy Chris I am Scott, I hope to see you in game at some point, I have played some MMO's in the past, but usually as a casual gamer, WoW, WAR and several free-to-play games, I am hoping to come into swtor with a lil more expirence and be a more competitive gamer, good gaming and I wish you all the best.
  2. ElhonnaDS I agree with everything that you say, it is sad, and I do feel sorry for them, but the raging isnt doing themselves any favours, they should just wait like every other person has to do, truth is Bioware are giving us more time than we expected, what is there to complain about, because honestly, I dont understand the complaints.
  3. lmao, silly children, to be honest, I am glad I am not in game yet, I am at uni at the moment and I reckon if I had been given early access I wouldnt have ended up doing work that needs doing
  4. Its quite funny actually, the people that spend their time raging clearly have nothing better to do with their lives, we should all feel sorry for them, acting like Bioware "owes" them everything.
  5. okay... I know this is so incredibally hard to believe, but.... there are... MALES *shock horror* just for all you females out there that find it hard to believe there are males that play video games
  6. Thank you everyone for replying, glad to see some support for bioware, I dunno who said it and cant be arse looking through all the replies again but yes, it does only take a small percentage of people to make a lot of noice, Bioware have been working on this game for years, and I am glad that instead of rushing it out they have taken their time, great respect to them. Nice to see a lot of decent people within the forums, hope to see you all in game, as far as early access goes, I am happy if I get any at all
  7. Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect... Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.
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