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Posts posted by OsirisZoran

  1. I plan on this being my lvl 50 spec. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsbMdRrutZcMcMo.1

    Its a pure lightning based dps pvp spec that focus's on pure lightning AOE dmg & the strength of single DPS with force lightning. It has plenty of CC and pvp survivability. I chose no CD time on Force lightning over Thundering blast mainly because of the 9 second cooldown on Thundering blast and not wanting to rely on lightning strike for my single target DPS.

  2. always keep stasis barried on the main tank and yourself if you're taking damage. always refresh the statis barrier on the tank when it wears off. Also put stassis barrier on the tank a few seconds before they engage so that it wears off earlier in the fight so you can cast again without delay.


    always stand about 20-30m away from the tank so that you can give time for them to pick up any lost agro on the targets. use whirlwind to CC any lose adds.


    use the quick heal on non tank players unless they've pulled agro and are taking big hits. If your tank falls to 50% hp or is constantly getting hit for 25% of their life bar in one hit then use big heals on MT.


    Watch out for any aoes on the ground. dont waste force dpsing if its a hard fight that is healing intensive.


    Make sure to make use of your other CCs like electrocute and overload to get adds off you or group members.


    use consumption in cases of emergency to get force back & then use a med kit to get the life lost back.


    use reckleness for your big heal only for those "oh crap" moments where a boss hits really hard and you're almost out of force but have enough for 2 big heals.

  3. So i've reached level 35 so far and im starting to wonder how i should ideally be gearing my sith sorcerer. I plan on rocking a 0/30/11 spec at level 50. SO far i've learned that Wisdom and force power are the best upgrades to get for us as pimary stats.


    Then i've come to the conclusion to stack more Crit & surge with my more lighting oriented attacks since most of the talents rely on crits & increasing crit damage with aclarity being a secondary concern.


    Looking at madness it looks like it would focus more on power then either crit & surge. Then it looks like Accuracy would be necessary for pvp oriented or raid content ?


    What do you fellow sorcs feel are the primary stats to focus on with certain builds?

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