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Posts posted by OsirisZoran

  1. Personally, I'm a 3/7/31 madness sorcerer and I'm almost always top performer. I use 2 pieces of force mystic (for the bubble lockout timer reduction) and 2 pieces of force master (for the crushing darkness bonuses). I tend to run out of force after about 20 seconds of dishing out my primary ability cycles, then I'll have to fall back upon force-lightning spam to provide any sustained dps. I have surprisingly high burst dps and survivability for a sorc (I tend to go off solo to an objective point the enemy controls and force more than 2 players to be dedicated to defending it, so this results in easier victories for my team). 1v1 I can beat any class/spec on equal terms (i.e. both our cooldowns are ready or both our cooldowns are down). 1v2-3 I can beat many classes/combinations, but might not always manage to cap an objective before they've respawned/returned (always requires me to have relic/heal stim/adrenal timers/recklessness cooldowns ready). Marauders/Sents are a joke - as are most heavy armor-wearers (tank-specs last longer, but my DoT crits heal me enough to sustain me - non-tank specs drop quickly). However, it's vulnerable to: chain-taunts, 2x shadows/sins (too much burst damage and we have no method to counter them effectively due to their bubble), and I'm moderately susceptible to scoundrel/operative burst damage (never get caught half-health without a bubble up). Ops/Scound healers take the longest for me to kill solo, but I can effectively force them to focus on healing only themselves until they die. Commando/Merc healers only pose an issue with their bubbles up, but you can burst them down if you disrupt one of their big heals with your knockback and finish them off while stunned - without bubbles they're easy.


    so your crit dot heals can keep you up from sentinels/maras hitting you for 5-6k? dont think so

  2. He is one of those people who are not happy until they can faceroll their keyboard without any skill and kill any player they want in 3-5 seconds.


    God forbid you have to L2P in PvP instead of making whiny forum post after forum post about non-game breaking abilities that can easily be overcome.

  3. this just in melee have 1 gap closer that you use to get knocked back again and snared or rooted get out of that one rommel


    oh you got knocked back? just stun them and march yourself back to them.


    Not sure what YOU are doing wrong but every other melee pvp player who is competent is having no problems face rolling any class.

  4. People say "learn to interrupt" as if interrupts DO anything in this game.


    Oh look, I just put Tracer Missile on a 4s cooldown! I guess you have use your two instant attacks in the meantime before you can go back to spamming Tracer Missile again. Oh the humanity!


    yes the two other instant attacks that hit for considerably much less. heres another thought, once they begin casting that 2nd TM hit them with a stun.


    Herp Derp PvP 101 basics.

  5. increase the casttime with 0.5 secs and reduce the dmg with 25%.


    And maybe add a 2 sec cd on the spell so you cant spam it.


    In its current state its way to overpowered, you cant interupt or los it before you are dead.


    Then you're really bad. any competent pvper can easily kill a TM spamming merc.



    L2p seriously

  6. I personally think a 'deserter debuff' is a must, for any hope of stability in these warzones.


    As it sits, people have zero incentive to stick with a match if they recognize an opponent name/group/guild etc..

    By the time the game refills those spots, the opposition already has a leg up on the objective which is near impossible to recover from (multiple goals, doors, turrets).


    If a person knows they can't simply leave and re-Q for another match, because they have a 15 minute debuff on them, they're more inclined to stick around and get what valor/xp/credits they can.


    I'd take it a step farther even. If you are detected as 'deserting' multiple times inside an hour, bump up the 15 minutes to 45. Their needs to be some incentive, either negative or positive, for people to stick out a round fully.


    Now, that said:

    This would have to be dependent on having some functional ability to actually reconnect to a WZ on a legitimate disconnect. Because people with a shaky connection/computer certainly shouldn't have to suffer the debuff as a result of what they can't control.


    But yeah, there is more to gain from a deserter debuff than there is to lose. (And I don't say that lightly, because I'd rather eat broken glass than stand around, permanently CC'd, in a match of Huttball.)


    like i said. Do that and people will just stop playing and you'll have no one left to pvp. You people go to such extremes and dont realize this is a GAME. ITS A GAME. you dont get a deserter debuff for quitting out of any FPS shooter game on the Bro Box 360 or any other FPS related shooter on PC.


    But if you want to kill a new MMO thats the right way to do it. (btw it took a long time before wow put in a deserter debuff when they had millions of subs and cross server bgs)

  7. When I'm in dps spec, I kill lots of things pretty easy....mainly because in this 'team' based game, as an assassin I go kill the things at low health that stray too far away from a healer...in order for our team to get the numbers advantage.


    If I walked up to a group of 2 without stealthing I'd get my *** handed to me.


    In heal spec I stay near objectives till the enemy afks in base because they can't capture anything.


    PS: in a 1v1, I still define easy as somethin I can kill eventually in 6-7 if not 10 attacks in between cc's as long as I keep em slowed. Obviously less is better. I've never 3 shot anything that wasn't already half dead.


    assassins dont have a heal spec.

  8. Whoever said that interrupts could use s slightly shorter CD was dead on. I play an assassin and I feel I can pump pump out enough eps but I most certainly need every single CD up and available. If not, a decent equally geared healer will usually outlast me.


    yeah interupts should be able to interupt every and any heal ability a healer can use!


    *fist pump* yeah! BALANCED!

  9. Very bad idea for a new mmo that is teetering with many many bugs and game problems. If they implemented a deserter debuf they would lose the majority of their pvp base.


    I would cancel my sub since i dont like wasting my time in a losing WZ when all i want to finish is the daily since im already past valor rank 60 and have limited game time with school.

  10. in one Voidstar BG, had like 400k in the Alderaan before that....course we republics still won both those games.


    But ya...I'm lucky to get anywhere close to 300k on VS as Sawbones full champ almost.


    And then on DPS they routinely have higher DPS even if I can sit on em and make em cry in a 1v1.


    Sorc heals is soooooo weak! Because you QQ'ers on the forums tell us so....so it must be true!


    Why they haven't nerfed Sorc is beyond me (other than being the most played class because of said OPness). They heal better, they dps better, and have a sprint and more CC and snares. Like seriously bro!


    Like I said we still won both games.


    They;re not most played because of OPness. and Cool WZ story bro. WZ definitely is the litmus test for balance!

  11. This really needs to be changed to just winning 1 WZ.


    With the amount of people quitting if their team is losing and making you get their spot, Wins not counting half the time, and getting pitted against a half premade group it just takes incredibly long to complete this daily if you're not in a premade group (which dailies shouldnt be based around having to be in).


    Honestly it shoul be to just win 1 so the majority of people dont have to spend 2-3+ hours trying to finish the daily.


    edit: oh and now with the all AFKbots gauranteeing you an auto loss.

  12. Just so you know, in ilum when there's around 50-70 imps that usually only 1 is an operative.


    In BG's, I can count the number of operatives on one hand in an entire weeks worth of playing....which means there are more Sorcs in 1 match than an entire weeks worth of Ops!! And uh I get my weekly done in the first day btw.


    If at the height you see 2 Ops in a BG.....nope still not OP enough.


    I see plenty of ops and soundrels on my server. Maybe your server really likes sorcs?

  13. I am going to try and endeavor a fair and balanced argument on why Force Lightning needs to be looked at.


    In my humble opinion it is ruining War zones and open world PVPing. It takes all the fun out of even trying to compete against the imperials. First of all 1 out of every 3 imperials is a Sorcerer and all they do is spam force lightning. It has tremendous range, stuns you, hits like a truck and to my knowledge there are no diminishing returns to its mini stun. Yes you are right sages get Telekinetic throw and on some occasions can do some nice damage but is nowhere near as potent/overpowered as Force Lightning.


    Suggestions for Nerfing Force Lighning;

    -Add diminishing returns to the Stun

    -Lower the crit % modifier

    - Add another second onto its cast time


    I have been 50 for a couple weeks now, and I find that thee most unfair and unbalanced part of PVP (speaking for the Republic side) is the amount of characters rolling Sorcerers and spamming Force lightning.


    You guys have a real problem on your hands and this needs to be addressed.


    Any other suggestions?


    Thanks for reading.


    I highlighted all the BS in your post and highlighted in Red what your problem is.


    I suggest you L2P considering telekinetic throw and force lighting are the same skill.

  14. I don't really have too much of a problem with healers, that are specced as healers able to heal through a good deal of damage.


    What's really a problem is that every dps class gets heals (minus warriors), that are on par with heal oriented specs.


    You shouldn't be able to pull off mass damage and heal as well as a fully specced healer.


    I went up yesterday against a group of dps sorcs, and a couple mercs, on the opposing side of huttball. You say focus one and kill/interrupt it... But it's irrelevant if all the dps on the same team can then stop dps'ing and fully heal the person the groups trying to focus down. There team consistently did this. To the point where it was quite literally impossible for our team of mixed classes to focus down anyone or anything. The only way mildly possible for us to remedy this would have required massive amounts of coordination with cc's and interrupts, which is only going to happen with a full premade, that's played together a lot before.


    They should have a stance type bar for healers, and dps that can heal. That either buffs your healing and nerfs your damage or vice versa. It shouldn't be possible for the same person to top healing and damage charts. Which is what is possible of sorcs and sages and even some specs of merc/commandos, currently


    The ranged dps specs are meant to be glass cannons (or should be meant to be), a glass cannon that can los around a corner, cc, or stun and heal most of there health up in a few seconds is not a glass cannon.


    Flat out lies.

  15. You answered without even realising it =p


    Can any of my abilities do that every single second that it's running for without heavily depleting my energy pool?


    Back blast? No wait it requires positioning and has a 6 sec cooldown


    How about quick shot? No wait it depletes my energy pool stupidly fast to spam and is a 1.5 sec GCD


    Maybe Sucker punch? Nope it requires upper hand and is tied to GCD which triggers AFTER the damage portion hits


    Maybe my auto attack? Nope no chance and again, tied to GCD.


    What about I dunno my Guardian?


    Hrm lets see Blade storm? Nope 9 sec cooldown

    Maybe Master strike? Nope 45 sec cooldown

    What about Sweep? 9 sec cooldown



    So lightning which can be made no cooldown, can be triggered 3 times from 30m when your CD buff is up and the GCD is finished so it can be used again before the channel is completed and does 1.1-1.3k each SECOND it is running vs BM geared players...means it is doing crap damage now?


    You really are in your own little world aren't you?


    You relaize i have to push 3 buttons and then force lightning just to activate the power to get that much dmg behind it. Then guess how much dmg it does when it gets interupted or LOS? Here s a hint. ZERO.


    and yes, 3k dmg is pretty small time compared to every other class easily clearing 4-7k for their dmg crits.

    whats that? none of the abilities you listed above are affected by interupts or are channeled or cast? Pretty sure they're all instant cast.

  16. crazy thing is i did roll a sorc... i don't play an arsenal BH so i don't tracer spam but i wanted to test out the 1 button win theory.


    If an arsenal BH wants to be effective in WZ's he can't JUST use tracer missile he has to use heatseaker(lvl 40 btw), railshot, and unload for the minimum offensive viabiltiy. The merc also doesn't have a way to break contact and can only mitigate 25% of incoming damage for 12 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown...BUT on the sorc side you ABSOLUTELY can be amazingly effective with just force lightning.


    For this situation though the sorc is going to use a total of 3 abilities(to show i'm not THAT biased).


    Madness spec no CD forcelightning spam, is 100% snare for a 50% speed reduction constantly spammed, meaning whoever you are shooting is moving as slow as a snail and takes 3k damage in 3 seconds(without crits) over and over and over and over.


    I know what your thinking just LOS the sorc and you win. Well he has force speed so where ever you try to run off to he'll be right in your *** spamming his lightning again. Whats that you say...."shoot him back"??? What a great idea!!!


    At this time the sorc who has been attacking you for all of 8 seconds has gotten bored with the fight and decided to pop Recklessness increasing his crit chance by 60% for TWO force lightning spams meaning you have officially gone to the respawner.


    OH and as a sorc you can have ALL of those amazing abilites at lvl TWENTY!!! lol


    OH and if you think i'm crying for a Sorc nerf then you are SOOOOo wrong lol. Like i said i rolled a sorc alt to try it and i will NEVER go back to my merc for the simple fact that sorcs are stupid OP for no reason and i LOVE dominating 10-49 WZ's at lvl 21 lol!!!


    first off thats a flat out LIE that force lightning does 3k dmg in 3 seconds without crits. Im in Champion/BM gear and my non crit force lightning on 500+ exp people hits for about 400-450.


    secondly, its not 100% snare because there is a downtime between the end of the first force lightning and the beginning of the 2nd. so the person does have about a 1 second window of normal movement which is big in pvp.


    congrats on beating noobs in the lowbie brackets where pvp is not balanced. Come try the 50s bracket and see how well your sorc does.

  17. Force lightning, can't crit for 3k its a channeled spell if they could crit for 3k with that spell they wouldn't use any other ability.


    Bubble absorbs like 3-4k damage, You and your 3 friends should probably hit the trainers and upgrade the abilities you start with. Your in for a big suprise to your class actually has more than the two abilities you started with I hope you saved your money 49 levels of abilities will be expensive to train.


    I give up not even going to waste my time explaining resolve to you. Your trolling or by far the worst player ever.


    Honestly he's been in denial since the op nerf. i think he was one of those ops who seriously thought they were a great PvPer when they could kill a person in under 5 seconds but now depression has set in knowing he has to use more than his opener and the few other button smashes to kill someone.


    He actually has to use tactics and skill now.


    Gonna be hard with all the sorc/sages out there stunning people through resolve though and dishing out 3k tick force lightnings all the while tanking 2-3 melee classes.

  18. Sounds like Bright Wizard to me. "Playing with fire is fine, not our fault healers don't know how to purge it" (Bright Wizard argument when they were dot stacking and getting two for one kills with playing with fire)


    "AoE damage is fine you just need to learn to move" (Bright Wizard argument when they were running magnet/aoe bomb squads killing entire warbands in a few seconds)


    And Pyro. "Circle is fine, we need it because we can't survive outside of it" (Pyro argument as to why circle should keep them CC immune and have its mitigation increase)


    "It has an 8 sec cooldown!!" (Argument as to why they should be allowed to one shot)



    And now we get to you.


    "Sorcs do crap damage!" (most sorcs finishing high damage in WZ's and regularly critting for 3k with force lightning regardless of spec)


    "Bubble isn't all that good" (Takes 2-3 people to take a single BM geared Sorc down as shown time and time again)


    "We don't have too much CC" (Chain CC's anyone that comes near them even through resolve)

    Sound familar?


    lol 3k force lighting crits? really? because with 660 force dmg and relic + 15% expertise buff my force lightning ticks crit for 1100-1300 on a 500+ expertise geared player.


    as for the other comments. Yeah keep dreaming and stop playing with terrible players in terrible gear trying to kill BM sorcs..

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