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Everything posted by JasmineMoldovia

  1. No, to me it wouldn't be fun, I don't like fights I barely survive on TRASH mobs, maybe, maybe against bosses I like close fights, but not trash. Trash mobs should never pose a threat to a Sith lord ( Any warrior or Inquisitor) or a highly trained Operative (trooper, or Agent) or even a galaxy hot shot (smuggler) their trash... these are people who took on Dark council members, and lived, where does a mere Mortal have in the face of that? But even more to the point with comps the way they are I NEVER have to group again, and that more than anything is what I want, to play the game and Never be forced to wait for someone to do what I want to do, to get it done. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the act of grouping, what I have against grouping is the Wait to find people who want to do what I want to do. If I could instantly find a group for every bit of gameplay, great, but if I have to wait 5-15 minutes or more to do something, better off just doing it myself.
  2. Your influence rank with them determines power, individual numbers don't seem to matter such as 400 vs 500 but rank 1 will do worse than rank 10
  3. Loving the game, especially Useful comps that can actually take care of themselves!
  4. Degear yourself, unsummon comp, you have your challenge now leave MY companions alone, you are responsible for making the game as easy or challenging as you want, that way those of us, and there are MANY who love it as is, can play and have FUN, while you have CHALLENGE if they change comps I loose MY FUN, so why should I have to give something up for you, when YOU can do it yourself WITHOUT effecting me.
  5. Indeed these people are acting like this is the only MMO game in the world, if it's that horrible for you, other games exist.
  6. their should be a ban for QQ threads too..
  7. Sorry the game is something you don't like, goodbye!
  8. of course he forgot that one, it would invalidate his theory that all mmos in the old days were group grind fest. The one thing i love about modern mmos, is I can go out and do anything, at any time, I remember ff 11, LOVED that game, what I didn't love, and don't miss, and will never put up with again, is lvling a drg, and spending 6 hours sitting in town with a LFG flag because you can't do anything without one. Long live the soloist!
  9. Probably the most relevant thing that can be said: Edit: in short, companions are not to powerful, they are allowing me to do what I want, when I want regardless of others, and that makes them Ideal, to me.
  10. basically DPS crit/power Healers Surge Tank abortion/endurance
  11. Pretty much the same from 60-61 and it was Wonderful.
  12. [quote=Jumajin;8557124. You want to talk history of MMOs, go back to Ultima Online, Everquest, and even SWG where grouping was actually needed, and often, out in the open world. That is the history of MMOs, but not the current market. Actually MMOs started with MUDs, Mushes and MOOs, on Darpa Net, most were single player with the option of group content.
  13. Not a problem, but me, I Love Pet classes I love being the one to order my pets around and let them do Most of the work, that's fun to me.
  14. Also I'm a fan of pet classes in MMOs, I ENJOY ordering my pets to do stuff and let them do most of the work.
  15. Well, that's the thing, I AM doing stuff, I just don't have to worry about dying.
  16. and That's what I don't want because I'm having more fun now than I ever did.
  17. I wish I could join you in your 24/7 war if they do that.... because I agree.
  18. Since you didn't tell us anything about the virus, your computer or why it effects swtor I highly doubt anyone will be able to help, if your virus scanner can't fix it, the only advice I can give, based on what you told me, is to reinstall your OS doing a full clean install and reinstall everything on your computer.
  19. Really I can't understand why these people want to make the game Harder for EVERYONE when it's THEM that needs the challenge, and THEM that can make that challenge for themselves without the devs lifting a finger. Doesn't it make More sense for those that need things Harder to take that difficulty upon themselves, than mandating the difficulty for everyone? Jez if I wanted to be as petulant as all the people here asking for a nerf, I could start a thread to remove PVP from the game, because just Having it in the game means resources are being spent on something I don't like... but I'm an adult, I know better.
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