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Posts posted by KeithKanneg

  1. Hi folks, 

    We saw a lot of feedback come in from the weekend specifically around credits and the 90 consecutive day Subscriber limit since APAC launch for free transfers. We had some additional conversations based on what we’ve seen on the forums and other platforms, and will be making the following adjustments. 

    • The credit limit will now be 15 million per character. 
    • To qualify for the 16 free transfers to Shae Vizla, players must be a current Subscriber and have been an active Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

    Appreciate all of your comments. We’ll continue to keep an eye on feedback that comes in. 


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  2. Hi folks! 

    I’m back to give you more details on the character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. For this post, my aim is to confirm additional details and answer some questions we have seen floating around. 

    Starting with the transfer requirements to Shae Vizla: 

    • Characters will be required to have 15 million or less credits.
    • If you try to transfer a character that has more than that amount, you will see an error message. 
    • The character level minimum is 20. 

    For the first 30 days after transfers open, there will be 16 free transfers available to Subscribers who meet the following criteria: 

    • Are a current Subscriber
    • Have been a Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

    For the first 90 days after transfers open, all Subscribers will receive a 50% discount (500 CC off) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server. 

    • This discount will be applied for Subscribers who use up their free transfers. 

    We also wanted to clarify additional info for transfers outside what is detailed above: 

    • Paid transfers will become available when we open transfers to Shae Vizla. 
    • These will still cost 1000CC per transfer for non-subscribers. This will be the default price after the promotion period ends. 
    • The credit and character level requirements detailed above will still apply to these transfers and all future transfers.
    • Requirements may be adjusted in the future.

    We also wanted to confirm that character transfers will open with Game Update 7.4.1’s launch. All of the changes above need to be tied to an update hence why the transfers are specifically connected to 7.4.1. We will be sharing more details of 7.4.1’s release date on the livestream (I’ll be popping in myself!), so players know what to expect and roughly when. 

    Thanks all!  

    EDIT: Updated credit limit and Subscriber requirement.

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  3. Hello again, 

    Gonna make this one follow up post for now as the team is getting ready to break for the upcoming holiday. 

    I wanted to hop into this thread to generate conversation about what players (particularly those who are in the APAC region) want when it comes to character transfers for the Shae Vizla server. 

    I want us to have a respectful conversation and/or friendly discourse about what's best for our players in the APAC region, and of course, for our game. Our ultimate goal is to have a healthy server that also provides the best home for our APAC players. 

    We opened an APAC server to create a better overall experience for the regional players and grow the number of players in that region. We also had the unique opportunity to improve the economy by delaying and possibly restricting the amount of credits that flowed into the server. That is giving us very insightful details about what defines a healthy economy.

    We also understand about Legacy (and character) transfers and wanting to leverage what you've already completed over the years.

    As a reminder, we will be making a decision based on the data we see and the player feedback we receive. So far, here's what I'm reading in terms of player feedback specifically from this thread:

    • Players want character transfers allowed to/from Shae Vizla (which means your Legacy is also transferred)
    • You support credit restrictions, but want us to consider credit costs such as repair bills
    • Players want a reasonable time/cost to do transfers
    • Players want this server treated the same as all other servers

    If I missed something, just reply with other key points and we'll make sure to review those with the team in the new year.

    Thanks all

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  4. Hi everyone, 

    Wanted to chime in and give you all an update on where we stand with character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. 

    • One of our top priorities is keeping the economy on the Shae Vizla server stable.
    • We are still evaluating Shae Vizla player populations and activity to determine the best timeframe to open transfers to/from the server. We're reviewing a variety of data points, including (but not limited to), credits obtained, characters created, current character levels, Achievements, and more.  

    There is a lot we are learning about the economy and introducing millions or billions of credits will negate our ability to make any refinements. I want to let you all know about some of the topics we are discussing behind the scenes. 

    One point I do want to address upfront, when we initially launched the server, we said we intended to open transfers at a later time. That is still a possibility, but based on the data and sentiment we are seeing around protecting the economy, there now exists possibilities of restricting what is transferred over or not doing transfers at all.

    Achievements are a major aspect of our game and once transferred, a player’s entire Legacy is also moved, rendering many Achievements to already be accomplished. We are considering limiting or completely restricting the transfer of credits and/or item stacks. This will help address the significant concern about the economy, but it doesn't address Achievements, so we are discussing compromises.  

    Again, we are still evaluating everything and when we are ready to make a call, we will be communicating that ahead of time before anything is implemented. We'll also be taking player feedback into consideration regarding how transfers are done. 

    What we are going to do now is continue to monitor the behaviors we see on the Shae Vizla server over the holiday break. When we come back, we’ll continue our discussions around character transfers and communicate with players about our intentions before we make a final decision.

    Thanks all and happy holidays!

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  5. Poking in here to say that I made a thread that provides more info regarding this topic. You can read it in its entirety here. We are going to be keeping that thread locked and will add more info accordingly over time. So for now, please use this thread to continue discussion and conversation. 

    Thanks, everyone.


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  6. Whoa whoa everyone... I was hoping me telling you about the upcoming releases would help you understand this is a new beginning, not the end.

    We have more stories, modernizations, and MMO content already being planned out beyond 7.4.  While details are being discussed and finalized behind the scenes, let's not spin this into incorrect theories.  I am asking you to hang tight and we'll follow up later with more details when we can.


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  7. Hi all , 

    No doubt you’ve read the reports that Electronic Arts is evaluating opportunities to give the game and the team a new home, which includes conversations with Broadsword. Unfortunately, we can't answer any questions you may have at this time.

    Game Update 7.3’s June release will remain unchanged and patch notes will be released a day before per usual. 

    All future content updates are also moving forward as planned, including 7.3.1 and 7.4. We are looking forward to the future of Star Wars: The Old Republic and its continued growth.


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  8. Thank you for the additional information. I am glad to see that there are a lot of bug fixes planned. As I've said before, I don't doubt that you'll fix the big ones. What I am worried about is the many smaller ones that aren't as important. For example, my Sage's Force Armor animation applying to my character when it is cast on the Companion, or pets not staying summoned (though that second one might be a bit older than 7.0).


    And I am disappointed (I find myself posting this phrase a lot lately) that there was no mention of scaling and/or Companion strength. The more I play the more prominent this issue becomes, and it may become a deal breaker for me. :(



    I love combat styles and loadouts, and more locations and new story sound wonderful (and I'm sure the PvP folks are looking forward to that part too). :) But if the "visual and modernization improvements" are anything like the new UI, may I suggest that you just save all of us the hassle and leave well enough alone? Please?


    Some thoughts:


    About companion strength, we’re investigating why they are underperforming in level-synced content.


    With respect to modernizing our UI, we know this is an area where opinions are going to vary widely, and we don’t expect that to change. However, these updates are vital to the ongoing success of SWTOR as technology continues to improve far beyond where it was when the game shipped, such as monitor resolutions or GPUs being faster and having more memory. We know UI changes must be evolutionary and we need to ensure consistency, improved experience, and just better overall flow.


    We are listening and will continue to make adjustments based on your feedback. We are hopeful as we release patches, we’ll find a balance between updated designs, making adjustments, and ensuring your play experience is enjoyable.



  9. Keith,

    I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you mean well but changing how we can do weeklies was wrong. I do not like being "shoehorned" into a particular weekly just because they are on the rotation for the week. I prefer to pick and choose the ones I like and the last time I tried that I got very little for doing it that way because it wasn't on the rotation. Sorry, not sorry if this is the way you want to run the game, fine but don't expect everyone to like it. I am already down to playing maybe once a week and unless there is some sort of change to encourage me to play like I used to, I don't see that changing, except my sub.


    We did make key changes to the way we approach rewards in 7.0. We rotate content (including Flashpoints available in Groupfinder and Weekly missions for Daily Areas) for a couple of reasons. First, it allows all reward calendars to be aligned. Conquests, Galactic Seasons, and the Featured weekly content all line up, which means players can make progress towards multiple rewards at once.


    Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing. Instead of gathering a sheer quantity of items to sort through to find an upgrade in 6.0, which required more and more efficient runs to maximize the amount of gear acquired, we moved to a system that virtually guarantees upgrades to gear by just doing the featured content each week. At the end of the day it results in a quality over quantity philosophy.


    When content is not in rotation, it is still available and rewards are still offered, but to a lesser degree. For example, all Flashpoints are accessible by walking into their entrance, however since Groupfinder is the delivery method for ensuring upgrade rewards, not all Flashpoints are available in Groupfinder each week unless they are featured.


    For Daily missions, we have Weekly mission wrappers ('do 6 dailies') for each area, which are the delivery method for larger rewards. These weekly missions are only available when the rewards are available, which is if they are featured that week. However all of the dailies associated with these missions are still available at all times, and still reward items relevant to gearing or upgrading gear, just at a slower rate than the featured content.


    All of that boils down to featured content is about aligning different reward tracks such as conquest and Galactic Seasons, plus mixing up content with short and long completion times together to prevent some of the issues that awarding all content equally brought to the table in the 6.0 era.


    I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content, but I hope it does provide the insight as to why we decided to make these changes. What I have noticed in-game is there are a lot more players in the areas, and with share tagging of mobs, I'm finding I'm not waiting around for respawns.


  10. 7.1 The Spring Cleaning Update


    That's a catchy name. I'll discuss with Charles, but not sure he'll buy into it. In the meantime, we'll just use 7.0.1 for the bug patch update. Which reminds me, it's worth noting that 200+ bug fixes may not be reflected as 200+ patch notes. I mentioned player facing earlier and that simply means the ones a player might encounter. All of these would be in the patch notes.


    We also have other issues we fix you may never see/experience, but those are included and picked up during our build process. For example, an internal tool adjustment, or a server side change.

  11. Hello Keith, I appreciate the update as well as the breakdown of your investigation as to why Malgus' relentless assault seems to kill us. While its very unfortunate it hasn't been fixed yet its good to know a lot of effort went into investing why it happens, multiple avenues were attempted in order to try to find the reason and hopefully the adjustments made into these death zones help solve the issue. I shall test it myself later in the PTS.


    I agree about wanting to have it already fixed, but I also know we haven't stopped trying to replicate it so we can get it resolved. We have tons of data, but if there's any additional clues you can send us, or possibly a video of your particular encounter, that will help. I am truly sorry it's taking so long to get this and many other changes released. Thank you for your and everyone's help on our Public Test Server.


  12. Hallo, SWTOR-Community!


    Ich möchte an dieser Stelle berichten, was seit der Veröffentlichung unserer Erweiterung am 15. Februar passiert ist. Zunächst einmal danke ich allen Spielenden, die "Legacy of the Sith" und unseren neuen Cinematic-Trailer sehr positiv aufgenommen haben. Viele Teams haben sehr hart daran gearbeitet, beides möglich zu machen. Eine Handvoll von uns konnte die Startwoche in einem speziellen Beobachtungsraum verbringen. Zu sehen, wie Spielende auf den Trailer reagieren und sich dann auf die Server stürzen, wird für mich immer eine schöne Erinnerung bleiben.


    Außerdem wissen wir, dass 7.0 für einige Spielende kein reibungsloser Übergang war, und wir waren deshalb seit dem Starttag schwer damit beschäftigt, mit minimalen Ausfallzeiten wichtige Probleme zu beheben, ohne dass ein Spiel-Patch erforderlich wurde. Wir haben zum Beispiel in den ersten 72 Stunden kritische Fehler wie die Probleme mit der Zurücksetzung der Tastenbelegung, leeren Ausrüstungskisten und nicht korrekt angezeigten Kampfstilen bei Charakteren identifiziert und allesamt korrigiert.


    Seit diesen ersten Fixes hat das Team Berichte und Feedback gelesen und weitere Optimierungen vorgenommen. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt benötigen weitere Änderungen einen vollständigen Patch. In diesem kommenden Patch mit der Kennung 7.0.1 könnt ihr mit folgenden Änderungen und vielem mehr rechnen. Hier sind einige der am häufigsten gemeldeten Bugs, die wir in 7.0.1 beheben werden:

    • Angepasster Kontrast im Inventarbildschirm
    • Waffen und Nebenhände des Rakata-Meditechnikers können jetzt wie vorgesehen beim Operations-Ausrüstungsupgrade-Händler verbessert werden.
    • Die Waffen des Rakata-Machtlords können jetzt wie vorgesehen verbessert werden.
    • Der Kategoriefilter im Fähigkeitenfenster zeigt jetzt alle Kategorien an. Beim Öffnen der Liste wird jetzt die Fahrzeugkategorie angezeigt.
    • Folgendes enthält jetzt Beute: Tionisches Requisitionslager, edle dekurionische Truhe, Weltboss-Ausrüstungskiste
    • Dekurionische Ausrüstungscontainer und dekurionische Ausrüstungslager enthalten jetzt Ausrüstung für alle Kampfstile/Disziplinen
    • Vereinheitlichte Farben individueller Rüstungsteile werden jetzt beim Verlassen des Kleidungsdesigner-Fensters korrekt gespeichert.
    • Galaktische-Saisons-Belohnungen der Stufe 67 für Abonnent:innen gewähren Fen Zeil jetzt wie vorgesehen das legendäre Gefährten-Geschenk "Gehackte kybernetische Sichtoptimierungsimplantate"
    • Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das Spieler mit Ryzen-HS-Prozessoren die Liste der verfügbaren Server nicht anzeigen konnten
    • Gefährten und eingeladene NSCs despawnen nicht mehr während des Graul-Bosskampfes in "Geheimnisse der Enklave"
    • Flashpoints im Veteranen-Modus können jetzt im Gruppenfinder von allen Spielenden auf Stufe 15+ eingereiht werden. Story-Modus-Operationen im Gruppenfinder können jetzt wie vorgesehen nur von Spielenden auf Stufe 80 eingereiht werden

    Spielende können sich derzeit viele dieser Änderungen auf unserem öffentlichen Test-Server (PTS) ansehen, der Anfang dieser Woche geöffnet wurde. Außerdem arbeiten wir daran, erste PTS-Patch-Notizen zusammenzustellen, damit alle Spielenden auf dem PTS wissen, welche Bugs behoben sind. Jackie wird sie in den Foren veröffentlichen, sobald sie verfügbar sind.


    Wir wissen, dass der Fortschritt für einige Spielende im Elom-Flashpoint gestoppt wird, wenn sie gegen Malgus kämpfen. Seit der ersten entsprechenden Meldung hat sich das Team mit dem Bug beschäftigt, um zu ergründen, wie es dazu kommt. Hier nun ein kleiner Blick hinter die Kulissen, um euch zu erklären, warum ein potenzieller Fix auf dem PTS getestet wird.


    Wir haben diesen Bug beim Spielen mit unseren Live-Charakteren selbst erlebt, auf den Entwicklungsservern kommt er jedoch nicht vor. Einen Fehler auf Entwicklungsservern zu reproduzieren, ist der erste Schritt jeder Problembehebung, weil wir nur dort tiefer zur Ursache vordringen können.


    Der Hauptauslöser des Problems tritt auf, wenn Malgus Spielende zieht oder schiebt. Daraus ergeben sich zwei Möglichkeiten: Etwas im Spiel bewirkt, dass Spielende einen erheblichen, nicht vorgesehenen Schaden erleiden, der sie eliminiert, oder die Bewegung ihres Charakters führt dazu, dass sie auf etwas treffen, das wir "Todesraum" nennen. So ein Raum findet sich in allen Umgebungen, und Spielende, die ihn betreten, werden sofort ausgeschaltet. In diesem Fall dient dieser Bereich als Mechanismus, der dafür sorgt, dass Spielende nicht in der Umgebung stecken bleiben. Wir haben die Todesräume, die Gefechtsauslöser und die Ballistik von Malgus' Angriffen untersucht, aber nichts davon scheint der Verursacher zu sein. Der Bug ist noch da, und unsere Suche nach einem Fix geht weiter. Da das Problem nur auf den Live-Servern auftritt, haben wir einige Änderungen vorgenommen, vor allem an den Todesräumen, und ihr könnt uns jetzt auf dem PTS helfen, sie zu testen!


    Ab diesem Post enthält dieser Patch mindestens 200 unterschiedlich umfangreiche Fixes. Alle, die Spielende direkt betreffen, werden in den Patch-Notizen aufgeführt. Da wir alle Fixes auf einmal implementieren, wollen wir sicherstellen, dass genügend Zeit vorgesehen ist, um sie umfassend zu testen. Aktuell soll 7.0.1 am 22. März erscheinen. Ihr erhaltet das endgültige Datum in Kürze, sobald wird es endgültig bestätigen können.


    7.0 ist ein fundamentales Update für das Spiel. Die grundlegende Umgestaltung aller Fähigkeiten und der erweiterten Klassen in Kampfstile, die Einführung der lange gewünschten Konfigurationen-Funktion sowie die Anfänge einer neuen UI/UX und neuer Objekte sind die umfangreichsten systemischen Änderungen seit der Veröffentlichung von SWTOR. Und das sind nur die ersten Schritte im Rahmen der ehrgeizigen und inspirierenden Vision, die wir für die Zukunft von SWTOR haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, diese Vision in kommenden Updates und Erweiterungen zum Leben zu erwecken – in diesem Jahr und darüber hinaus. Euch erwarten neue Storys und Schauplätze, eine Überarbeitung des PvP sowie grafische Verbesserungen und weitere Modernisierungen. Es war immer geplant, dass 7.0 im Jahr 2022 und darüber hinaus mehrere Updates erhalten würde, um zehn Jahre SWTOR zu feiern.


    Mit der Veröffentlichung von "Legacy of the Sith" beginnt nicht nur die Reise zu einer Rundumaktualisierung des Spiels, sondern wir öffnen mit diesem Update auch neuen Spielenden die Tür, die SWTOR noch nie erlebt haben. 7.0 soll neue Spielende und Rückkehrer:innen einladen und Veteran:innen neue Erlebnisse bieten.


    SWTOR ist ein zehn Jahre altes Spiel, das uns allen sehr am Herzen liegt, und wir freuen uns darauf, diese Reise mit einer Reihe von Updates fortzusetzen, um das Spiel so gut wie möglich zu machen.


    -- Keith --


  13. Bonjour la communauté SWTOR!


    Je voulais vous donner des informations sur ce qui se passe depuis la sortie de notre extension le 15 février. Tout d'abord, merci à tous les joueurs qui ont montré leur soutien pour Legacy of the Sith et notre nouvelle bande-annonce cinématique. Beaucoup d'équipes se sont réunies et ont travaillé dur pour rendre les deux possibles. Et nous sommes quelques-uns à avoir même pu passer la semaine de lancement dans une salle d'opérations. Voir les joueurs réagir à la bande-annonce et ensuite commencer à arriver en masse sur les serveurs restera un souvenir amusant pour moi.


    Ensuite, nous savons que la transition vers la mise à jour 7.0 ne s'est pas effectuée en douceur pour certains joueurs. Nous avons donc été très occupés à résoudre les problèmes depuis le jour de son lancement, tout en réduisant au minimum les périodes d'arrêt et en corrigeant les problèmes majeurs sans avoir besoin d'appliquer un patch. Par exemple, pendant nos 72 premières heures, nous avons identifié des bugs critiques tels que des problèmes de réinitialisation des assignations de touches, d'ensembles d'équipement vides et de styles de combat des personnages qui ne s'affichaient pas correctement, et nous les avons tous corrigés.


    Depuis la mise en place de ces premiers correctifs, l'équipe a lu les rapports et les retours qu'elle a reçus et a apporté des ajustements supplémentaires. À ce stade, les autres modifications nécessiteront un patch complet. Dans la mise à jour 7.0.1, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que les modifications ci-dessous soient incluses. Voici quelques-uns des bugs les plus signalés que nous allons corriger dans la mise à jour7.0.1:


    • Ajustement du contraste dans l'écran d'inventaire.
    • Les armes et armes secondaires de technico-médecin Rakata peuvent désormais être améliorées auprès du marchand d'amélioration de l'équipement d'opération, comme prévu.
    • Les armes de seigneur de Force Rakata peuvent désormais être améliorées, comme prévu.
    • Le filtre de catégorie de la page Pouvoirs affiche désormais toutes les catégories. La catégorie Véhicules apparaît désormais lorsque la liste est ouverte.
    • Les éléments suivants contiennent désormais du butin: cache de réquisition Tioniste, coffre de décurion noble, caisse d'équipement Boss de monde.
    • Les conteneurs d'équipement de décurion et les caches d'équipement de décurion contiennent désormais de l'équipement pour tous les styles et disciplines de combat.
    • L'unification des couleurs des différentes pièces d'armure est désormais correctement enregistrée en quittant la page Garde-robe.
    • Le niveau de récompense 67 des Saisons galactiques pour les abonnés confère désormais correctement le cadeau de partenaire légendaire "Implants cybernétiques piratés d'amélioration visuelle" pour Fen Zeil, comme prévu.
    • Correction d'un problème empêchant les joueurs disposant de processeurs Ryzen HS d'afficher la liste des serveurs disponibles.
    • Les partenaires et les PNJ invités ne disparaissent plus pendant le combat de boss Graul dans Secrets de l'enclave.
    • Les zones litigieuses en mode Vétéran de l'outil de recherche de groupe peuvent désormais être mises en file d'attente par tous les joueurs de niveau 15 ou plus. Les opérations en mode Histoire dans l'outil de recherche de groupe peuvent désormais être mises en file d'attente uniquement par les joueurs de niveau 80, comme prévu.

    Les joueurs peuvent actuellement prévisualiser plusieurs de ces modifications sur notre serveur public de test (SPT) ouvert plus tôt dans la semaine. Nous travaillons également sur quelques notes de mise à jour préliminaires du SPT, afin que tous les joueurs du SPT aient une vision détaillée des bugs corrigés. Jackie les publiera sur ces forums dès qu'elles seront disponibles.


    Nous savons que la progression de certains joueurs est stoppée dans la zone litigieuse Elom lors du combat contre Malgus. Depuis le rapport initial, l'équipe examine le bug pour comprendre d'où il vient. Voici un petit aperçu des coulisses pour comprendre pourquoi un correctif potentiel est actuellement testé sur le SPT.


    Nous avons rencontré ce bug en jouant sur nos personnages live. Cependant, ce bug n'apparaît pas sur nos serveurs de développement. Reproduire un bug sur les serveurs de développement est la première étape pour résoudre n'importe quel problème, car cela nous permet de creuser pour trouver la source des problèmes.


    Ce problème se déclenche principalement lorsque Malgus tire ou pousse le joueur. Cela crée l'une des deux situations suivantes: un élément dans le jeu fait subir au joueur un pic de dégâts substantiel et imprévu qui le tue, ou le mouvement de son personnage lui fait frapper quelque chose que nous appelons un "volume de mort" ("death volume" en anglais). Il s'agit d'un espace intégré à tous les environnements qui tue instantanément un joueur s'il venait à y entrer. Dans ce cas, cette zone sert de mécanisme pour éviter que les joueurs ne se retrouvent coincés dans l'environnement. Nous avons exploré les volumes de morts, les déclenchements de combat, la balistique de Malgus et aucun de ces éléments ne semble être le coupable. Le bug est toujours présent, donc notre chasse pour trouver un correctif continue. Comme ce problème ne veut montrer sa tête d'affreux que sur les serveurs live, nous avons effectué quelques réglages, notamment sur les volumes de mort, que vous pouvez nous aider à tester dès maintenant sur le SPT!


    Au moment de la publication de cet article, cette mise à jour comprend au moins 200 correctifs d'importances diverses. Les correctifs que les joueurs rencontreront seront décrits dans les notes de mise à jour. Étant donné que nous intégrons tous ces correctifs d'un coup, nous voulons nous assurer de prendre le temps nécessaire pour les envoyer au test de qualité. Nous visons actuellement le 22 mars pour la sortie de la mise à jour 7.0.1, mais nous vous confirmerons cette date quand nous nous en approcherons.


    La 7.0 est une mise à jour fondamentale du jeu. La refonte fondamentale de tous les pouvoirs et le passage des classes avancées en styles de combat, l'ajout de la fonctionnalité de configurations que vous demandez depuis longtemps et les débuts de la nouvelle IU/UX et de la gestion des objets constituent les modifications systémiques les plus importantes apportées à SWTOR depuis son lancement. Ce n'est que le début de la mise en place de la vision ambitieuse et inspirante que nous avons pour l'avenir de SWTOR. Nous sommes ravis de continuer à donner vie à cette vision grâce aux mises à jour et ajouts continus qui arriveront dans le jeu cette année et au-delà. D'autres histoires sont prévues, et de nouveaux endroits à explorer, une modernisation du JcJ et d'autres améliorations visuelles et modernisations sont également au programme. Il a toujours été prévu que la mise à jour 7.0 recevrait de nombreuses mises à jour en 2022 et au-delà pour fêter les dix ans de SWTOR.


    Non seulement le lancement de Legacy of the Sith commence le voyage vers l'amélioration du jeu, mais elle ouvre également la porte à de nouveaux joueurs qui n'ont jamais connu SWTOR auparavant. La mise à jour 7.0 a pour but d'inviter de nouveaux joueurs tout en apportant des expériences inédites aux joueurs qui reprennent le jeu et aux vétérans.


    SWTOR est un jeu vieux de dix ans qui nous est très cher, et nous avons hâte de poursuivre l'aventure avec une série de mises à jour pour rendre ce jeu meilleur.


    - Keith ---

  14. Hello SWTOR Community,


    I wanted to offer some insight about what's been happening since the release of our expansion on February 15th. First of all, thanks to all the players who have shown Legacy of the Sith and our new cinematic trailer a lot of love. Many teams came together and worked very hard to make both possible. A small handful of us were able to spend launch week in an in-person ops room. Watching players react to the trailer and then start pouring into the servers will remain a fun memory for me.


    Secondly, we know that 7.0 was not a smooth transition for some players, so we have been very busy since launch day resolving issues, minimizing any downtime, while fixing key issues without requiring a game patch. For example, during our first 72 hours, we identified critical bugs such as the issues with keybinding resets, empty gear boxes, and combat styles on characters not displaying properly and we corrected them all.


    Since those initial fixes went out, the team has been reading reports and feedback coming in and making additional adjustments; at this point, further changes will require a full patch. In this upcoming patch, which we are labeling as 7.0.1, you can expect the below changes and much more to be included. Here are some of the most reported bugs we will be fixing in 7.0.1:


    • Adjusted contrast in inventory screen
    • Rakata Med-Tech’s weapons and offhands can now be upgraded at the Operations Gear Upgrade vendor, as intended
    • Rakata Force-Lord’s weapons can now be upgraded, as intended
    • The Category Filter in the Ability window is now showing all the categories. The Vehicles category now appears when the list is opened
    • The following now contain loot: Tionese Requisition Cache, Noble Decurion Chest, World Boss Equipment Crate
    • The Decurion Gear Containers and Decurion Gear caches now contain gear for all combat styles/disciplines
    • Unifying colors on individual armor pieces is now correctly saved when leaving the outfitter window
    • Galactic Seasons Reward Level 67 for Subscribers now correctly grants the “Sliced Cybernetic Visual Enhancement Implants” Legendary Companion gift for Fen Zeil, as intended
    • Fixed an issue preventing players with Ryzen HS processors from viewing the list of available servers
    • Companions and invited NPCs no longer despawn during the Graul boss fight in Secrets of the Enclave
    • Veteran Mode Flashpoints in Group Finder can now be queued by all players at level 15+. Story Mode Operations in Group Finder can now only be queued by players level 80, as intended


    Players can currently preview many of these changes on our Public Test Server (PTS) that was opened earlier this week. We are also working on putting together some preliminary PTS Patch Notes together, so everyone playing on PTS will have an understanding of what bugs are fixed. Jackie will post them in these forums once they are available.


    We know that progress for some players is being halted in the Elom Flashpoint when fighting Malgus. Since the initial report that has come in, the team has been looking into the bug to understand why players are experiencing it. Here’s a little glimpse under the hood to give you some insight into why a potential fix is being tested on the PTS.


    We have experienced this bug when playing on our live characters, however, this bug does not present itself on our development servers. Reproducing a bug on development servers is step one in resolving any issue as it allows us to dig deeper into the source of the problems.


    The biggest offender of this issue is when Malgus is pulling or pushing the player. This creates one of two possibilities: something in the game is causing the player to take a substantial, unintended spike of damage which kills them, or the movement of their character is causing them to hit something we call a “death volume”. This is a space built into all environments that if a player enters, kills them instantly. In this case, this area is used as a mechanism to ensure players don’t ever get stuck in the environment. We have done explorations of the death volumes, combat triggers, the ballistics on Malgus’s attacks, and none of these appears to be the culprit. The bug remains so our hunt for a fix continues. As this issue only wants to rear its ugly head on live servers, we have made a couple of tweaks, most notably to death volumes, which you can help us test right now on PTS!


    As of this post, this patch will include at least 200+ fixes of varying degrees. The player facing fixes will be reflected in the patch notes. Because we are implementing all of these fixes in one push, we want to ensure the necessary time is allocated to test them all to quality. We are currently targeting March 22 for 7.0.1, but we will update you all with a confirmed date as we get closer.


    7.0 is a foundational update to the game. The fundamental refactoring of all abilities and Advanced Classes into Combat Styles, the addition of the long-requested Loadouts feature, and the beginnings of new UI/UX and Itemization constitute the most significant systemic changes made to SWTOR since launch. These are only the first steps toward the ambitious and inspiring vision we have for SWTOR's future. We are excited to continue bringing this vision to life in the ongoing updates and additions coming to the game this year and beyond. More story will be coming including new locations to explore, a PvP revamp, and more visual and modernization improvements are also underway. It was always intended that 7.0 would receive multiple updates in 2022 and beyond to celebrate ten years of SWTOR.


    Not only does the launch of Legacy of the Sith begin the journey into updating the game, but this update also opens the doors to new players who have never experienced SWTOR before. 7.0 is meant to invite new players to the game while also bringing new experiences to returning and veteran players.


    SWTOR is a ten year old game that is very dear to all of us, and we look forward to continuing the journey of a series of updates to make the game the best it can be.


    - Keith


  15. Hey everyone,


    I just made an announcement concerning the launch of our Legacy of the Sith expansion, and I encourage you to read the blog post.


    We know you will have some questions in response to the blog, so feel free to ask them here and we'll be addressing them in an FAQ later today which we will continue update as you have more questions.


    Be mindful of our forum guidelines as we want to ensure we can quickly answer your concerns and keep more information flowing your way.



  16. Bonjour à tous !


    Le 27 avril, nous commencerons à fermer le programme de parrainage actuel. À partir de ce jour, vous ne pourrez plus parrainer de nouveaux joueurs via le lien de parrainage. Cependant, tous les parrainages actuels resteront actifs.


    Qu'est-ce que le programme de parrainage ? Ce programme a pour but de vous inciter à partager votre lien avec vos amis, pour les encourager à vous rejoindre dans notre galaxie lointaine, très lointaine et obtenir des récompenses intéressantes. Cela vous aide (ainsi que la communauté) en augmentant le nombre de joueurs avec qui interagir. Le but est aussi de faire découvrir l'une des plus grandes expériences Star Wars dans un jeu en ligne aux personnes n'ayant jamais joué à SWTOR.


    Pourquoi mettons-nous fin au programme ? Les personnes qui jouent à notre jeu depuis des années et qui ont utilisé le programme comprennent que désormais, le parrainage n'atteint pas cet objectif.

    Bien que ce système ne soit pas parfait, nous savons qu'il a fourni des avantages dont les joueurs ont profité. Le premier de ces avantages était la possibilité d'acquérir des pièces du cartel en jeu sans les acheter. Pour prendre en compte le fait que cela ne sera plus possible via de nouveaux parrainages, nous allons augmenter le nombre de pièces du cartel que les joueurs peuvent obtenir dans les Saisons galactiques lors de la mise à jour 6.3 (de 2 000 actuellement à 4 000 pièces du cartel). Cela vous permettra d'obtenir quelques milliers de pièces du cartel, rien qu'en jouant régulièrement à SWTOR !


    L'un des avantages que le parrainage offrait aux tout nouveaux joueurs était l'accès gratuit aux titres de personnage et à la fonctionnalité "Unifier les couleurs" sur les ensembles d'armure. Nous allons ajouter ces deux déverrouillages à tous les comptes à partir de la mise à jour 6.3. Vous n'aurez plus besoin d'être parrainé ou de payer pour avoir accès à ces déverrouillages en tant que joueur, même pour les joueurs sans abonnement. Ces deux déverrouillages ne seront plus disponibles à l'achat et supprimés du marché du cartel à partir d'aujourd'hui, car ils seront bientôt gratuits pour tout le monde.


    Nous savons que cela ne prend pas en compte tout ce que le programme de parrainage avait à offrir, et nous envisageons une façon de remplacer ces avantages à l'avenir. Il est évident que les joueurs auront encore besoin de méthodes pour accéder à ces récompenses, en particulier la monture et les animaux domestiques uniques. Nous vous donnerons plus de détails à ce propos dans les mois à venir.


    Enfin, il n'est pas prévu dans l'immédiat de remplacer le programme de parrainage. Nous voulons vraiment prendre le temps d'évaluer les avantages et les problèmes de l'ancien système, afin de trouver ce qui nous permettrait d'atteindre les objectifs d'un programme de parrainage dans le jeu.


    Merci pour votre compréhension.



  17. Hallo zusammen!


    Am 27. April schicken wir unser aktuelles Freunde-Empfehlungsprogramm in den Ruhestand. Ab diesem Tag könnt ihr über euren Empfehlungslink keine neuen Spieler mehr empfehlen. Alle aktuellen Empfehlungen bleiben allerdings bestehen.


    Was ist das Freunde-Empfehlungsprogramm? Das Programm soll einen Anreiz bieten, euren Link mit Freunden zu teilen, um diese zu ermutigen, sich euch in unserer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis anzuschließen, und gewährt euch beiden bemerkenswerte Belohnungen. Das hilft euch (und der Community), da die Zahl der Spieler, mit denen ihr spielen könnt auf diese Weise erhöht wird. Außerdem werden Leute, die SWTOR noch nie gespielt haben, an eines der größten Star Wars-Erlebnisse in einem Online-Spiel herangeführt.


    Warum beenden wir das Programm? Wer unser Spiel seit Jahren spielt und das Programm benutzt hat, weiß, dass es obiges Ziel im Augenblick nicht wirklich erreicht.

    Aber obwohl das System nicht perfekt ist, hat es Vorteile gewährt, die unsere Spieler durchaus zu schätzen wussten. Einer dieser Vorteile war die Möglichkeit, im Spiel Kartellmünzen zu erhalten, ohne sie kaufen zu müssen. Da dies durch neue Empfehlungen zukünftig nicht mehr möglich sein wird, erhöhen wir die Zahl der Kartellmünzen, die Spieler ab Spiel-Update 6.3 in Galaktische Saisons erhalten können, von derzeit 2.000 auf 4.000. Dadurch habt ihr eine einfache Möglichkeit, ein paar tausend Kartellmünzen zu erhalten, indem ihr SWTOR regelmäßig spielt!


    Ein weiterer Vorteil des Empfehlungsprogramms war der kostenlose Zugriff auf Charaktertitel und das Feature zur Vereinheitlichung der Farbe von Rüstungssets für brandneue Spieler. Wir werden diese beiden Freischaltungen ab Spiel-Update 6.3 allen Konten hinzufügen. Ihr braucht also keinen Empfehlungsstatus mehr und müsst für diese Freischaltungen nicht mehr bezahlen. Dies gilt auch für Gratisspieler. Beide Freischaltungen werden heute aus dem Kartellmarkt entfernt, da sie in Kürze für alle Spieler kostenlos erhältlich sein werden.


    Wir wissen, dass diese Maßnahmen nicht alle Vorteile des Empfehlungsprogramms kompensieren und überlegen bereits, wie wir diese Vorteile zukünftig ersetzen können. Uns ist klar, dass Spieler auch weiterhin auf diese Belohnungen zugreifen möchten. Das gilt vor allem für die einzigartigen Transportmittel und Haustiere. Weitere Informationen dazu folgen demnächst.


    Abschließend seid gesagt, dass es derzeit keine Pläne für die Ersetzung des Empfehlungsprogramms gibt. Wir möchten in aller Ruhe analysieren, was das alte System richtig bzw. falsch gemacht hat und werden prüfen, was im aktuellen Spiel hinsichtlich der Erreichung der Ziele des Empfehlungsprogramms Sinn macht.


    Danke für euer Verständnis.



  18. Hey all,


    On April 27th we will begin sunsetting our current Refer-a-Friend (RAF) program. Starting on that day, you will no longer be able to refer new players into the program via your RAF link--however any current referrals will remain in place.


    What is the Refer-a-Friend program? The program is meant to incentivize sharing your link with friends, encouraging them to join you in our galaxy far, far away, and granting meaningful rewards to both of you. This helps you (and the community) by increasing the number of players to play with, and it also introduces people who’ve never played SWTOR to one of the biggest Star Wars experiences in an online game.


    Why are we closing the program down? Those who have been playing our game for years and have used the program understand that right now, RAF is not quite meeting that goal.


    Although this system is not perfect, we do understand that it has provided benefits which players have enjoyed. The first of those benefits was the ability to acquire Cartel Coins in-game without purchasing them. To account for the fact that this will no longer be possible through new referrals, we are bolstering the amount of Cartel Coins players can earn through Galactic Seasons in Game Update 6.3 from its current value of 2,000 this season to 4,000. This will give you a clear path to acquiring a few thousand Cartel Coins, just by playing SWTOR regularly!


    Additionally, one of the benefits RAF gave brand-new players was free access to Character Titles and the “Unify Color” feature on armor sets. We are going to add both of those unlocks to all accounts going forward starting in Game Update 6.3. You no longer need to get referred status or pay to have those unlocks as a player, in any status, including free-to-play. Those two unlocks will be disabled for purchase and removed from the Cartel Market starting today since they will be coming for free to everyone soon.


    We know this doesn’t account for everything that the RAF program had to offer, and we are considering how to replace those benefits going forward. We know players will still want methods to access those rewards, especially the unique mount and pets. Look for more details on that in the future.


    Lastly, there are no immediate plans to replace the RAF program. We want to really take the time to assess what the old system did right, did wrong, and what will make the most sense to achieve the goals of a RAF program in today’s game.


    Thank you all for your understanding.




  19. I’ll add my Happy Holidays to everyone, too. I’m humbled by all the great comments here, on Steam, in our recent Cantina Livestream, and truly by all the amazing folks who both play and develop our game. It’s hard to believe so much time has passed, but I watch in awe as my grandkids play this game now, too. It’s so fun!


    I have a ton of memories and this year is no different. Almost a full decade and so much has changed, but a lot hasn’t (no, I’m not talking about the bug you reported 5 years ago). We have some major plans for our 10th year. I almost can’t wait to start telling you what’s up, when you’ll get involved, along with some really cool underlying changes I think y’all will appreciate.


    Stay healthy. Be Safe. Enjoy the 2020 Holiday Season and we’ll see you throughout 2021.



  20. Hopefully, you will also improve the customers support the ability to combat these through reports and tickets, there are several times where myself and others have reported characters spamming on fleet, starter planets or via mail to you via the ticket system, then had the ticket closed with the standard reply and then see the same character posting on general chat or getting a mail a few weeks later.


    When that happens it has a diminishing effect on players will to continue to report these characters.

    I hear you. Let's see if the volume reduction will help us be more responsive. We will continue reviewing the results and make adjustments on the back-end.



  21. Hey all,


    I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. We’ve all had to adjust our daily lives, but we’re working it out, trying to stay focused, and continue our efforts to improve our game and your experience. About a month ago, we surprised everyone and released on Steam and it’s been very exciting to see so many new players along with many more who have returned to SWTOR. As a veteran player, it’s pretty fun to group up with players who joined us when we launched and are pleasantly surprised by all the changes we’ve made over the years. It’s also very enjoyable to run with a group of Legendary Players, as well.


    I’m sure you have seen how lively our starter planets have been, and this includes all the credit selling advertisers. It’s been an ongoing battle for years and we’ve had to try and strike a balance between potentially frustrating our legitimate players and shutting down all the credit sellers. It’s an old battle every MMO has to fight whenever chat is available. Yet, to be perfectly honest, our efforts haven’t worked out so well. Sure, we made it harder for them, but they are persistent organizations who like to frustrate all of us.


    You may have noticed we made a few adjustments, but the hope was you only noticed the results. It might be short-lived, but at least for the time being, we are experiencing a little peace and quiet. Our changes will not stop all the spamming! We need your help as it begins with your spamming reports. We decided if something wasn’t bothering you, then we’re going to allow the chat to come through. So, if you see a credit seller’s message – right click, report it! That will initiate the new processes we put in place. Oh, they’ll try to circumvent, they’ll change their message, they’ll spam more, they’ll add more accounts, more bots, but keep reporting them. They won’t like it.


    That’s the first step.


    But perhaps one of the most important is to stop buying from them. You put your credit card, your password, your account, and all your inventory at risk. You don’t know these companies and based on the fact they are violating our Terms of Service every time they advertise, they obviously don’t care about rules. We enforce our rules by typically banning the accounts they use, but we also know they have inventories of bot accounts, so it’s a never-ending battle. For example, over the past few weeks, we’ve eliminated tens of thousands of their accounts that they’ve created or acquired over the years. I won’t give you the details, but it took us some time to track down their networks. We have more efforts planned, but it was a good start.


    With respect to protecting your account – never give out your password and if you don’t already have one, add a Mobile Security Key. That adds an extra layer of protection especially if your email has been compromised. And, remember to change your passwords periodically (on all your accounts), just as another way to protect you and yours.


    Bottom line, we’ve implemented a variety of changes and will monitor/adjust as we can. The credit spammers might move around, change their tactics, and try to disrupt your gameplay. Just report them and we’ll handle the rest.






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