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Posts posted by Gereorth


    I just think it takes a lot of effort and work to go into these events. I'm not sure they can put out more than 2-3 of these a year with the amount of work that goes in. If they can do a new event every 4-5 months, I'll be happy.


    I am aware of that. But when The Grand Acquisitions Race it seemed like we would be getting world-events every 4-6 months. It is something to make the game more alive and interesting for other players to join in.


    Surely, you will get the usual complaint that "I didn't get the chance to do that/get that certain item". Well, that will always happen. But that's the great thing about having something unique.

  2. So far we had two different World Events. The Rakghoul Plague and The Grand Acquisitions Race. I enjoyed them and like to see more. It brings the community more together, unique missions and unique rewards. It gave us something to do, and look forward to do when we got online.

    It's been a while since we had a World Event, somewhat around 5-6 months. Surely, other MMO's don't seem to have much World Events happening either. But look at when they started and the time between them.



    - Rakghoul Pandemic

    "As of the 16th of April vile rakghouls roam the wreckage of a Republic transport on the desert world of Tatooine."

    It was a great event which involved doing dailies, gathering gear, unique crystals, world bosses, minipets and infecting others with the disease. It lasted for about a week or so, and was realy loved. It, obviously, fit in perfectly with the story line of the Flashpoints: "Kaon Under Siege" and "The Lost Island".


    - The Grand Acquisitions Race

    "At the 14th of August a representative of the Chevin Conglomerate speaks to the people of Nar Shadda about the riches offered in the Grand Acquisitions Race."

    This world event involved lots of puzzling, traveling across other worlds (which was great to get back to them again) and again collecting unique treasures. Those treasures are weapons, mounts, pets and a title. Maybe it wasn't as loved as the Rakghoul Pandemic Event, but everyone enjoyed doing the hunting and collecting their lovely treasures. It was something worth doing, and having an unique thing of their own.



    So, what I am looking at is a petition to let Bioware start making more World Events. They got us disapointed, hugely, on Life Day for putting a few items in the Cartel Market, and letting us buy it.


    I am sure everyone is looking for more enjoyable Events in this game. The community/playerbase which is active is highly appreciated of the game and things done in the past. But so far, everyone seems to be let down by Bioware. Making an amazing and memorable World Event will give this game a huge improvement.


    I am also interested in hearing what you all are looking for in a World Event? Theme, objectives, rewards, you name it.

  3. I'm concerned I'll spend my precious time for black hole comms/gear then the expansion will come out and then my black hole gear will suck. This kept happening to me in WoW.


    Should I be leveling an alt now?


    Welcome to the life of MMO's. If you enjoy doing Operatians, you will need decent gear. So you will have to "waste" your time and gather those commendations.

    And it ALWAYS happens whenever an expansion comes out, your previous gear will get "worthless".

    But I think you should ask yourself WHY you are gathering better gear. And from that answer you should know if you must keep going, or decide to level an "alt".

  4. The Phantom Chestguard when equipped looks nothing like its icon in my chest slot or when it rests in my inventory. The icon shows nothing of the hood and shoulderpads I now get when equipped.


    In comparison, the icon for Revan's Chest Plate (which the Phantom Chestguard now looks like, barring the colors) shows quite plainly the hood and shoulderpads.


    Please change the appearance of the Phantom Chestguard on my character so that it looks more like it's icon.


    It's actualy supposed to look like this. For how they "changed" it now. If you open up the Cartel Market, and look at the packs from which you get it. You will see in the picture that it's always supposed to look like that. I was actualy disapointed when I missed out on those shoulders.

  5. I've just been thinking, and they announced so hugely "Time is running out! Pre-order now!", and give us this little information.. Is probably because after 7th of January we will recieve SO much information, and ofcourse the price of the Expansion will rise. People will miss out on it, the discount that is.


    Well, let's just say that I hope this is the case. I did "pre-order" when it was announced, and mainly the reason because I hope that there might come something good out of it. I realy enjoy this game, and the community on my server. I have in real friends who play aswell, and I highly enjoy playing a game together with them. So far, the game is in a good state, for me. And I honestly hope that after the 7th of January we will get the info to prove the game will increase on it's state.

    My money, is just a wish of making it a good experience. I have my fingers crossed.


    EDIT: I know there are lots of people making threads about the pre-order/expansion. But I felt putting this more into attention, then just somply replying to an existing post. (From which almost no one will read my reply)

  6. SWG or not (I loved the game, personally) those robes are quite traditional so they actualy should be in the game. But the chances are huge that they will be available only in the CM. Probably 5000 Cartel Coins for just 1 set.

    It's what EA does with a company.

  7. It would be amazing, but if you want your own fighting style, you should sadly enough play DC Universe Online. That lets you create your fully own character. Even for a F2P, you can do so much with your character. So many body types, skin, fighting stances (as in Comical, Brute etc), weapon of choises, movement increase (super-running, acrobatics or flying) and your type of powers. And then you even get the to choose your own mentor. Oh, and before you start with playing. You even make your own costume (which ofcourse, you can "improve" later on in the game).


    If BioWare ever had the intention to do that, then they are too late already and won't implement it now. It would obviously suck, and give too many errors, to "recreate" the existing characters.

  8. So since the F2P launch (well, a few weeks later actualy) I seem to come across more and more names whom don't suit in with the RP-servers. Let it be names like "Xxsithstalkerxx" or "Diehardsithlord". So I am the kind (or mean one, depends from whose perspective you look at) that's reporting the names. So, after a while, reporting several names from day to day, week to week. I tend to get a message that if I keep harrassing people by reporting their names, I could recieve a penalty, or a x-hour ban.

    Since when did they change the naming-policy, to let every kind of name allowed on a RP-server? This somewhat feel like a slap in the face. I joined a RP-PvE server with a reason. And that is after all to RP, and expect RP-names. A more mature player-base (that's just mostly a gamble, but it tends to happen). I am quite disapointed in that. And annoyed. But I am probably overreacting. But I felt I had to give this a notice.

  9. You sound very surprised - perhaps you haven't seen the Tionese, Columi and Rakata armor for Inquisitors?


    Do you realise the same applies to every other class? It's not just Inquisitors. And the same goes for PvP armor. We've had several "different sets" where the only differences were: Stats and the color theme.

  10. To clarify all of the confusement.. In this video there has been stated that Makeb will be the biggest, NON-EXPANSION PACK piece of content ever released. So, I am very disapointed they will put this into a Expansion Pack, where they first said they wouldn't do that.


    http://starwarstorguide.blogspot.dk/2012/12/pre-order-makeb-its-supposed-to-be-free.html Just around 5 minutes they start talking about Makeb.

  11. only hang out with your kind of people. I believe this is the most humane way of handling things, without causing fights in General chat like on Tython and Ord Mantell.


    I fully agree on that, but the problem has been that when you are RP'ing on a certain spot, you will have people intervene, as for example; other players running through the whole scenario. It's only annoying. Things about names.. Always a problem, I always try to explain to them why I "report" them, and they shouldn't say it as actual reporting. Just giving them a chance to change their name and adapt to the server. Unless they behave like headless chickens and start flapping and shouting, then it will be a report and ignore and won't spend any further attention.

  12. I am surely willing to help out! I play on the Imperial side with two characters at the respected level of 50. I surely know my way around in this game, and would love to help new players. Surely, if I don't have a bad mood (which rarely happens that I have one) I could put up with a flashpoint for hours because of the deaths that would happen.

    Only a level 18 Vanguard Trooper. His name is Pemrindo, at your service! :sy_havoc:

  13. I'd like to let you know I love how you announced the event. And the music realy put me in the mood!

    But I asume this event of yours if meant for the Republic side of the server? If so, that would be a shame, as my Mercenary would be happily to join you in this celebration!

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