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Posts posted by Gereorth

  1. So, this has been bugging for me quite a long time. Remember the Centurion/Champion level 50 PvP gear? Looks the same as the Battlemaster gear, but has that certain texture to it, a rugged texture. http://bountyhunterhaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/swtor-bounty-hunter-Level-50-Gear.jpg

    Well, a long time ago they changed the visual of that helmet to the Rakata one. The PvE set. I'm still quite upset about this change. I fell in love with the Centurion/Champion set because of that rugged texture. But it's been gone for quite a long time. When will this finally come back? I still have that helmet in my Cargo Bay, just to hope it'll come back one day.

  2. I'm so confused...since creating my char I was going for arsenal. Then I have been spmming kuat drive mission and my heals weren't very strong. So I respeced to bodyguard and found that my heals were decent but my defense was lacking. So now Im respecced to pyro and gonna try that tonight. Im lvl 39, can I get some advice on how I should approach this? I dont mind being a healer but am I doing something wrong? Or is pyro the way to go? PvE that is.


    Alright.. I'm going to split it up a bit.


    -When you're specced as a DPS (Arsenal in this case) you're not expected to heal. So don't bother with it. Because you're specced for a DPS which boosts your damaging abilities, not the healing ones.

    - That depends the way you build your spec. I can take more hits then an Arsenal merc would

    - Being a healer, your only job is to keep people alive. In a FP you shouldn't even worry about taking damage as that is the tank his job (surely it happens sometimes, but you'll manage).

    -Pyro is the way to go if you want to DPS. I personally prefer playing as Arsenal because that's the spec I know. But it's just a fact Pyrotech does more DPS than an Arsenal Merc.

  3. So what is exactly the problem?


    They are fighting against other players (which is what PvP is about). They kill you on sight.

    You have the chance for yourself to give them money and ask to leave you alone. They also could just stand there and keep killing everyone the whole time. Which would mean they FULLY dominate the area and don't give other players the chance.

  4. As someone who plays mostly on an RP server I often see female players with names like Lady'something or Lady-something or Ladysomething. I propose giving female players an extra title - "Lady".


    Even if according to lore it's not a legit Sith rank, it can still be just a reference to a female person.


    Means that male characters should get the title 'Sir'?


    No. Lord, in this case, is meant as a title and not gender wise. You gave the example of Sith ranks, and that's something that should stay that way.


    The whole 'Lady' title is something all classes should get. But! There should be an equilevant called 'Sir'. Otherwise it won't make sense.


    As far as normal mobs beating on the healer, It's the tanks job to hold aggro on the more threatening mobs, silvers/golds/champs/boss the normals should be killed first by the dps which is why most tanks will maybe hit them with an aoe or default attack just to get initial aggro. But it's really the DPSs job to know the kill order and actually do it.


    That is the most important thing. I got told on my Juggernaut for not holding aggro on the weaker mobs. I throw in a Smash and then I continue my way on to the silvers and golds, indeed.


    And when it comes to healers doing damage. I often throw in a Death From Above (When the healer is topped and still has enough charges of Kolto Shell). I know when I can do extra DPS on my healer and when I just focus on healing and don't bother with doing damage.

  6. I don't realy think this is the place to discuss such a thing . Rather ask in General Chat, place a thread in the Scoundrel class section on the forum or look at the healing done from others.


    But my answer to your question is: It's alright.. Not realy great, but you're only level 12. Don't worry about how much healing you do. From level 20 and up your talents will become realy interesting. Worry about healing then. Not now.

  7. I've had both the Razer Naga and G600. I personally prefer the G600. It feels better, it's firmer.

    I had 2 Razer Naga's break on me. And my G600 is still working fine.

    I don't know about the other mouse mentioned. But if you'd ask me, I'd say: Go get the G600!

  8. I agree, your current form should change how you hold the sabers, I just have a tendency to view anyone who brings up Starkiller as a kid with no credibility. Just one of those vices, I guess.


    I understand what you're aiming at, but the reason here is just for Starkiller to be the example (everyone knows him).


    But I'd rather see my fighting style to change, and not the way I hold my lightsaber (sure, that will change according to certain stances).

    But for example, on my Juggernaut. When I am in Shien Form I expect my basic attack to be a strong and crushing attack. Rather than that it looks like he is sweeping at flies with a Glowstick. That's where the, obvious, 'Behemoth-stance' comes in place. I'd rather see my Juggernaut to do the Vicious Slash attack as a basic attack. Or, something that looks like it. It would feel so much more in place.

    And if one might comment on the fact 'But Gereorth, your Juggernaut does a flurry of attacks in his basic move'. Yes, the animation does that. But the actual damage doesn't. You could answer with 'But when I look at the numbers flowing off, it keeps ticking a few times', yes that is true. But it doesn't work like that. The basic attack is one attack for % damage. When I hit someone with the basic attack (let's say it deals 900 damage) and my enemy is at 700. It's an instant kill. And not the three hits doing 300. That would mean he could outrun his damage from the basic attack. It deals an instant damage of 900. And not 300 damage three times. (JUST TO CLEAR THIS UP)


    Also, I'm not sure why switching your advanced class would be such a bad idea. I've been playing my Operative since beta, and it would be a real nice change to check out a sniper.



    I think you should look at those first 10 levels not as the "Imperial Agent" class, but as a tutorial, to warm you up for a ranged class that uses gadgets.

    And then I ask you, if that whole 'tutorial' phase wasn't there, and you pick either Operative or Sniper from the character creation.. Would you still support AC swap?

  10. hi guys im 10 yrs old nd starkillir is my fav jedi can i play the game as starkillr pls?? i want2 hold my lightsaver like starkiller he is teh coolest jedi sith ever.


    Sure it seems like that, but the post is more aiming at all the situations. Obviously, Starkiller is the most 'famous' for holding his saber that way. For me it was Adi Gallia, to be the first that hold her lightsaber back-handed (Jedi Power Battles).

    But I do think that the stance you're in should determine the cosmetic look of your fighting style.


    they don't need a storyline option for allowing this, and most players probably don't care so much about the story that the idea of a retcon would phase them.


    I never said a storyline option would be needed, but I tried to give the explenation for why there are AC's. A lot of the players that started when the game was released in fact DID play for the story. Nowadays, that it's F2P, most don't. Which is fair enough, but I still think that was the reason why there are AC's. And not litterly 8 classes to choose from at the start.

  12. That was the position of BioWare until a recent interview. They now view the ability to change your advanced class an eventuality. That being said, faction swapping still isn't going to happen, at least. :)


    "An eventuality". That's almost saying like "Well, you might go on a date with Mila Kunis tonight."


    As for the interview.. Would you meant posting a link of it? I am highly curious to it, because switching AC is something I highly doubt happening, atleast in the fact of implementing AC over switching faction. (All the race/class combination are already possible)

  13. So I remember from 'Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast' that you have 3 different stances aswell. I can't remember the names exactly, but it seems rather obvious:


    Three combat styles to choose from. The first of course, is the Medium Style.


    Medium Style - A balance of speed, attack, and defensive power, this is the

    stance that most every Jedi uses. Using this style means that you can only

    string together a certain amount of combos before you pause.


    Fast Style - The first new type you'll learn, fast style involves quick rapid

    attacks, with less damage. If you can learn to master it, enemies will be

    unable to block most of your attacks.


    Heavy Style - This is a behemoth style, which means that your attacks will be

    slow in coming, but powerful upon delivery. Your attacks are so slow

    however, that an enemy might be able to dodge them. They can't defend

    themselves against it, and usually one hit will cause them to die.



    This is basicly chosen actualy by the way you deal your damage, but I always remember that when switching stances Kyle Katarn was moving his lightsaber in a different way. His attacks looked differently (obviously the speed in which he attacked, but for the Heavy Style I remember he actualy swung the sword above his head to strike hard downwards).

    For example, In DCU Online when you are creating your character you have a few 'combat styles' to choose from. This doesn't involve in any damage caused or something, but is cosmetic. You have things like 'Comical', 'Fliryt', 'Serious', 'Powerful' and 'Primal'. It basicly changed the way you're standing around and the cosmetic feature of how you fight. But if you only had such an option to choose from when creating your character (and I guess that counts for all characters mostly) it would make your character feel much more unique. And that is what every MMO-developer wants. For everyone to feel unique with his or her character.


    It's going to be hard and I don't think it will ever get implemented, as it will have to be done lots of new animations for it, but it's something nice a lot of players will enjoy.

  14. No matter how long they test it for...it will probably still be released ridden with bugs and other problems.


    I never said it would be perfect, I said you should have patience because they are still working on the things they want to implement, apparently.

    And I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single MMO that hasn't released a patch without bugs.. Ooh well. :rolleyes:

  15. I'd say lots of the suggestions seem quite fair. But I am worried about one thing..


    Changing the Advanced Class

    The reason for this to not work is mainly because of the fact the two Advanced Classes are totally different. The best example I can think of is the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior.

    Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut: A single bladed fighter/protector that wears heavy armor. This class is meant for either damaging your foes heavily or protection your allies from taking damage

    Jedi Sentinel/Sith Marauder: A skilled dual wielding blades-man that only exists to deal all kinds of massive damage with it's two lightsabers while wearing medium armor to stay mobile. Any damage taken can drop the Sentinel/Marauders health quickly.


    To get it all straightend up; You switch to a whole new aspect of gameplay. Your character his armor will change (from Heavy armor to Medium armor). You should get a new weapon and all of a sudden, your character has the ability to wield two lightsabers, even after years of fighting single-handed.


    The reason something like an AC exists is to have 4 different stories for every faction. Imagine if they have to DOUBLE the story lines. If Marauder and Juggernaut were it's own classes. A Marauder and a Juggernaut will have to do different things, whole new story writen lines.. It's just too much work, and the game probably would be released now (or maybe not even yet). That's the reason For Marauder/Juggernaut and Sentinel/Guardian to share one thing: Being a Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight.

    A AC isn't the same as a Talent Tree, choosing your AC is making the choise of the class ITSELF.

  16. I've never noticed because I'm always taunting or guarding but what about Wither/Slow time? That reduces DMG output from targets. That's the same as Taunt as far as I'm concerned.


    Isn't Wither from the Assassin tanking tree? Or am I mistaken?


    Anyhow, if the case is true, then that is a good point. That should count towards protection, and a bubble shield should not (as it should count for healing).

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