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Everything posted by Belimast

  1. Well from everything i read, Healers are working as Bioware intended. In any sort of competitive pvp a healer needs to be accompanied by a tank to offset some of the damage. However just because a healer cannot go 1v1 against another class, does not mean its a dead spec... i disagree with that statement, but thats just me.
  2. Sorry just got back from work, a did not have time to comment until now... so let me respond to some comments. Why do people find it necessary to post needless comments? Yeah this was a fairly un-complicated match, I really did not get harrassed much, which is NOT typical. FINALLY some useful criticism, I will be the first to admit that I am a noob when it comes to PVP. SWTOR is my first PVP experience. Thank you for the usuful information. Again this video was a fairly rare occurance because I am normally harassed far more, and would normally stick to pillars, staying out of LOS from most enemies.
  3. Hey everyone, I just wanted to post a video of my latest PVP match in voidstar, and take the opportunity to get and advice from fellow Bodyguard spec'd BH's. First off a little about myself, I'm level 72 valor, Full BM gear, with 2 pieces of WH. Here is my current spec that I have been using: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300dfR0RzfdkqZrcoM.1 I recently changed it, and it seems to be working fine. While I don't USUALLY top the healing charts (the video below being the exception) I am in the top 5 most games. I realize alot of people lately complaining about how heat management sucks now, while i agree that it not nearly as easy as before 1.2. I do not think its something that will make or break our class. When it comes to survivability, again i dont have an issue with this normally (granted i have over 1270 expertise, which may be extreme) . One thing i do notice in general is how much lower, in overall healing done, we are compared to OPs/Sorc's. Anyway, long story short, i would like to get some feedback on my video, things i need to improve, look over my spec and see if i need to change anything... Should i bring my expertise down to around 1100?(I heard that was the softcap.. not sure if thats true anymore) Any advice would be great!! Here is the Link to my video: (it may still be publishing to youtube at the time of this post, check back in bit if its not working yet)
  4. when i originally preordered from origin back in August, they charged the entire amount at first... and then once that amount cleared it changed to $5. I am assuming the remaining will be deducted once the 20th rolls around
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