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Posts posted by FaceShindu

  1. Keep your light sabers turned off, they will not serve you in the cold vastness of space.


    Before there ever was a lightsaber, stormtrooper, smuggler, rebel, or jedi, there was a massive Corellian cruiser bearing down on a helpless little corvette, and we were all sucked in!


    This guy should be our spokesperson. Epic quote

  2. :D let me tempt you with an idea, operations on the ground influenced by operations in space. Lets say for example you have an 8 man group dropped off by the 8 man space group in a space station or dreadnaught.


    The space teams job is to knock out shield gens and stop the waves of reinforcments, the ground teams job is to knock out power gens to stop the turrets and blow the ships up before they can launch to attack the space peeps.


    The ground team attacks the boss's on the ship and the boss's run away. they get in a ship and they go outside and the space team take them out, the loot is dropped for the ground guys on escape and the space guys get the loot on ship death.


    After final boss the space guys pick up the ground guys and escape the zone.


    Thats the way it should be. You choose your ops not only based on ground players gear but also how well their ships are equiped

  3. Yeah, this is one that keeps cropping up in these space combat threads.


    Possibly using small ships to take out a capital ship's fighter screen, then boarding it and either capturing it, or sabotaging it. If sabotage, then possibly another space part as you escape before it blows.


    That's what Starwars is meant to be about before it got all wizzardy. There was far less force use in the originals, it was all bad *** space sabotage and fighting against unreal odds

  4. And that could expand from single ship to multi ship, and if they did the ships idea it could be something like 16 small fighters or 4 frigates doing it.


    Edit, sort of like a space flashpoint or operation. Could even use the templates for the attack the stations with multiple ships attacking it and attacking the defendor ships.


    Iv always thought a combination of the 2 systems seemed obvious. Space mission e.g a boarding party leads to a ground mission. Or vise versa, Complete the ground part and escape on your ship to safety while evading the enemy.

  5. If its random bountys based on your level it would be very hard to exploit, only the people tracking the bounty being able to attack them would sort that i think.


    But if their friends then the hunter could easily let the smuggler win in order to gain max rewards for a few rounds. Then finally let the hunter win to get their mutual reward. But these are all technicalities on wishes

  6. I like that idea, for player bounties it could be tied into mutual reward, if someone is a privateer allow them to have the choice to be flagged, the longer they survive and the more attacks they repel the more cash or item rewards they get. Also could make it none faction based.


    I like that idea even more than my own. Own faction may be open to exploitation tho. Would be fun to let someone know i was coming for them. No one escapes my blaster ^^

  7. Yup i wouldnt expect that tobe the only mission type in space, like for example the space mining, the materials gained from it are used for space crafting and anything for ships no longer uses ground materials, Mining ships can attain huge quantititys of materials but can suffer from losses due to pirates and possibly other players of the enemy faction trying to raid them, due to the size of cargo holds no player ship bar another mining ship could carry as much materials as the mining ship so a miner will never loose all the materials.


    Also some kind of send companion to drop of materials at a cargo hold or space station for storage could be an option for miners.


    So beyond space mining and smuggling cargo, what other missions could be added ?


    I would really love to know if a dev is looking in at this and would let us know what they think.


    Bounty space boards! Find and eliminate X NPC who has been spotted on the fringes of X region. Destroy him before he gets a chance to send off a warning beacon. What i would really like to see it player bounty's but i know there is some opposition to this

  8. Just remembered some guy talking about this at work. EvE as im sure everyone knows is a space MMO but they are int he process of releasing a "hybrid" ground game that directly influences the space game and vise versa. Apparently it will be a console game that will be linked with the PC game EvE. Im not saying at all that SWtoR should do this..at all. But it shows you can have synergy between space and ground.


    Here's a link to the Dust page: http://www.dust514.org/

  9. Having a TIE FiGHTER type of space combat would be awsome. Space Battlegrounds 10 v 10? Players can choose between 3 or 4 different types of fighters.


    Exactly, and could do the same with flahpoints. Could even add in rounds to pvp. Space round leads to ground battle round. Then switch over like VS.


    Would rather take my own upgraded ship in tho. Makes it more interesting. And make it 8v8

  10. I agree with you about the extra ships, although I have heard reasons relating to story cutscenes as to why they don't want to bring more in.


    Not too sure about things like weapons ranges, shield rotations, etc. That may be getting a little too advanced for an MMO that combines both ground and space. I wouldn't complain personally, but I imagine some people would.


    I can see a lot of QQing about the learning curve if things get too complicated. And i can see how extra ships could be a mountain of work. Just let me hijack a some smuggler or jedi's ship, shouldnt be too hard to replace in cut scenes, or at least let me paint my D-Mantis florescent pink and yellow!

  11. But manning the guns and then just clicking "lock on" and pressing F1 once?


    That would be what it is using Eve's combat system.


    I'd prefer full control. In fact, some of the early Black Prophecy gameplay includes a small ship and using a turret on a bigger ship, check out the video



    I think manning the guns should be more like Colicoid War Games. Where it either fires automatically when you have a ship in your sights or click and shoot with diminishing returns for sustained fire.


    Perhaps they could introduce slightly larger frigates with a few maned turrets to control like Black Prophecy

  12. A 'tactical' space combat would be good for capital ship battles, but I don't think it would suit small scale ship combat, fighters, freighters, and the like.


    Yea, for capital vs capital it would be great, with players or NPC's manning the guns. Smaller ships should work more like JTL

  13. Eve combat isn't complicated, it's "tactical" instead of "action".


    But it's still as simple as clicking a target, clicking lock-on and pressing as many quickbar keys as you want weapons to attack.


    There's the whole orbiting system, range on weapons and shield management as well. Which to some extent TIE fighter had too.

    On a different note, a larger selection of ships would be good. I like my D-mantis but a few more choices would be nice.

  14. Yeah, I know I said I'd stop posting here, but I'm responding to something more on topic this time, rather than responses which once again seem to imply that I've claimed that no one would be interested in it or that it would be unprofitable.


    Eve combat (skip to about 2:05 to get to the combat).



    I'd far prefer combat like JTL than eve, and I'd see it as being closer to the combat seen in the movies (and previous games) too.


    Would agree with you. JTL is more fitting for SWtoR, EvE might be slightly too complicated. A simplified version maybe. Player/guild created space stations would be awesome as well, where the guild pays for vendors and security and the money generated goes to the guild minus some galactic tax or something.


    "Lord Vader will accompany you as Delta 6. Might I suggest you refrain from issuing in-flight orders to him, for your own safety."


    Or something like that :D


    I think the current tunnel system would be brilliant for swoop or pod racing. I mean, you should be limited in your movement to the track anyways, unlike in space where you should be able to turn whichever way you please.


    I remeber that quote, pure awesomness. This game has so far to go even if they only listen to a small percentage of our suggestions. I spent many hours on KotOR swooping and almost as much in arcades playing the pod racing game with the simulator controls. I kind of see space exploration on the same scale as flying mounts on "the other game" which totally changed the dynamics of exploration. They could even add planets with no real quest lines purly for exploration/RP/Guildhalls + ships. Could all be done, just takes time and expansions.

  16. Games to look at for inspiration:


    Elite (1984)



    Wing Commander (1990)



    Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos (2001)



    Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed (2004)




    X Series by EgoSoft (Current)




    How could you forget the Rogue Squadran series? And although unrelated EVE does space combat best, if your going to learn from anyone, learn from them.

    And im just going to throw it out there...Swoop bike racing

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