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Everything posted by Bluntron

  1. Were going to see love (maybe) when they raise the level cap. And give EVERYONE new abilities.
  2. What are you trying to say? that it doesn't matter to have over 1200 to reduce the damage?
  3. Yes I get that, but Im looking at my survival, I can do more dps the longer I am live I know that going over 1200 expertise diminishes your damage done from expertise but the damage taken still gets reduced the more expertise you have.....and since I am squishier than a wet sock, I feel like I need as much expertise as possible. Right now i have 20% damage reduced in pvp. http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pvp/bounty-hunter/mercenary/pyrotech this is the site I was looking at. Which is why I was asking. Kind of curious about the spec this guy uses too.
  4. I have a question though that I am curious about, what augments are you guys using? Aim/Endurance, Expertise/Power, or Endurance/Power? Right now I have 1390 expertise, I feel like I need to get as MUCH as possible to reduce the damage done to me despite the lack of damage increase. Pretty much just reading up some websites about pyrotech merc. So I was just wondering.
  5. The only warzone that implies "roles" I would assume is Huttball, If that is the case than merc/mando arsenal/gunnery (snipers do a better job) hold down mid, while pyrotech/assualt do a swap offensive hold mid, defensive keep the BC slowed and burn them. I guess in Voidstar, its to keep players slowed in the tunnels between doors and nodes. Otherwise nuke as usual. Any other wz its nuke as usual, with the exception of Civil war, you go out and slow/cc (as pyro/assault) during the cap process. if I am wrong then....well crap. I suck. Pretty much the only role and support we offer.
  6. I guess im a poowater pyro merc than. At best I only do 675k damage, thats usually going against a under geared team that has squishy healers, and I get left completely alone. In a leveled out team with same gear as me, I can only do about 300k to 400k damage, and that's usually being focused and pressured. I have never seen 770k to 880k from anyone on my server as a merc or mando. So either we were all doing something wrong on PoF server, or I am calling out BS to the trooper who claims to dish out the same amount of damage as jugs/guards. (You guys remember playing that game BS?) Anyways, I am starting to notice I do better not trying to kite at all when it comes to 1v1 against melee or PT/VG. Sit there take the punishment and hope you hit harder than he does. I did get into an hour argument with PT on who would win a duel, a pyro merc or a pyro PT. Even though I broke the fight down ability by ability on my side and his, he still claims I have no clue what I am talking about and I am just making up excuses. I pretty much said its illogical for a merc to duel anyone but another merc in 1v1. Its like asking someone in a mini van to race someone in a lambo.
  7. Okay what I am wondering is why/how aren't any of the jedi knights/sith warriors that you are facing not using their force slow on you? Every Jedi Knight I come across leaps, slows, master strike, and after that I am half way dead. And 90% of the time they resist my knock back, and if I shield the slow they just reslow me. I see the sins and shades having you slowed in some of the fights. Hardly though are you ever force slowed. Just curious why that is.
  8. Or I was thinking if Instant cast is too OP, than combustible gas cylinder allows you to cast power shot while moving.
  9. So do snipers get an accuracy talent? Sniper rifle over duel wielding pistols I am just wondering. I only played Merc so far.
  10. Okay after reading the first 8 pages, is it just me or is everyone who is speaking on this thread that plays a Commando/Merc only talking about only playing Arsenal/Gunnery.....Does Pyrotech/Assault not apply to the much needed changes that this class is deprived of? I have played arsenal in the beta and Pyro for the real thing, All I do is grind valor rank and ranked comms in regular WZ never ranked. As mentioned before who wants a Merc/Commando on their teams if there are other classes that do a better job. Now, in a WZ, I personally feel its all about positioning. You want to park yourself near a wall or something where people really don't notice or pay attention where your blaster fire is coming from. So normally I can melt people in a matter of seconds...Damage is never the issue. Its when the damn lightsabers start pounding my face in. So normally I would knockback (Did I tell that my only gap knockback can be resisted?) electro dart (Now its dart first [possible rocket punch] then knockback). and run behind the corner off heal, and run around again, and try to pull off the bigger heal (Cause you know a hit from someone brings me down to bout 60% hp or less) before I get leap on or interrupted (Usually never works though as the heal takes a few seconds.) The only problem with pillar hugging is eventually you will have made a semi circle and there is a certain part of pillar that you never want to be hugging (the part that is usually exposed in the open where the mesh of players are fighting, I'm thinking voidstar first door sort of thing) The moment I enter that kill zone...well the term speaks for itself, everyone jumps on me and Im down in matter of moments. Now granted "kiting" as pyro is possible, just spamming rapid shots and missile blasts whenever rail shot/thermal/explosive dart/ and a power surged powershot aren't possible, and off healing as much as possible if you can get around corners quick enough. But when you have a melee class that can keep you slowed longer than you can keep them slowed and that can't be removed (And I am suppose to be the kiter class....seem illogical to me) I can't even play the pillar hump game or kite. Now personally I like being one of the few Warlords with 1390 expertise that still play their merc so I don't want to be OP ever again and have everyone and their sister be playing my class. But I feel like I should have a fighting chance. I am not asking for 1v1 balance either, because I believe that MMOs should revolve around what it stands for, Massive Multiplayer. So that's fine if I can't beat a Mara/Sent, or a Sin/Shade, but I have ZERO fighting chance against any class that isn't the same AC as me...Let me rephrase that, the only time I HAVE a fighting chance against any class that isn't my mirror or the same AC as me is if I have WZ meds, AND WZ adrenals (with the exception of massive caster classes, cause I can poke in and out of LoS on them and burn them down with dots and instant abilities) So if I may, let me share my two cents with what I think is needed to change so I don't become the last one of my kind. Apologies if I don't mention Trooper abilities here, for I only played merc this whole time. Commando/Merc all together: - Disengage (Blast Off term for Merc and Full Retreat for Commandos) - Fly back/sprint(Slide, roll, or whatever seems cooler for troopers I suppose) 30m back firing your weapon at the target (Or to be able to do some instant ability while in the process), making you immune to pulls, snares, and charges for 4secs. 30sec -1min Cooldown. If people feel that, that would be TOO OP, than just let it be a disengage with no immunity. But with a 10sec -15sec Cooldown instead. That way, we get charged, Jet boost, we get charged again Blast Off....seems legit. - Electro Dart/Stun - 30m - Power Surge - Allows you to cast/channel an ability while moving for 10secs. 3-5min CD For Arsenal/Gunnery: -Rocket Punch - Knock back 10m 4sec root -Jet Boost - Knock back 20m 2sec root For Pyrotech/Assault: (I really only ask for 1 thing here) -Instant cast Power shot (Powertechs get an instant ability that can take 20% of my health away, and they can spam it. if I am a kiter class shouldnt I be allowed to use at least 1 decent ability that doesn't have a CD on it?) Put it in a talent some where high up in the tree so arsenal or BG can't get it. Or have it become an instant ONLY when you have combustible gas cylinder active, since PTs don't get power shot I don't see it being a problem, and Arsenal and BG use a different cylinder. Agree or Disagree how you guys see fit, but please avoid trolling, or crying.
  11. As I have mentioned in other threads. All I really ask for a Pyro Merc is to be able to kite ANY class. I don't need another ability on my quickbars, I have enough thank you. Either something that makes my already "Meh" kiting be effective like instant cast powershot....Or something buffing my slow or knockback (that can already be resisted by jedi LOL). I am not asking for 1v1 balances in a game that involves groups of people at one time. We keep asking for that we are going to get another WoW (All classes being able to do little bit of everything, thus all classes being the same just with a different paint job.) I am asking for a way to be more evasive with what I ALREADY have. We don't need more toys, we just a fix on our current toys, If they insist that we be as squishy as puddling then we need to be able to break away and be more EFFECTIVELY evasive. We DON'T need another CD to fix this, just a simple modify to our current ones. Its bad enough that the high populated servers have a "Hiccup" which is literally...killing me.
  12. Hi, My name's Mitchel Ricardo (Seriously that's my BH name) and I'm a Pyro Merc. I have been playing Pyro since EGA, and all I do is pvp. And no I don't have any other alts....Well none that are 50 anyways. Even in full WH, A shiv, force choke etc etc I will watch my HP go from from 100% to about 70%. And I feel like I am being modest here. My thermal lined up with a rail shot...probably does the same amount. In my experience, most classes if they have the same skill level as me, I usually lose. Mara/Jug no contest. A VERY good Op or scoundrel I will get ricked rolled. A decent Sin or shadow, wont win. PT/Vanguards if they know how to play I will lose. Seems like only Snipers and sorcs and same AC classes are the only ones I have a fighting chance against. Now I am not asking to be able to 1v1 everything, if everyone gets little bit of everything than you have another WoW and all the classes are the same just with a different label. BUT I would like to be able to break away from someone jumping on me, I.E in huttball go for the sprint boost and nab the Medpec, or create enough distance to run behind something and spam a few heals onto myself, something. Granted normally I just spam rapid shots and use all my instant abilities to kite as much as possible, but it only seems to affect non jedi classes, My biggest problem I would say is that my knockback can be resisted...what its not bad enough that I cant remove a jedi's slow and they consistently close the gap between him and I? So, either allow me to use Powershot while kiting or buff my knockback or slow affect to a kiteable level and I will be as giddy as a 5 year old on Christmas morning. and I will /signed the original post on this thread. I thought they were some amazing ideas.
  13. You and me both man Im having anxiety attacks from the wait.
  14. Code Redeemed on Oct 2nd...Still no inv. Anyone else from Oct 2nd+ get theirs yet?
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