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  1. Thank you for the insight. I like deception personally and it is what I am familiar with I am just ready to actually have voltaic slash.
  2. I was just wanting some input on which is best spec for DPS I am currently only lvl 34 and I have been deception from the start. I read alot about madness being good and just wanted some opinions on this subject. Which tops out better for DPS, should I just stay deception until 50? I just don't know which would be better. Thanks for your help ahead of time.
  3. With this as far as the romance and just early on is Vette a real pain or is it manageable?
  4. I'm on Kaiburr Crystal. Thanks for the help. I'm just torn between them. I like the sith ship better but my main is an inquisitor so because of that I'm leaning more towards JK just for something new. I like Imperial though. Anyway thanks again for the help.
  5. I'm trying to decide which one is better as far as story, companions, and romance options. I just can't decide which one to go with. I have characters on both sides. Any help is appreciated in advance.
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