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Posts posted by Kovaos

  1. I thought there used to be a technical help forum page but I can't find it :p


    I have an i7 920, GTX 580, and 6GB of RAM. I feel like I should be able to run smoothly on decent settings, but my fps in WZs is really bad. I can turn the graphics settings to Low and Very Low, but that game just doesn't look well and it's disheartening to play at those settings.


    Any suggestions that might help my experience?

  2. I like Megalag.


    Also how about Lagpocalypse or even Lagzilla?


    Amazing how this game will be remembered for the stupid amounts of lag. Assuming technology is much better when my kids are grown up I imagine I will tell my children stories like, "Son, back in my day we had to play games like Swtor. Now THAT was lag. "

  3. qq


    Sorry you're too poor to afford a few stacks of grenades for 20k every now and then. :rolleyes:


    That's not the principle of his point. Reading comprehension is at an all time low these days...


    It's the additional CC grenades cause.

  4. Here is what it comes down to: Good players beat bad players




    So when you lose to a premade that qualifies you as a bad player? Don't be so hard on yourself brony.

  5. Those are just ticks of the h.o.t from Kolto Bomb, right? I've heard their big heals go for 42k minimum


    I've seen kolto bombs so big it healed the entire team AND the other team for the remainder of everyone's health. Subsequently the WZ ended at the same time. It was wild.

  6. Im not depending on anyone to go pvp. im not like you premade runners that have to hold hands in pvp. I can fight alone and im damn good at it. I dont need nay healer next to me to survive or tanks nor dps to back me up. You premades are like bunch of sheep in a herd.


    TBH it's more fun to play as a team and roflstomp noobs. Premades don't ruin PvP, but they make it less fun for those solo queueing.


    The main issue I see with both sides of the argument is each wants the chances of a higher winning %, and not concerned about the integrity of the game.

  7. :confused: Wait, what topic are we talking about?


    As funny as that was .... all these posts and threads about a solo queue and premades ruining solo queues.


    You guys are littering these threads with senseless and useless opinions. Neither side convinces the other. Move on and post something productive.

  8. Is ESO going to have it? I'm not sure "Open world" really matters to me too much, but just larger scale would work. I get the feeling that might be out as well.


    Supposedly. I just don't see myself sticking around with this game. I love the star wars lore but I'm all about pvp. I'm tired of the stuns, healing bs, and crappy game engine. By next spring I'll be ready to move on.

  9. Sorry, but without expertise you're useless against someone with expertise.


    That's how you survive. Then you ask yourself, "How do I kill someone?" Well, good sir, the answer is you need expertise gear.


    So to survive you will need expertise gear. To kill someone you will need expertise gear.



    There may be a counter argument to every argument but that doesn't mean the counter argument really countered the argument. In a sense, there's not a counter argument to every argument.




    I'm loving this spoiler stuff!


    How do you disprove this? Just because a counter argument didn't disprove the original argument doesn't mean it's still not a counter argument.


    This topic is WILDLY SUBJECTIVE. There is no right or wrong. <<<<hence, this subject is exhausted and quite frankly....boring.

  11. We don't need practice or preparation.


    Well I look forward to seeing how your event turns out. I hope it's successful. Please stream and post in the forums after. I always wonder what the devs think when they see how horrendous the lag becomes.

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