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Posts posted by Veriu

  1. It is no longer viable since you can't use your speeder in BP anymore. Also, I've heard they've nerfed the amount of credits dropping from chests in there.


    If you are a class with good AoE, then it's still very viable.


    Don't skip mobs, pull every mob to a boss & just AoE everything down. Then pull everything else to the next boss and AoE everything down again.


    On my sorc, a run takes about 20 min and I earn 60-75k a run depending on what drops (and that's before putting anything up on the GTN).


    I make around 200k an hour....I've timed it many times.

  2. That is the only ship your Knight will get. You have to keep upgrading it. If you want a different ship, roll a non-Jedi class. The Knight and Consular share a ship just like the Smuggler and Trooper share a ship.


    wait what?


    Trooper and smuggler do not share a ship.....


    Trooper ship: http://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/trooper

    BT-7 Thunderclap

    The BT-7 Thunderclap is the Republic’s largest and most elite rapid assault ship—streamlined for fast deployment in combat situations. Upgrades requested by Republic Special Forces ensure reliable performance and durability: state-of-the-art armor plating and heavy lasercannons provide exceptional combat capability, modular shield systems protect the Thunderclap from enemy fire...


    Smuggler ship: http://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/smuggler

    XS Freighter

    The classic Freighter has advanced by leaps and bounds since the Dynamic class Freighters from the days of the Jedi Civil War. The freighter is larger and more versatile than its predecessors, and the XS Freighter Light model also features a variety of significant upgrades that make it one of the fastest and most nimble ships in the galaxy.

  3. You left your starter world at lvl 14????


    Is that even possible? I do every quest, every bonus quest, and the heroic missions and will end up like lvl 11...and I've done that on like 7 characters so far.


    Though, they did recently change the way bonus missions reward xp. They used to reward XP based on what lvl you are, regardless of what lvl the quest they are attached to is. So, at lvl 49 if you did Black Talon/Essles normal the bonus missions in the flashpoint would reward you with the same XP as a lvl 49 bonus mission on Correllia (this also worked for the bonus missions in space combat). I actually hit 50 on my first character while helping some guildies in a normal Boarding Party run, due to the XP from bonus missions.


    It does not work that way anymore, so I suppose there is some reduction in XP gain...but I don't see how that could get you to lvl 14 on a starter world.

  4. I think it is odd that nobody noticed this...But not all other classes even have a lvl 46 ability that could have been taken away....


    IA/SM never had an ability they trained at lvl 46. http://www.torhead.com/abilities/class/4/level/1-50

    See, nothing at lvl 46.


    BH/Trooper base class doesn't learn anything at lvl 46 either: http://www.torhead.com/abilities/class/3/level/1-50

    Powertech/vanguard learns their aoe stun, and merc/commando learns a cd...but base class learns nothing.


    SW/JK gets viscous throw, so it used to be 1/2 of base classes learned something at lvl 46. Now it is 1/4 of base classes learn something at lvl 46. So the title of this thread is really odd.


    Besides the fact that no other class had/has any ability that affects their companion (besides heals, buffs, and heroic moment that all classes have). Unity/sacrifice were the oddity, them being removed makes the classes more consistent, it doesn't not remove consistency.


    Also, just a point for the OP: Sages/sorcs DO have a zero resource costing skill that scales off of their primary stat. Your primary stat increases all damage dealt, even your lightsaber attacks you learn pre-lvl 10. And while I know some people hate it when SWTOR is compared to any other game, in most RPG's mages/wizards/etc don't have a ranged auto-attack skill....and they don't have one in SWTOR either.

  5. Are you sure this is not a display bug and not an actual decrease in stats? While it is entirely possible it is the later, the fact that it corrects when you re-equip the items is often a symptom of a display bug, not an actual decrease in stats.


    Have you tried doing an interface reset (CTRL-U twice) and seeing if the stats update or done some objective tests to see if the companion is dying quicker or doing less damage? By objective, I mean actual number comparisons (of damage and health lost in a battle), not just "it seems like it is so."


    I am not saying it is not an actual stat problem, but there are known interface bugs which result in a similar display problems and cures without actually affecting the stats.


    I checked, and ctrl-u does NOT fix this.


    As for objective comparisons, yup. I did that a few nights ago. The total damage taken by SCORPIO needed to kill her is in fact the max HP shown...This is not a display bug.

  6. It isn't just their hit points, it is all stats on those items.


    Defense, shield, absorb, crit, alacrity, power, aim/cunning/strength/willpower...none of them are recognized unless you de-equip and then re-equip the pieces. It is very very annoying.


    Though, at least on SCORPIO it only affects the implants & earpiece...the droid equipment that goes where the bracer should go is counted, though at lvl 47 that is still enough to drop her down a good 3k hp, & 4-5% shield/absorb.

  7. About Kaliyo, I think those combat lines refer to herself not the player :p




    The first conversation goes something like:

    Kaliyo "I've been meaning to ask you, where did you learn to shoot like you do?"

    My response "It was part of my training at imperial intelligence"

    Kaliyo says something about how one shot one kill, and asks how I do it.

    My response "It's called aiming, you stop firing for a second, and actually look down the sights."

    Kaliyo "I guess, but I like getting off more than one shot a minute"


    Not word for word at all, as that conversation is like the 1st or 2nd companion quest...and my IA is now lvl 47 and Kaliyo's affection is at like 9000. But she is definitely not referring to herself as the one that does the "one shot, one kill".

  8. can some one tell me what there favorite part of IA story is? no major spoilers


    end of act 1 is my favorite so far (currently almost done with voss, so dont know about corellia or the end yet).


    personally, I thought chapter 1 of IA was pretty good....chapter 2 started out ok, but went really dumb after Taris. The people that say that IA is like bond in space, umm...no, no it really isn't. Chapter 1 is like bond in outer space, Chapter 2 is like an insane asylum in space.


    Personally I liked Dark side SI the best.

  9. Operative here: For me Kailyo commented on "one shot, one kill" and "placing the shot where it counts", but didn't actually use the word sniper.


    huh...so at least kaliyo was written assuming the IA would be a sniper, as an Operative isn't really that much for "one shot, one kill"...they're more either "one stab, one kill" or "be a heal bot"

  10. I went scoundrel, sniper and I didn't regret it at all....


    Gunslinger dual wields...which means you need MUCH MUCH more accuracy than a sniper (off hand attacks have like -30% accuracy modifier).


    As for the IA story line supposedly made for a stealther...umm..how/where did that happen? Granted, my sniper is just finishing Belsavis...so maybe it happens on Voss or Corellia, but at least so far there has been nothing that felt "wrong" because I didn't have stealth.


    Yes, if I had stealth I could stealth past patrols in phases and do the "nobody saw me coming" thing....and as I sniper I just killed everything in phases and did the "nobody reported me coming" thing. I never felt like my character was lying when she said something like "I can get in anywhere".


    Oh, and just so you know, I'm pretty sure there are actually different dialog options for different AC's....if not, then Operative has really bad dialog with Kaliyo about how they actually aim before they shoot, Kaliyo even called me a Sniper a few times during companion quests.

  11. Was just wondering which fps relic would be best. They have 3 different types of damage. Most people told me the internal one but I wanted to get more opinions.


    what is a "fps relic"...is that a first person shooter relic? If it is, I have no idea what that is...


    if you are asking about the proc relics that come from fabricator. If I remember right, there's internal, elemental, and kinetic damage ones.


    Assuming they all did the same damage (which I'm vaguely certain they don't), then the kinetic would suck & the internal and elemental ones would be tied.


    Kinetic/energy damage is reduced by armor, internal & elemental is not.


    I don't remember which one is better (I'm a tank, not DPS). But I'd say it's the elemental or internal, which ever one has the higher damage on the proc.


    Two caveats:

    1) I seem to remember the elemental one is fire damage, and if you are a BH talents that buff fire damage affect it's proc...at least I think I remember reading that somewhere. The same could be true of other classes that buff elemental or internal damage.


    2) If the Kinetic one is more damage on the tooltip, it may end up being more damage than the other two if you are attacking a target with low armor (or armor that has been reduced). This may, repeat may, end up putting the kinetic one at a higher DPS boost if you have enough snipers (20% per)/mercs (20% per)/jugs (20% per) in your raid....so if you have 5 of those classes and they don't suck and keep their debuffs on 100% of the time, your target has zero armor which would probably put the kinetic one as best.

  12. It's a quest...what did you want your character to do?


    Bioware added story, they didn't radically change everything. You are still completing quests, but you have a reason for WHY you are doing it.


    For example, in <insert name of other MMO here>, you get a quest to kill 10 NPCs. There's probably a paragraph of text, that virtually no one reads.


    In SWOtR, you still have the quest to kill 10 NPCs, but you know that the NPCs are members of some terrorist organization that is trying to destroy your civilization by cornering the market on tapioca pudding. And therefore, if the voice acting/story tellling/cinematics were done well, you become emotionally invested in stopping the evil tapioca terrorists.


    The reason "why" is all that was added, and Bioware never claimed anything different.


    OP: I haven't completed the Jedi Knight story, but I've heard it was supposed to be one of the best. IA is also supposed to be the best...though I doubt they are similar. I've done the BH, SI, & Smuggler quests, and my IA is almost done with Hoth. I'd say the SI was the best, then IA then Smuggler, then BH.

  13. So, here's what you don't understand about how this game works OP.


    Unlike many other games, the type of attack does NOT determine how much damage it deals against certain defenses.


    Every damaging ability has both an attack type AND a damage type. For example, Force Lightning is a force attack and deals energy damage. Affliction on the other hand is a Force attack that deals internal damage.


    There are four different types of attacks: Force, Tech, Ranged, Melee.


    Ranged & melee attacks can be shielded, parried, dodged, or deflected.

    Force & Tech attacks can be resisted.


    If an attack type is resisted, parried, dodged, or deflected it deals zero damage and you get the message "Resist" or "Parry" or whatever.


    If an attack hits, then how much damage it deals is based on the damage reduction of the target.


    There are four types of damage: Energy, Kinetic, Internal, and Elemental. (weapon damage is shorthand for "does whatever type of damage your weapon does")


    Energy & Kinetic Damage types are reduced by armor.

    Internal & Elemental Damage types are not reduced by armor.


    So, Double strike deals weapon damage, with a lightsaber that is energy damage.

    Force lightning deals energy damage.


    Therefore, they are both reduced by the exact same percentage.....there is no bonus to melee attacks for certain targets, that is not the way this game works.


    You probably got that idea from noticing that some of the force abilities on your Sith Warrior are not reduced by as much as your weapon attacks against targets with high armor. That is because some force attacks deal internal or elemental damage and ignore armor, it is not because some targets are weak to force or weak to melee.

  14. Alt preference: When I look at these abilities and think of who I should roll next I can' help but think one thing: Empire. I see no reason to roll republic. The abilities are cool, powerful, and useful. I see no reason to run republic til the very end. So what happens when half of my faction is rolling empire for a heroic ability? I end up with 3/4 empire. Know what happens then? My faction stops playing because no one is on. I am already plagued with planets with only a handful of players and I have a feeling that it is going to be like that just because of little things like this.


    While I agree with the rest of your post...this is just really not true. While it is true that the Empire abilities are flashier, they are not as useful.


    Heroic moments are either 20 min, or 15 min long cooldowns...unless you are very odd, you are using them on bosses only.


    So, during a boss fight (while solo) what is going to help me survive the fight more...standing there screwing up my entire rotation & possibly regen by using force storm, or stunning the boss for a few seconds?


    Groin kick is the best ability on the list for helping you take down a tough boss...though it is less useful for ranged classes.

  15. Possibly SI spoilers, so going to tag it just in case.


    The Sith Inquisitor is a transparent series of fetch quests for the first 32(ish) levels. All of your attempts to be Sith Scholar-y and seduce people with the dark side fail horribly on any semi-noteworthy character (whereas the brutish Sith Warrior succeeds countless times). Your big plan to gain power turns out to be horrible, and you spend planets running around cleaning up your own mess, and your first two big UNLIMITED POWER moments flop, and the dude just runs off. I felt like someone who never got anything done, and was kind of incompetent at the whole Sith thing (unless of course, the whole idea was that you sucked because SLAVE, in which case, free pass).



    It does, however, have a very good ending. I was thoroughly entranced for all of Corellia.


    I personally think both sides of Bounty Hunter make sense (although your companions will be difficult if you are dark side), but you kind of have to view Light Side as more warrior-y Mandalorian 'honorable' rather than 'good guy.' I haven't done Corellia yet, but everything prior to that makes sense to me, and I am a predominately LS BH.



    You aren't scholarly, your first master is. She sends you on fetch quests...you basically have no idea what is going on till the end of Act 1. And yes...act 1 is not as good as the other ones....


    Act 2, is all about gaining UNLIMITED POWER. You get power on every planet, every planet is all about gaining power. Yes, you fail against the big bad guy twice...and each time you go out to gain more even power so that next time you .


    You failed at seducing people with the dark side? I force persuaded Ashara into killing prisoners...and then another force persuade option later on to gain her as a companion. Being able to force persuade a companion = awesome btw....


    Act 3 Voss & Belsavis are about cleaning up your own mess, and they are slower than Act 2....but the end of Voss Dark Side is another Unlimited Power moment. You're trying to clean up the mess, you come to the last guy and just say "Screw it, I'm going to make an even bigger mess!!"



    As for series of fetch quests....you mean like being sent out to get a bunch of bounties?

  16. Bounty Hunter is my favorite Empire story. It's hard to say which is actually the BEST one is though, because it really depends on where you're at on each. IA is pretty boring on Taris for instance, while both BH and SW have cool storylines there. Only the Inquisitor really gets left in the dust.


    What???? I thought the SI story was the best...UNLIMITED POWER!!! Act 2 was just completely and totally BAD*****!!!! Act 1 was kinda lack luster, act 2 was the best plot of any class story I've seen so far (played BH, SI, Trooper, Smuggler & working on IA atm). Act 3 was kinda a let down in the beginning, but it picks back up on Corellia, and the SI ending was the best ending of any. The story completely fulfills any fantasy you have of yelling UNLIMITED POWER multiple times throughout the story.


    BH is really really bad if you go light side. It's ok through Act 1 & Act 2...but light side Act 3 makes little to no sense, your character is running around killing people...but you are light sided, and there is no motive (yes, something happens...but it does not provide a meaningful reason for a light sided person to go running around assassinating people throughout the galaxy). Throughout Act 1 & 2 there's the "do you kill the mark, or capture them" light/dark choice, in Act 3 you just run around killing people, and get light side points for it. It makes no sense, and I've never talked to a single person who played a Light Side BH who didn't think the story sucked past Act 2.

  17. EDIT: I was wrong it is force storm... this doesn't make any sense... guess we will see assassins running around with force storm... so what was wrong with just giving them lightning? this makes zero sense.... why don't you just get rid of republic? Tired of throwing dirt, lame stories, and general bad outfit designs.


    yes, we'll see assassins running around with force storm for 1 minute every 20 minutes, outside of warzones, operations, and not grouped with more than 2 other people who are in range.


    Maybe it's just me...but I fail to see how that is an issue at all...


    Vanguards who have the Smuggler legacy will have 3 separate stuns that can't break early due to damage....is that also some huge problem? Personally, I think the addition of another stun is more useful.

  18. Because you have better cooldowns and 10-15% more defense than he does...

    PT's are pure damage reduction and shielding. We have very little defense to speak of (a properly rakata geared PT will have 12-13%) and our cooldowns are rather lackluster (energy shield 25% less damage for 12s/2min... kolto overload isnt worth mentioning)


    Energy shield is actually 15 seconds/2min if you are properly geared.

    Oil slick is 20% accuracy for 18 seconds/1min.

    Kolto overload isn't amazing by any means...but it is still worth using on cd.


    While yes, the Jug cd's are more powerful, they have MUCH longer cooldowns...so, if there is a burst damage phase from a boss that is very very rare, the Jug will win.


    But, if the burst damage phase is often, or if there is no burst damage phase, so the tank can rotate through their cooldowns, the powertech will come out ahead.

  19. Ok, so here's the deal. I'm one of two main tanks for my guild, I am a Sith Juggernaut with four pieces of Rakata(belt, bracers, boots, pants) and the rest columni, and the other MT is a Powertech with full Columni and no Rakata. Why then, does he have more armor and damage mitigation than me? Clearly this needs some re-balancing. Is this currently in the works or is it one of those "we'll look into it" type of deals?


    -Kodutta, 50 Juggernaut

    Colonel Tobin server


    It is intended, there are three types of tanks, they all have different strengths and weaknesses...


    As simply as I can put this: The strength of Powertech is high armor & mid-high shield/absorb. Your strength is higher defense chance, and assassins strength is higher shield/absorb + self healing/max health.


    If you are looking for more indepth analysis, take a look at some of the theorycrafting sites...but basically, in completely ideal circumstances & with optimal spec/gear/rotation all three tanks are extremely close together in survivability. That is not to say that they are all the same difficulty, or that a fight not being ideal affects a Powertech the same way as it affects an Assassin or a Jug (i.e. if the boss is using only tech or force attacks, Powertech will take the most damage, then Jug, then Assassin.)

  20. Sith Inquisitor was always the most popular class, all the way back in Beta SI's were almost 20% of the population (I don't mean SI's & JC's together, I mean JUST SI's were like 18+% in most polls.)


    IA, SM were always either the least popular, or I think it was BH...maybe it was trooper... (those three classes would all be somewhere around 8-10%). Anyway, it was either BH or Trooper, one was really low and the other was near the top, I can't remember which one is popular and which isn't.

  21. I mean DPS it is just damage per second.

    DD means damage dealer.

    I wonder why dps is used instead of dd at the forum.


    If I remember correctly, it is an American slang term.


    I could be wrong, but I think I heard from somewhere that in Europe the DPS role is called DD for damage dealer.


    As I think there's more players in American than in other areas of the world, American slang is going to be seen more often.

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