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Everything posted by Darkelfkiller

  1. Last time I played it was pay to play a month or so before transition. What have I missed? Also, any guilds recruiting? I'd like to possibly jump back into raiding if the opportunity was there. I have 2 level 50 characters *Merc and Marauder* but, was considering leveling another to get the story experience again. And yes, I can heal if any guild wants to help me get back into the game >.>
  2. Last time I played it was pay to play a month or so before transition. What have I missed? Also, any guilds recruiting? I'd like to possibly jump back into raiding if the opportunity was there. I have 2 level 50 characters *BH and Marauder* but, was considering leveling another to get the story experience again. And yes, I can heal if any guild wants to help me get back into the game >.>
  3. Could have done without the childish point at the end, but thanks nonetheless.
  4. It'd be nice. Because I know if my server won't either be an origin or destination realm I'm not re-subbing. It's a rather pressing issue because my sub re-news on the 20th if I allow it. Server: Mask of Nhilus
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