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10 Good

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    Professional engineer
  1. Maybe this was alreay said on other posts, but I did not read all of them, as there are too many... I wanted to say that I did not really see impacts of me being bad (or good) in the game (light/dark side). On the same point of view, as a Sith, I get to the dark council at the end. Yet, I dont see any impact from this on the game : as an example the npc Siths talk to me the same way, while they should have the utmost respect for me and they should fear me (as another example, a member of the dark council would instantly kill Darth Synar if she spoke to him like she does to me when I take and return the daly quest, so she should change the way she talks to me as I am a member of the dark council). Again on the same point of view, my companions use the same lines to talk to me when I right-click on them, even when they reach 10k affection... Why the heck is Khem Val so disrespectfull (he still talks to me like I am a crappy ''little sith'') even after I had that cool ceremony scene where he says I am really hot and powerfull during story line... The generic things the companions say when you right click on them should change with affection. And as I am maried wieh Azshara, I think she should talk to me like my wife when I right-click on her. As a story-driven mmo, well, the story should really be more important and my actions and status should really have an impact...
  2. And I did not really see impacts of me being bad (or good) in the game. On the same point of view, as a Sith, I get to the dark council at the end. Yet, I dont see any impact from this on the game : the npc Siths talk to me the same way, while they should have the utmost respect for me and they should fear me (a member of the dark council would instantly kill Darth Synar if she spoke to him like she does to me, so she should change the way she talks to me as a member of the dark council) Again on the same point of view, my comanions use the same lines to talk to me, even when they reach 10k affection... Why the heck is Khem Val so disrespectfull (he still talks to me like I am a crappy ''little sith'') even after I had that cool ceremony scene where he says I am really hot and powerfull during story line... The generic things the companions say when you right click on them should change with affection. As a story-driven mmo, well, the story should really be more important and my actions and status should really have an impact... Maybe this was alreay said on other posts, but I did not read all of them, as there are too many...
  3. It would be awesome to have night/day cycles, and weather too... It does help immersion so much. Make it different cycles for different planets... it would be awesome. And it would not prevent people to experience the art of say, Korriban with the sun and the Academy... I think it's a big mistake not to have day/night cicles (imagine Korriban academy at night, would be awesome imo). Also, you have a quest npc saying that Tatooine is more dangerous at night. Could I experience the dangerous Tatooine at night too please? It's in the quest story, but you do not see the night .
  4. Oui, les macros sont très utiles selon moi. On ne peut pas justifier le fait de ne pas en avoir en disant que certaines personnes vont les utiliser d'une mauvaise façon (ou pour faire des bots). Pour optimiser un personnage, entre autres dans un contenu ''end game'' comme les raids, les macros sont indispensables.
  5. I totally agree with the original post. Hard and nightmare ops are too easy. We need more fight mechanics, and harder ones. Fights are too simple, just adding hp and dmg to bosses is not enough, it's far from being enough actually. Bring us epic fights please. It's Star Wars universe, sky is the limit...
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