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Everything posted by chiefers

  1. An update: I've decided to level a Powertech. (still not sure if it was a good idea) I'm currently level 31. I'd still like to hear more opinions on the Tank vs Healer especially from folks on the Bastion Server. Also if you say tank or healer tell me which advance class you would recommend. I love leveling so starting a new character is no problem for me.
  2. So basically I am returning to SWToR to raid. Before I left SWToR I had leveled a Sorc and OP to 50. I'm a Healer at heart so that's what i'll be focusing on. So my question is, would it be dumb to level the Sorc as my main? I've heard Sorc's are one of the most popular Advanced Classes. I just don't want to be turned away because the raid is already saturated with Sorc's. Or should I throw a curve ball and level a Tank? Basically i'm one of those players that's really impatient and doesn't like waiting for groups. Advice would be great
  3. Sorry for the late replies, sleep was calling my name. Thx for all the tips everyone. I'll check out these xp boosts!
  4. So, I quit SW:ToR back in like March. My friends were extremely sour about the game that the sour kinda rubbed off on me. So I quit with them back in March. I have a lvl 50 Operative and 50 Marauder. Both classes and Factions I was "Forced into" if i wanted to play with my friends. So my question is, what motivates you guys to level? Since my friends are no longer playing I feel like I have the freedom to level what I please, which would be a Chiss Consular. It just seems like every time I log into my new character my stomach just turns over with the daunting reality of the leveling to come. TL : DR Tips to get motivated to level a new character for a fresh start in SW:ToR.
  5. Ok, so I can't find any information on this. I had no idea what the legacy system was. So I put in an incredibly stupid name just to get it out of my face. Now knowing that it's a title that I could have put something clever in I'm severely disappointed in the name I choose. So my question is, can I level a second character and get a new Legacy Name? Or if I delete the character with the Legacy Name I don't like will that free up space for a new Legacy Name?
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